help: ->{s_('When enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces.')}
title: ->{s_('DatadogIntegration|Service')},
placeholder: 'gitlab-ci',
help: ->{s_('DatadogIntegration|Tag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments.')}
title: ->{s_('DatadogIntegration|Environment')},
placeholder: 'ci',
help: ->do
s_('DatadogIntegration|For self-managed deployments, set the %{codeOpen}env%{codeClose} tag for all the data sent to Datadog. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}')
s_('DatadogIntegration|Custom tags in Datadog. Enter one tag per line in the %{codeOpen}key:value%{codeClose} format. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}')
help: s_('When enabled, job logs are collected by Datadog and displayed along with pipeline execution traces.'),
required: false
type: 'text',
name: 'datadog_service',
title: s_('DatadogIntegration|Service'),
placeholder: 'gitlab-ci',
help: s_('DatadogIntegration|Tag all data from this GitLab instance in Datadog. Useful when managing several self-managed deployments.')
type: 'text',
name: 'datadog_env',
title: s_('DatadogIntegration|Environment'),
placeholder: 'ci',
help: ERB::Util.html_escape(
s_('DatadogIntegration|For self-managed deployments, set the %{codeOpen}env%{codeClose} tag for all the data sent to Datadog. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}')
s_('DatadogIntegration|Custom tags in Datadog. Enter one tag per line in the %{codeOpen}key:value%{codeClose} format. %{linkOpen}How do I use tags?%{linkClose}')