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  • Mark Florian's avatar
    chore(deps): update dependency @gitlab/eslint-plugin to v9 · adea5ac1
    Mark Florian authored
    This change does not fix the various chart types, as they are more
    complicated, and their test coverage isn't sufficient to be confident
    about changing them. They can be fixed later.
    Also, there's a bug in the interaction between our GlPopover wrapper
    component and the underlying BPopover component: naively replacing
    `slot="title"` syntax with `#title` breaks title rendering. To work
    around this, we need to only set up the title slot in GlPopover if the
    consumer of GlPopover is passing that slot. We do this by iterating over
    `$scopedSlots`/`$slots`, rather than statically declaring it. The same
    fix could be achieved with something like:
        <template v-if="'title' in $slots" #title>
    But the iteration approach is more future-proof.