@@ -200,6 +200,10 @@ Examples of merge requests adding new abilities to custom roles:
You should make sure a new custom roles ability is under a feature flag.
### Privilege escalation consideration
A base role typically has permissions that allow creation or management of artifacts corresponding to the base role when interacting with that artifact. For example, when a `Developer` creates an access token for a project, it is created with `Developer` access encoded into that credential. It is important to keep in mind that as new custom permissions are created, there might be a risk of elevated privileges when interacting with GitLab artifacts, and appropriate safeguards or base role checks should be added.
### Consuming seats
If a new user with a role `Guest` is added to a member role that includes enablement of an ability that is **not** in the `CUSTOMIZABLE_PERMISSIONS_EXEMPT_FROM_CONSUMING_SEAT` array, a seat is consumed. We simply want to make sure we are charging Ultimate customers for guest users, who have "elevated" abilities. This only applies to billable users on SaaS (billable users that are counted towards namespace subscription). More details about this topic can be found in [this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/390269).