If no capacity is passed to `make` when creating a new slice, `append`
will continuously resize the slice's backing array if it cannot hold
the values. Providing the capacity ensures that allocations are kept
to a minimum. It is recommended that the [`prealloc`](https://github.com/alexkohler/prealloc)
golanci-lint rule automatically check for this.
### Analyzer Tests
### Analyzer Tests
The conventional Secure [analyzer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/) has a [`convert` function](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/command/-/blob/main/convert.go#L15-17) that converts SAST/DAST scanner reports into [GitLab Security Reports](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/security-report-schemas). When writing tests for the `convert` function, we should make use of [test fixtures](https://dave.cheney.net/2016/05/10/test-fixtures-in-go) using a `testdata` directory at the root of the analyzer's repository. The `testdata` directory should contain two subdirectories: `expect` and `reports`. The `reports` directory should contain sample SAST/DAST scanner reports which are passed into the `convert` function during the test setup. The `expect` directory should contain the expected GitLab Security Report that the `convert` returns. See Secret Detection for an [example](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/secrets/-/blob/160424589ef1eed7b91b59484e019095bc7233bd/convert_test.go#L13-66).
The conventional Secure [analyzer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/) has a [`convert` function](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/command/-/blob/main/convert.go#L15-17) that converts SAST/DAST scanner reports into [GitLab Security Reports](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/security-report-schemas). When writing tests for the `convert` function, we should make use of [test fixtures](https://dave.cheney.net/2016/05/10/test-fixtures-in-go) using a `testdata` directory at the root of the analyzer's repository. The `testdata` directory should contain two subdirectories: `expect` and `reports`. The `reports` directory should contain sample SAST/DAST scanner reports which are passed into the `convert` function during the test setup. The `expect` directory should contain the expected GitLab Security Report that the `convert` returns. See Secret Detection for an [example](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/secrets/-/blob/160424589ef1eed7b91b59484e019095bc7233bd/convert_test.go#L13-66).