Passed Started
Jose Ivan Vargas
1Running with gitlab-runner 17.4.0~pre.110.g27400594 (27400594)2 on blue-6.private.runners-manager.gitlab.com/gitlab.com/gitlab-org mKJTFBei, system ID: s_90a66139ec063 feature flags: FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD:true4Resolving secrets6Using Docker executor with image node:22.11.0-bookworm ...7Pulling docker image node:22.11.0-bookworm ...8Using docker image sha256:4424cf09130c419aafde9798c3ac35e0a906a2b173c482319e2bac9c0ca42b90 for node:22.11.0-bookworm with digest node@sha256:ec878c763e9fad09d22aae86e2edcb7a05b397dfe8411c16e2b90158d595e2ce ...10Running on runner-mkjtfbei-project-7071551-concurrent-0 via runner-mkjtfbei-private-1733407666-77a89cab...12Fetching changes...13Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/.git/14Created fresh repository.15Checking out 1f0de635 as detached HEAD (ref is main)...16Skipping Git submodules setup17$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"19Checking cache for node_modules-56c9c91aefaa7ea66c630c7b007d7e6f32c25a32-2...20Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/7071551/node_modules-56c9c91aefaa7ea66c630c7b007d7e6f32c25a32-2 ETag="42c91ba18a1d9f89903228c6c047cf4c"21Successfully extracted cache23Using docker image sha256:4424cf09130c419aafde9798c3ac35e0a906a2b173c482319e2bac9c0ca42b90 for node:22.11.0-bookworm with digest node@sha256:ec878c763e9fad09d22aae86e2edcb7a05b397dfe8411c16e2b90158d595e2ce ...24$ apt-get update25Get:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm InRelease [151 kB]26Get:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]27Get:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]28Get:4 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages [8789 kB]29Get:5 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates/main amd64 Packages [2712 B]30Get:6 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [206 kB]31Fetched 9252 kB in 2s (6037 kB/s)32Reading package lists...33$ apt-get install -y make34Reading package lists...35Building dependency tree...36Reading state information...37make is already the newest version (4.3-4.1).380 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.39$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile40yarn install v1.22.2241[1/4] Resolving packages...42warning Resolution field "jackspeak@2.1.1" is incompatible with requested version "jackspeak@^3.1.2"43[2/4] Fetching packages...44warning @zip.js/zip.js@2.7.52: The engine "deno" appears to be invalid.45warning @zip.js/zip.js@2.7.52: The engine "bun" appears to be invalid.46[3/4] Linking dependencies...47warning "@gitlab/eslint-plugin > @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@7.16.1" has unmet peer dependency "@typescript-eslint/parser@^7.0.0".48warning "@gitlab/eslint-plugin > @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin > ts-api-utils@1.3.0" has unmet peer dependency "typescript@>=4.2.0".49warning " > @gitlab/stylelint-config@6.2.2" has incorrect peer dependency "postcss@^8.4.33".50warning "@gitlab/stylelint-config > postcss-scss@4.0.9" has incorrect peer dependency "postcss@^8.4.29".51warning "@storybook/builder-webpack5 > fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin@8.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "typescript@>3.6.0".52warning " > @storybook/vue@7.6.17" has unmet peer dependency "css-loader@*".53warning " > @storybook/vue-webpack5@7.6.17" has unmet peer dependency "css-loader@*".54warning "@storybook/vue-webpack5 > @storybook/preset-vue-webpack@7.6.17" has unmet peer dependency "css-loader@*".55warning "@storybook/vue-webpack5 > @storybook/preset-vue-webpack > ts-loader@9.4.2" has unmet peer dependency "typescript@*".56warning " > @storybook/vue3@7.6.20" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^3.0.0".57warning " > @storybook/vue3-webpack5@7.6.20" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^3.0.0".58warning "@storybook/vue3-webpack5 > @storybook/preset-vue3-webpack@7.6.20" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^3.0.0".59warning " > @vue/compat@3.2.40" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@3.2.40".60warning " > @vue/test-utils-vue3@2.2.0" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^3.0.1".61warning " > @vue/vue3-jest@29.1.1" has incorrect peer dependency "vue@^3.0.0-0".62warning " > cypress-axe@1.4.0" has incorrect peer dependency "cypress@^10 || ^11 || ^12".63warning " > eslint-import-resolver-jest@3.0.2" has unmet peer dependency "eslint-plugin-import@>=1.4.0".64warning " > vue-loader@15.9.8" has unmet peer dependency "css-loader@*".65[4/4] Building fresh packages...66$ run-s build-tokens67yarn run v1.22.2268$ node ./bin/build_tokens.mjs69json70✔︎ dist/tokens/json/tokens.json71css72✔︎ dist/tokens/css/tokens.css73js74✔︎ dist/tokens/js/tokens.js75tailwind76✔︎ dist/tokens/tailwind/tokens.cjs77scss78✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens.scss79✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss80json81✔︎ dist/tokens/json/tokens.dark.json82css83✔︎ dist/tokens/css/tokens.dark.css84js85✔︎ dist/tokens/js/tokens.dark.js86tailwind87✔︎ dist/tokens/tailwind/tokens.cjs88scss89✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens.dark.scss90✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss91json92✔︎ src/tokens/build/json/tokens.json93css94✔︎ src/tokens/build/css/tokens.css95js96✔︎ src/tokens/build/js/tokens.js97tailwind98✔︎ src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs99scss100✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens.scss101✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss102json103✔︎ src/tokens/build/json/tokens.dark.json104css105✔︎ src/tokens/build/css/tokens.dark.css106js107✔︎ src/tokens/build/js/tokens.dark.js108tailwind109✔︎ src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs110scss111✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens.dark.scss112✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss113Done in 5.12s.114Done in 63.34s.115$ yarn test:unit:coverage --coverageReporters=cobertura --coverageDirectory=$COVERAGE_DIR116yarn run v1.22.22117$ yarn test:unit --coverage --coverageReporters=cobertura --coverageDirectory=coverage/vue3118$ yarn build-tokens119$ node ./bin/build_tokens.mjs120json121✔︎ dist/tokens/json/tokens.json122css123✔︎ dist/tokens/css/tokens.css124js125✔︎ dist/tokens/js/tokens.js126tailwind127✔︎ dist/tokens/tailwind/tokens.cjs128scss129✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens.scss130✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss131json132✔︎ dist/tokens/json/tokens.dark.json133css134✔︎ dist/tokens/css/tokens.dark.css135js136✔︎ dist/tokens/js/tokens.dark.js137tailwind138✔︎ dist/tokens/tailwind/tokens.cjs139scss140✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens.dark.scss141✔︎ dist/tokens/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss142json143✔︎ src/tokens/build/json/tokens.json144css145✔︎ src/tokens/build/css/tokens.css146js147✔︎ src/tokens/build/js/tokens.js148tailwind149✔︎ src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs150scss151✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens.scss152✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss153json154✔︎ src/tokens/build/json/tokens.dark.json155css156✔︎ src/tokens/build/css/tokens.dark.css157js158✔︎ src/tokens/build/js/tokens.dark.js159tailwind160✔︎ src/tokens/build/tailwind/tokens.cjs161scss162✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens.dark.scss163✔︎ src/tokens/build/scss/_tokens_custom_properties.scss164$ NODE_ENV=test jest --coverage --coverageReporters=cobertura --coverageDirectory=coverage/vue3165Using Vue.js 3166jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision: @bootstrap-vue/tooltip167 The following files share their name; please adjust your hasteImpl:168 * <rootDir>/src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tooltip/package.json169 * <rootDir>/src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/directives/tooltip/package.json170(node:303) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.171(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)172PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-selectable.spec.js173 table > row select174 ✓ should not emit row-selected event default (51 ms)175 ✓ should not have aria-selected/tabindex attribute when not selectable and no row-clicked listener (40 ms)176 ✓ should apply user role if provided, grid role if multiselectable or table role otherwise (54 ms)177 ✓ should have tabindex but not aria-selected when not selectable and has row-clicked listener (28 ms)178 ✓ has class b-table-selectable-no-click when prop no-select-on-click set (22 ms)179 ✓ select mode single works (48 ms)180 ✓ select mode multi works (48 ms)181 ✓ select mode range works (65 ms)182 ✓ range selection works after deselection (issue #6397) (38 ms)183 ✓ sort change clears selection (28 ms)184 ✓ filter change clears selection (25 ms)185 ✓ pagination change clears selection (25 ms)186 ✓ change in select mode clears selection (25 ms)187 ✓ disabling selectable clears selection (28 ms)188 ✓ method `selectAllRows()` in single mode selects only first row (30 ms)189 ✓ method `selectAllRows()` in multi mode selects all rows (24 ms)190 ✓ method `selectAllRows()` in range mode selects all rows (21 ms)191 ✓ method `selectRow()` and `unselectRow()` in single mode works (34 ms)192 ✓ method `selectRow()` and `unselectRow()` in multi mode works (31 ms)193 ✓ method `selectRow()` and `unselectRow()` in range mode works (40 ms)194PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/modal/modal.spec.js195 modal196 structure197 ✓ has expected default structure (48 ms)198 ✓ has expected default structure when static and lazy (3 ms)199 ✓ has expected default structure when not static (3 ms)200 ✓ has expected structure when initially open (41 ms)201 ✓ renders appended to body when initially open and not static (42 ms)202 ✓ has expected structure when closed after being initially open (60 ms)203 ✓ title-html prop works (18 ms)204 ✓ has correct header tag when "header-tag" prop is set (11 ms)205 ✓ has correct footer tag when "footer-tag" prop is set (27 ms)206 default button content, classes and attributes207 ✓ default footer ok and cancel buttons (11 ms)208 ✓ default header close button (10 ms)209 ✓ ok-title-html and cancel-title-html works (18 ms)210 ✓ modal-ok and modal-cancel button content slots works (23 ms)211 button and event functionality212 ✓ header close button triggers modal close and is preventable (120 ms)213 ✓ footer OK and CANCEL buttons trigger modal close and are preventable (112 ms)214 ✓ pressing ESC closes modal (79 ms)215 ✓ click outside closes modal (77 ms)216 ✓ mousedown inside followed by mouse up outside (click) does not close modal (140 ms)217 ✓ $root bv::show::modal and bv::hide::modal work (108 ms)218 ✓ $root bv::toggle::modal works (139 ms)219 ✓ show event is cancellable (148 ms)220 ✓ instance .toggle() methods works (105 ms)221 ✓ modal closes when no-stacking is true and another modal opens (73 ms)222 focus management223 ✓ returns focus to previous active element when return focus not set and not using v-b-toggle (178 ms)224 ✓ returns focus to element specified in toggle() method (226 ms)225 ✓ if focus leaves modal it returns to modal (97 ms)226 ✓ it allows focus for elements when "no-enforce-focus" enabled (75 ms)227 ✓ it allows focus for elements in "ignore-enforce-focus-selector" prop (73 ms)228PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tooltip/tooltip.spec.js229 b-tooltip230 ✓ has expected default structure (32 ms)231 ✓ initially open has expected structure (99 ms)232 ✓ title prop is reactive (73 ms)233 ✓ providing the trigger element by function works (559 ms)234 ✓ activating trigger element (click) opens tooltip (559 ms)235 ✓ activating trigger element (focus) opens tooltip (91 ms)236 ✓ activating trigger element (hover) opens tooltip (581 ms)237 ✓ disabled tooltip does not open on trigger (587 ms)238 ✓ closes/opens on instance events (101 ms)239 ✓ closes on $root close specific ID event (63 ms)240 ✓ does not close on $root close specific other ID event (108 ms)241 ✓ closes on $root close all event (57 ms)242 ✓ does not close on $root modal hidden event by default (104 ms)243 ✓ closes on $root modal hidden event when inside a modal (63 ms)244 ✓ closes when trigger element is no longer visible (197 ms)245 ✓ closes when title is set to empty (54 ms)246 ✓ applies noninteractive class based on noninteractive prop (81 ms)247 ✓ applies variant class (62 ms)248 ✓ applies custom class (59 ms)249 ✓ saves title in data attribute on open and adds to back on hide (94 ms)250PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown.spec.js251 dropdown252 ✓ has expected default structure (27 ms)253 ✓ split mode has expected default structure (44 ms)254 ✓ split mode accepts split-button-type value (27 ms)255 ✓ renders default slot inside menu (17 ms)256 ✓ renders button-content slot inside toggle button (22 ms)257 ✓ renders button-content slot inside split button (19 ms)258 ✓ does not render default slot inside menu when prop lazy set (60 ms)259 ✓ has user supplied ID (14 ms)260 ✓ should not have "btn-group" class when block is true (5 ms)261 ✓ should have "btn-group" and "gl-flex" classes when block and split are true (5 ms)262 ✓ should have "dropdown-toggle-no-caret" class when no-caret is true (4 ms)263 ✓ should not have "dropdown-toggle-no-caret" class when no-caret and split are true (4 ms)264 ✓ should have a toggle with the given toggle tag (3 ms)265 ✓ should have attributes on toggle when "toggle-attrs" prop is set (3 ms)266 ✓ should have class dropup when prop dropup set (33 ms)267 ✓ should have class dropright when prop dropright set (27 ms)268 ✓ should have class dropleft when prop dropleft set (28 ms)269 ✓ split should have class specified in split class property (5 ms)270 ✓ menu should have class dropdown-menu-right when prop right set (30 ms)271 ✓ split mode emits click event when split button clicked (7 ms)272 ✓ dropdown opens and closes (746 ms)273 ✓ preventDefault() works on show event (65 ms)274 ✓ Keyboard navigation works when open (479 ms)275 ✓ when boundary not set should not have class position-static (6 ms)276 ✓ when boundary set to viewport should have class position-static (6 ms)277 ✓ toggle button size works (5 ms)278 ✓ split button size works (6 ms)279 ✓ toggle button content works (4 ms)280 ✓ split button content works (9 ms)281 ✓ variant works on non-split button (6 ms)282 ✓ variant works on split button (9 ms)283 ✓ split mode has href when prop split-href set (13 ms)284 ✓ split mode has href when prop split-to set (9 ms)285PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/listbox/listbox.spec.js286 GlCollapsibleListbox287 ✓ passes custom offset to the base dropdown (16 ms)288 ✓ passes custom placement to the base dropdown (6 ms)289 ✓ focuses the toggle when closed by ESC key while item had focus (36 ms)290 toggle text291 when listbox292 ✓ is multi-select, toggleText is provided and has selected (22 ms)293 ✓ is multi-select, toggleText is not provided and does not have selected (38 ms)294 ✓ is single-select, toggleText is not provided and has selected (24 ms)295 ✓ is single-select, toggleText is not provided and does not have selected (19 ms)296 toggle classes297 when listbox298 ✓ is single-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (44 ms)299 ✓ is single-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (18 ms)300 ✓ is single-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (24 ms)301 ✓ is single-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (27 ms)302 ✓ is single-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (16 ms)303 ✓ is single-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (18 ms)304 ✓ is multi-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (24 ms)305 ✓ is multi-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (16 ms)306 ✓ is multi-select and has selected - does not set non-selected styles (26 ms)307 ✓ is multi-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (28 ms)308 ✓ is multi-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (18 ms)309 ✓ is multi-select and does not have selected - sets the non-selected styles (19 ms)310 ARIA attributes311 ✓ should provide `toggleId` to the base dropdown and reference it in`aria-labelledby` attribute of the list container` (38 ms)312 ✓ should reference `listAriaLabelledby` (18 ms)313 selecting items314 multi-select315 ✓ should render items as selected when `selected` provided (23 ms)316 ✓ should deselect previously selected (25 ms)317 ✓ should add to selection (37 ms)318 single-select319 ✓ should throw an error when array of selections is provided (80 ms)320 ✓ should render item as selected when `selected` provided (15 ms)321 ✓ should deselect previously selected and select a new item (37 ms)322 ✓ close dropdown for single selection (21 ms)323 with groups324 ✓ should render item as selected when `selected` provided (15 ms)325 ✓ should deselect previously selected and select a new item (15 ms)326 onShow327 ✓ should re-emit the event (35 ms)328 ✓ should focus the first selected item (28 ms)329 ✓ should focus the search input when search is enabled (30 ms)330 onHide331 ✓ should re-emit the event (7 ms)332 navigating the items333 ✓ should move the focus down the list of items on `ARROW_DOWN` and stop on the last item (20 ms)334 ✓ should move the focus up the list of items on `ARROW_UP` and stop on the first item (34 ms)335 ✓ should move focus to the last item on `END` keydown (25 ms)336 ✓ should move focus to the first item on `HOME` keydown (18 ms)337 when `searchable` is enabled338 ✓ should move focus to the first item on search input `ARROW_DOWN` (37 ms)339 ✓ should move focus to the search input on first item `ARROW_UP (45 ms)340 ✓ should not move focus away from the input on `HOME` and `END` (36 ms)341 pressing Enter on the input342 ✓ does not submit any ancestor form (42 ms)343 when the header prop is provided344 ✓ renders it (33 ms)345 ✓ uses the generated header ID as the list's aria-labelledby attribute (19 ms)346 ✓ if a custom list label is passed, it overrides the header ID (16 ms)347 when the footer slot content is provided348 ✓ renders it (7 ms)349 with groups350 ✓ renders groups of items (19 ms)351 ✓ passes the `textSrOnly` prop (13 ms)352 when `searchable` is enabled353 ✓ should render the search box (18 ms)354 ✓ should emit the search value when typing in the search box (31 ms)355 ✓ should not render the loading icon and render the list if NOT searching (16 ms)356 ✓ should render the loading icon and NOT render the list when searching (9 ms)357 ✓ should display `noResultText` if no items found (7 ms)358 Screen reader text with number of search results359 ✓ when the #search-summary-sr-only slot content is empty (23 ms)360 ✓ when the #search-summary-sr-only slot content is provided (16 ms)361 ✓ should not display SR text when no matching results (5 ms)362 with a reset action363 ✓ throws when enabling the reset action without a header (2 ms)364 ✓ shows the button if the label is provided and the selection is complete in multi-select mode (38 ms)365 ✓ shows the button if the label is provided and the selection is complete in single-select mode (14 ms)366 ✓ shows the button if the label is provided and only one option is selected in multi select (14 ms)367 ✓ hides the button if the selection is empty in multi-select mode (27 ms)368 ✓ hides the button if the selection is empty in single-select mode (19 ms)369 ✓ hides the button if the selection is empty in single-select mode (16 ms)370 ✓ hides reset button if dropdown has no items (16 ms)371 ✓ on click, emits the `reset` event but does not call `closeAndFocus` (24 ms)372 with groups373 ✓ shows the button if the label is provided and the selection is complete in multi-select mode (16 ms)374 ✓ shows the button if the label is provided and the selection is complete in single-select mode (19 ms)375 with select all action376 ✓ throws an error when enabling the select action without a header (14 ms)377 ✓ when label is provided and one option is selected in multiselect (16 ms)378 ✓ hides select all button if dropdown has no items (7 ms)379 ✓ hides select all button if all items are selected (22 ms)380 ✓ has the label text "Select all" if the label is provided and some items are selected (33 ms)381 ✓ has the label text "Select all" if the label is provided and the selection is empty (14 ms)382 ✓ on click, emits the `select-all` event and calls `closeAndFocus` (26 ms)383 when label is provided, selection is empty and multiple option is false384 ✓ does not show the Select all button (13 ms)385 ✓ does not show the Reset button (13 ms)386 ✓ does not show the Select all button (22 ms)387 ✓ does not show the Reset button (17 ms)388 when label is provided, selection is empty and multiple option is true389 ✓ shows the Select all button (14 ms)390 ✓ does not show the Reset button (23 ms)391 with groups392 ✓ hides select all button if all items are selected (16 ms)393 when `infiniteScroll` prop is `true`394 ✓ should throw an error when items are groups (4 ms)395 ✓ renders `GlIntersectionObserver` component (18 ms)396 when bottom of listbox is reached397 ✓ emits `bottom-reached` event (25 ms)398 when `loading` prop is `true`399 ✓ does not render `GlIntersectionObserver` component (16 ms)400 when `searching` prop is `true`401 ✓ does not render `GlIntersectionObserver` component (9 ms)402 when `infiniteScrollLoading` prop is `true`403 ✓ shows loading icon (15 ms)404 ✓ does not render `GlIntersectionObserver` component (23 ms)405 when `totalItems` prop is set406 ✓ adds `aria-setsize` and `aria-posinset` attributes to listbox items (20 ms)407 when `totalItems` prop is not set408 ✓ does not add `aria-setsize` and `aria-posinset` attributes to listbox items (25 ms)409 when `infiniteScroll` prop is `false`410 ✓ does not render `GlIntersectionObserver` component (12 ms)411 items test IDs without groups412 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'prod', text: 'Product' } (14 ms)413 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'ppl', text: 'People' } (24 ms)414 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'fin', text: 'Finance' } (13 ms)415 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'leg', text: 'Legal' } (17 ms)416 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'eng', text: 'Engineering' } (23 ms)417 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'sales', text: 'Sales' } (14 ms)418 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'marketing', text: 'Marketing' } (17 ms)419 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'acc', text: 'Accounting' } (27 ms)420 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'hr', text: 'Human Resource Management' } (13 ms)421 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'rnd', text: 'Research and Development' } (12 ms)422 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'cust', text: 'Customer Service' } (26 ms)423 ✓ sets the test ID for { value: 'sup', text: 'Support' } (20 ms)424 items test IDs with groups425 ✓ sets the test ID for { text: 'main', value: 'main' } (10 ms)426 ✓ sets the test ID for { text: 'feature-123', value: 'feature-123' } (15 ms)427 ✓ sets the test ID for { text: 'v1.0', value: 'v1.0' } (26 ms)428 ✓ sets the test ID for { text: 'v2.0', value: 'v2.0' } (10 ms)429 ✓ sets the test ID for { text: 'v2.1', value: 'v2.1' } (12 ms)430 fluid width431 ✓ is disabled by default (4 ms)432 ✓ is enabled when `fluidWidth` is `true` (4 ms)433 positioningStrategy434 ✓ passes the absolute positioning strategy to the base dropdown (4 ms)435 ✓ passes the fixed positioning strategy to the base dropdown (14 ms)436 startOpened437 ✓ should open dropdown on render when startOpened is true (41 ms)438 ✓ should not open dropdown on render as default (13 ms)439PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-textarea/form-textarea.spec.js440 form-textarea441 ✓ root element is textarea (8 ms)442 ✓ does not have attribute disabled by default (3 ms)443 ✓ has attribute disabled when disabled=true (3 ms)444 ✓ does not have attribute readonly by default (2 ms)445 ✓ has attribute readonly when readonly=true (2 ms)446 ✓ inherits non-prop attributes (3 ms)447 ✓ has class form-control by default (3 ms)448 ✓ does not have class form-control-plaintext by default (2 ms)449 ✓ does not have size classes by default (2 ms)450 ✓ has size class when size prop is set (5 ms)451 ✓ has class form-control-plaintext when plaintext=true (2 ms)452 ✓ does not have class form-control when plaintext=true (2 ms)453 ✓ has attribute readonly when plaintext=true (14 ms)454 ✓ has user supplied id (3 ms)455 ✓ does not have is-valid or is-invalid classes by default (3 ms)456 ✓ has class is-valid when state=true (3 ms)457 ✓ has class is-invalid when state=false (2 ms)458 ✓ does not have aria-invalid attribute by default (3 ms)459 ✓ does not have aria-invalid attribute when state=true (3 ms)460 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when state=false (3 ms)461 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when aria-invalid=true (3 ms)462 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when aria-invalid="spelling" (3 ms)463 ✓ does not emit an update event on mount when value not set (2 ms)464 ✓ does mot emit an update event on mount when value is set and no formatter (3 ms)465 ✓ emits an input event with single arg of value (4 ms)466 ✓ emits an change event with single arg of value (4 ms)467 ✓ emits an update event with one arg on input (5 ms)468 ✓ does not emit an update event on change when value not changed (4 ms)469 ✓ emits an update event with one arg on change when input text changed (4 ms)470 ✓ does not emit an update, input or change event when value prop changed (12 ms)471 ✓ emits a native focus event (5 ms)472 ✓ emits a blur event when blurred (5 ms)473 ✓ has attribute rows set to 2 by default (3 ms)474 ✓ has attribute rows when rows set and max-rows not set (6 ms)475 ✓ has attribute rows set when rows and max-rows are equal (4 ms)476 ✓ does not have rows set when rows and max-rows set (4 ms)477 ✓ has attribute rows set when max-rows less than rows (4 ms)478 ✓ does not have style resize by default (5 ms)479 ✓ does not have style resize when no-resize is set (3 ms)480 ✓ does not have style resize when max-rows not set (3 ms)481 ✓ does not have style resize when max-rows less than rows (3 ms)482 ✓ has style resize:none when max-rows greater than rows (3 ms)483 ✓ does not have style height by default (3 ms)484 ✓ does not have style height when rows and max-rows equal (2 ms)485 ✓ does not have style height when max-rows not set (3 ms)486 ✓ Formats on input when not lazy (4 ms)487 ✓ Formats on change when not lazy (11 ms)488 ✓ Formats on blur when lazy (6 ms)489 ✓ Does not format value on mount when not lazy (2 ms)490 ✓ Does not format value on mount when lazy (2 ms)491 ✓ Does not format on prop "value" change when not lazy (3 ms)492 ✓ does not format on value prop change when lazy (4 ms)493 ✓ trim modifier prop works (7 ms)494 ✓ number modifier prop works (13 ms)495 prop `autofocus`496 ✓ works when true (8 ms)497 ✓ does not autofocus when false (21 ms)498 console.warn499 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_47 already exists500 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)501 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)502 console.warn503 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_48 already exists504 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)505 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)506 console.warn507 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_49 already exists508 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)509 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)510 console.warn511 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_50 already exists512 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)513 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)514 console.warn515 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_51 already exists516 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)517 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)518 console.warn519 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_52 already exists520 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)521 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)522 console.warn523 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_53 already exists524 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)525 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)526 console.warn527 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_54 already exists528 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)529 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)530 console.warn531 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_56 already exists532 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)533 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)534 console.warn535 [portal-vue]: Target filters_portal_57 already exists536 at Proxy.registerTarget (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:164:19)537 at Proxy.<anonymous> (node_modules/portal-vue/dist/portal-vue.umd.js:365:18)538PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search.spec.js539 Filtered search540 ✓ normalizes term tokens to strings on submit (5 ms)541 ✓ concatenates strings on submit (9 ms)542 ✓ passes required props to tokens (4 ms)543 ✓ passes appliedTokens prop to the token component (4 ms)544 ✓ passes `searchButtonAttributes` prop to `GlSearchBoxByClick` (4 ms)545 ✓ passes `searchInputAttributes` prop to search term (4 ms)546 ✓ passes `isLastToken` prop to search terms (5 ms)547 ✓ passes `currentValue` prop to search terms (5 ms)548 ✓ the search input is enabled by default (5 ms)549 value manipulation550 ✓ creates term when empty (14 ms)551 ✓ passes clearable false when empty (4 ms)552 ✓ adds empty term to the end when not empty (6 ms)553 ✓ passes clearable true when not empty (5 ms)554 ✓ denormalizes strings if needed (7 ms)555 ✓ splits strings if needed (8 ms)556 ✓ does not split strings with termsAsTokens (8 ms)557 event handling558 ✓ passes through submit (3 ms)559 ✓ passes through clear (3 ms)560 ✓ passes through history-item-selected (3 ms)561 ✓ passes through clear-history (4 ms)562 ✓ activates token when requested (16 ms)563 ✓ deactivates token when requested (7 ms)564 ✓ ignores deactivate requests from non-active tokens (7 ms)565 ✓ removes empty term tokens on deactivate (17 ms)566 ✓ destroys token if requested (9 ms)567 ✓ makes previous token active if user intends it on token destruction (6 ms)568 ✓ keeps first token active on first token destruction with backspace (9 ms)569 ✓ keeps active token active if later one destroyed (8 ms)570 ✓ keeps active token active if earlier one destroyed (20 ms)571 ✓ makes no token active if current is destroyed (9 ms)572 ✓ keeps no token active if one was destroyed when none were active (7 ms)573 ✓ does not destroy last token (3 ms)574 ✓ replaces token when requested (5 ms)575 ✓ replaces token after clear when requested (7 ms)576 ✓ inserts single token when requested (5 ms)577 ✓ jumps to last token when insert of empty term requested (9 ms)578 ✓ inserts multiple tokens when requested (17 ms)579 ✓ submits entire search when submit is requested (4 ms)580 view-only state581 ✓ passes the value of viewOnly to the search term when view-only is true (5 ms)582 ✓ passes the value of viewOnly to the search term when view-only is false (6 ms)583 when view-only is true584 ✓ disables the search input (6 ms)585 ✓ prevents tokens from activating (3 ms)586 ✓ does not apply the last token class (4 ms)587 showSearchButton588 ✓ sets showSearchButton on the SearchBox component (3 ms)589 ✓ adds the *-with-search-button css modifier if true (3 ms)590 ✓ does not add the *-with-search-button css modifier if false (3 ms)591 Filtered search integration tests592 ✓ sets the gl-filtered-search-last-item class only when no token is active (27 ms)593 ✓ does not render unique token in suggestions list if it is already present (51 ms)594 ✓ correctly handles switching from one token to another (26 ms)595 ✓ activates previous token when backspacing on empty search term (57 ms)596 ✓ clicking clear button clears component input (22 ms)597 ✓ does not incorrectly activate next token of the same type after token destruction (56 ms)598 ✓ updates tokens list when value is passed dynamically (18 ms)599 ✓ updates tokens list when empty value is passed dynamically (28 ms)600 when first term is clicked601 ✓ brings focus to term element input (52 ms)602 ✓ displays suggestions list (61 ms)603 ✓ updates suggestions list as you type (50 ms)604 ✓ resets suggestions list as you press Space (70 ms)605 ✓ does not render suggestions list if there are no suggestions available (67 ms)606 ✓ replaces term with token when suggestion is selected (95 ms)607 ✓ does not mutate the `value` prop when the search input changes (70 ms)608 ✓ calls alignSuggestion for new tokens (71 ms)609PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-input/form-input.spec.js610 form-input611 ✓ has class form-control (6 ms)612 ✓ has class form-control-lg when size=lg and plane=false (3 ms)613 ✓ has class form-control-sm when size=lg and plain=false (2 ms)614 ✓ does not have class form-control-plaintext when plaintext not set (3 ms)615 ✓ has class form-control-plaintext when plaintext=true (2 ms)616 ✓ has attribute read-only when plaintext=true (3 ms)617 ✓ has class custom-range instead of form-control when type=range (14 ms)618 ✓ does not have class form-control-plaintext when type=range and plaintext=true (3 ms)619 ✓ does not have class form-control-plaintext when type=color and plaintext=true (3 ms)620 ✓ has user supplied id (3 ms)621 ✓ has safeId after mount when no id provided (3 ms)622 ✓ has form attribute when form prop set (2 ms)623 ✓ does not have list attribute when list prop not set (4 ms)624 ✓ has list attribute when list prop set (3 ms)625 ✓ does not have list attribute when list prop set and type=password (2 ms)626 ✓ renders text input by default (3 ms)627 ✓ renders number input when type set to number (2 ms)628 ✓ renders text input when type not supported (3 ms)629 ✓ does not have is-valid or is-invalid classes when state is default (3 ms)630 ✓ has class is-valid when state=true (2 ms)631 ✓ has class is-invalid when state=false (3 ms)632 ✓ does not have aria-invalid attribute by default (3 ms)633 ✓ does not have aria-invalid attribute when state is true (2 ms)634 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when state=false (3 ms)635 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when aria-invalid="true" (2 ms)636 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when aria-invalid=true (10 ms)637 ✓ has aria-invalid attribute when aria-invalid="spelling" (4 ms)638 ✓ is disabled when disabled=true (3 ms)639 ✓ is not disabled when disabled=false (3 ms)640 ✓ emits an input event (3 ms)641 ✓ emits a native focus event (4 ms)642 ✓ emits a blur event with native event as only arg (4 ms)643 ✓ applies formatter on input when not lazy (4 ms)644 ✓ does not apply formatter on input when lazy (3 ms)645 ✓ applies formatter on blur when lazy (4 ms)646 ✓ does not apply formatter when value supplied on mount and not lazy (3 ms)647 ✓ does not apply formatter when value prop updated and not lazy (4 ms)648 ✓ does not apply formatter when value prop updated and lazy (4 ms)649 ✓ does not update value when non-lazy formatter returns false (5 ms)650 ✓ focused number input with no-wheel set to true works (5 ms)651 ✓ focused number input with no-wheel set to false works (10 ms)652 ✓ changing no-wheel after mount works (5 ms)653 ✓ "number" modifier prop works (5 ms)654 ✓ "lazy" modifier prop works (5 ms)655 ✓ "debounce" prop works (9 ms)656 ✓ focus() and blur() methods work (4 ms)657 prop `autofocus`658 ✓ works when true (5 ms)659 ✓ does not autofocus when false (20 ms)660PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-sorting.spec.js661 table > sorting662 ✓ should not be sorted by default (24 ms)663 ✓ should emit `field.sortKey` if specified and no local sorting (35 ms)664 ✓ should set `aria-sort` when `field.sortKey` and `no-local-sorting` is used (22 ms)665 ✓ should sort column descending when sortBy set and sortDesc changed, with proper attributes (52 ms)666 ✓ should accept custom sort compare (50 ms)667 ✓ should sort columns when clicking headers (56 ms)668 ✓ should sort columns when clicking footers (61 ms)669 ✓ should not sort columns when clicking footers and no-footer-sorting set (37 ms)670 ✓ should sort column descending first, when sort-direction=desc (23 ms)671 ✓ non-sortable header th should not emit a sort-changed event when clicked and prop no-sort-reset is set (36 ms)672 ✓ sorting by virtual column formatter works (23 ms)673 console.warn674 [Vue warn]: resolveComponent can only be used in render() or setup().675 635 |676 636 | // Change title slot content677 > 637 | tabVm.$slots.title = [tabVm.$createElement('span', 'foobar')]678 | ^679 638 | tabVm.$forceUpdate()680 639 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)681 640 |682 at warn$1 (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:1770:17)683 at resolveAsset (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:5226:9)684 at resolveDynamicComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:5171:16)685 at Proxy.compatH (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:5274:16)686 at Object.$createElement (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tabs/tabs.spec.js:637:33)687PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tabs/tabs.spec.js688 tabs689 ✓ default has expected classes and structure (8 ms)690 ✓ default has expected data state (4 ms)691 ✓ sets correct tab active for initial value (23 ms)692 ✓ sets correct tab active when first tab is disabled (30 ms)693 ✓ sets current index based on active prop of b-tab (22 ms)694 ✓ selects first non-disabled tab when active tab disabled (31 ms)695 ✓ v-model works (48 ms)696 ✓ v-model works when trying to activate a disabled tab (32 ms)697 ✓ `activate-tab` event works (42 ms)698 ✓ clicking on tab activates the tab, and tab emits click event (44 ms)699 ✓ pressing space on tab activates the tab, and tab emits click event (41 ms)700 ✓ key nav works (49 ms)701 ✓ disabling active tab selects first non-disabled tab (44 ms)702 ✓ tab title slots are reactive (43 ms)703 ✓ "active-nav-item-class" is applied to active nav item (31 ms)704 ✓ "active-tab-class" is applied to active tab (36 ms)705 ✓ emits "changed" event when tabs change (63 ms)706PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-checkbox/form-checkbox.spec.js707 form-checkbox708 ✓ default has structure <div><input><label></label></div> (8 ms)709 ✓ default has wrapper class custom-control and custom-checkbox (3 ms)710 ✓ default has input type checkbox (3 ms)711 ✓ default does not have aria-label attribute on input (4 ms)712 ✓ has aria-label attribute on input when aria-label provided (4 ms)713 ✓ default has input class custom-control-input (4 ms)714 ✓ default has label class custom-control-label (4 ms)715 ✓ has default slot content in label (3 ms)716 ✓ default has no disabled attribute on input (4 ms)717 ✓ has disabled attribute on input when prop disabled set (3 ms)718 ✓ default has no required attribute on input (3 ms)719 ✓ does not have required attribute on input when prop required set and name prop not provided (4 ms)720 ✓ has required attribute on input when prop required and name set (2 ms)721 ✓ default has no name attribute on input (3 ms)722 ✓ has name attribute on input when name prop set (3 ms)723 ✓ default has no form attribute on input (11 ms)724 ✓ has form attribute on input when form prop set (3 ms)725 ✓ has custom attributes transferred to input element (3 ms)726 ✓ default has class custom-control-inline when prop inline=true (3 ms)727 ✓ default has no input validation classes by default (4 ms)728 ✓ default has no input validation classes when state=null (3 ms)729 ✓ default has input validation class is-valid when state=true (4 ms)730 ✓ default has input validation class is-invalid when state=false (3 ms)731 ✓ switch has structure <div><input><label></label></div> (2 ms)732 ✓ switch has wrapper classes custom-control and custom-switch (3 ms)733 ✓ switch has input type checkbox (3 ms)734 ✓ switch has input class custom-control-input (3 ms)735 ✓ switch has label class custom-control-label (3 ms)736 ✓ does not have input indeterminate set by default (3 ms)737 ✓ has input indeterminate set by when indeterminate=true (3 ms)738 ✓ has input indeterminate set by when indeterminate set to true after mount (4 ms)739 ✓ default has internal localChecked=false when prop checked=false (2 ms)740 ✓ default has internal localChecked=true when prop checked=true (9 ms)741 ✓ default has internal localChecked null (4 ms)742 ✓ default has internal localChecked set to checked prop (3 ms)743 ✓ default has internal localChecked set to value when checked=value (3 ms)744 ✓ default has internal localChecked set to value when checked changed to value (5 ms)745 ✓ emits a change event when clicked (7 ms)746 ✓ works when v-model bound to an array (8 ms)747 ✓ works when value is an object (5 ms)748 ✓ focus() and blur() methods work (5 ms)749 prop `autofocus`750 ✓ works when true (5 ms)751 ✓ does not auto focus when false (22 ms)752PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-select/form-select.spec.js753 form-select754 ✓ has select as root element (7 ms)755 ✓ has class custom-select (4 ms)756 ✓ does not have attr multiple by default (3 ms)757 ✓ does not have attr required by default (3 ms)758 ✓ has attr required when required=true (3 ms)759 ✓ does not have attr form by default (3 ms)760 ✓ has attr form when form is set (2 ms)761 ✓ has attr multiple when multiple=true (2 ms)762 ✓ has attr size when select-size is set (3 ms)763 ✓ has auto ID attr by default (2 ms)764 ✓ has user supplied ID attr when id is set (3 ms)765 ✓ does not have attr size by default (3 ms)766 ✓ does have attr size when plain=true (3 ms)767 ✓ has class custom-select-sm when size=sm and plain=false (3 ms)768 ✓ has class custom-select-lg when size=lg and plain=false (2 ms)769 ✓ has class custom-select-foo when size=foo and plain=false (3 ms)770 ✓ has class is-invalid and attr aria-invalid="true" when state=false (12 ms)771 ✓ has class is-valid when state=true (3 ms)772 ✓ has attr aria-invalid="true" when aria-invalid="true" (2 ms)773 ✓ has attr aria-invalid="true" when aria-invalid=true (3 ms)774 ✓ has class form-control when plain=true (3 ms)775 ✓ has class form-control-lg when size=lg and plain=true (3 ms)776 ✓ has class form-control-sm when size=sm and plain=true (2 ms)777 ✓ has class form-control-foo when size=foo and plain=true (4 ms)778 ✓ focus() and blur() methods work (3 ms)779 ✓ has option elements from simple options array (6 ms)780 ✓ has option elements from options array of objects (4 ms)781 ✓ has option elements from options array of objects with custom field names (6 ms)782 ✓ has option group elements with options from options array of objects (7 ms)783 ✓ has option group and option elements from options array of objects (10 ms)784 ✓ has option elements from options legacy object format (5 ms)785 ✓ has option elements from default slot (7 ms)786 ✓ updates v-model when option selected in single mode (6 ms)787 ✓ updating v-model (value) when selects correct option (6 ms)788 ✓ updates v-model when option selected in single mode with complex values (5 ms)789 ✓ updates v-model when option selected in multiple mode (6 ms)790 ✓ updates v-model when option selected in multiple mode with complex values (7 ms)791 prop `autofocus`792 ✓ works when true (8 ms)793 ✓ does not autofocus when false (24 ms)794PASS src/components/base/token_selector/token_selector.spec.js795 GlTokenSelector796 props797 ✓ passes prop to `token-container` component (5 ms)798 dropdownItems799 ✓ renders dropdown items (16 ms)800 userDefinedTokenCanBeAdded801 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (12 ms)802 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (8 ms)803 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (29 ms)804 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (8 ms)805 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (11 ms)806 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (8 ms)807 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (12 ms)808 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (6 ms)809 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (22 ms)810 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (11 ms)811 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (15 ms)812 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (5 ms)813 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (9 ms)814 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (19 ms)815 ✓ passes correct prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (14 ms)816 loading817 ✓ passes prop to `gl-token-selector-dropdown` component (8 ms)818 hideDropdownWithNoItems819 ✓ hides dropdown with no items (8 ms)820 viewOnly821 ✓ adds `gl-token-selector-view-only` class (6 ms)822 ✓ passes `viewOnly` prop to GlTokenContainer (7 ms)823 ✓ disables input field if viewOnly is true (12 ms)824 when there are tokens and `allowClearAll` is true825 ✓ passes `showClearAllButton` prop as `true` to token-container (30 ms)826 containerClass827 ✓ renders passed CSS classes (11 ms)828 menuClass829 when `menuClass` is foo-bar-baz830 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (5 ms)831 when `menuClass` is ["foo-bar-baz"]832 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (5 ms)833 when `menuClass` is {"foo-bar-baz": true}834 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (5 ms)835 token category class836 ✓ renders token with correct CSS classes based on category props (28 ms)837 text input attributes838 ✓ renders `autocomplete` on text input (24 ms)839 ✓ renders `placeholder` on text input (15 ms)840 ✓ renders `aria-labelledby` on text input (6 ms)841 textInputAttrs842 ✓ renders passed HTML attributes on text input (6 ms)843 state844 when `state` is `true`845 ✓ adds `is-valid` to CSS classes (8 ms)846 when `state` is `false`847 ✓ adds `is-invalid` to CSS classes (5 ms)848 when `state` is `null`849 ✓ does not add `is-valid` or `is-invalid` CSS classes (5 ms)850 custom v-model851 ✓ renders tokens in bound data (23 ms)852 slots853 ✓ passes `token-content` to `GlTokenContainer` (17 ms)854 ✓ passes `loading-content` to `GlTokenSelectorDropdown` (15 ms)855 ✓ passes `user-defined-token-content` to `GlTokenSelectorDropdown` (25 ms)856 ✓ passes `no-results-content` to `GlTokenSelectorDropdown` (28 ms)857 ✓ passes `dropdown-item-content` to `GlTokenSelectorDropdown` (16 ms)858 ✓ passes `dropdown-footer` to `GlTokenSelectorDropdown` (13 ms)859 ✓ renders empty-placeholder slot if tokens list is empty and input is not focused (7 ms)860 ✓ does not render empty-placeholder slot if token list is not empty (27 ms)861 ✓ hides empty-placeholder slot if input is focused (17 ms)862 text input events863 when input is focused864 ✓ opens dropdown (7 ms)865 ✓ adds focus class to main container (9 ms)866 ✓ fires `focus` event (9 ms)867 when input is blurred868 ✓ fires `blur` event (10 ms)869 ✓ removes focus class from main container (9 ms)870 ✓ closes dropdown (19 ms)871 when escape key is pressed872 ✓ clears text input (9 ms)873 ✓ closes dropdown (8 ms)874 when delete key is pressed875 ✓ does nothing if text input has value (25 ms)876 ✓ focuses on last token if text input does not have a value (24 ms)877 arrow keys878 when up is pressed879 ✓ calls dropdown event handler (4 ms)880 when down is pressed881 ✓ calls dropdown event handler (11 ms)882 when home is pressed883 ✓ calls dropdown event handler (3 ms)884 when end is pressed885 ✓ calls dropdown event handler (3 ms)886 when input is clicked887 ✓ opens dropdown if input is focused and does not have a value (6 ms)888 when `enter` key is pressed889 with dropdown items890 ✓ adds focused dropdown item as a token (9 ms)891 ✓ adds a user defined token when `allowUserDefinedTokens` and `showAddNewAlways` are true (11 ms)892 with no dropdown items893 ✓ adds a user defined token when `allowUserDefinedTokens` is true (14 ms)894 ✓ does not add a user defined token when `allowUserDefinedTokens` is false (9 ms)895 when `keydown` event is triggered896 ✓ emits `keydown` event (16 ms)897 adding tokens when clicking dropdown item898 ✓ fires `input` event (14 ms)899 ✓ fires `token-add` event (9 ms)900 removing tokens901 ✓ fires `input` event (10 ms)902 ✓ fires `token-remove` event (8 ms)903 when component container is clicked904 ✓ focuses on the text input (5 ms)905 filtering dropdown items906 ✓ removes selected tokens from the dropdown items (20 ms)907 when `GlTokenContainer` fires `cancel-focus`908 ✓ focuses on the text input (7 ms)909PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/base_dropdown/base_dropdown.spec.js910 base dropdown911 Floating UI instance912 ✓ starts Floating UI's when opening the dropdown (17 ms)913 ✓ stops Floating UI when closing the dropdown (12 ms)914 ✓ restarts Floating UI when reopening the dropdown (14 ms)915 ✓ stops Floating UI's auto updates on destroy (7 ms)916 computePosition917 ✓ initializes Floating UI with reference and floating elements and config for left-aligned menu (16 ms)918 ✓ initializes Floating UI with reference and floating elements and config for center-aligned menu (19 ms)919 ✓ initializes Floating UI with reference and floating elements and config for right-aligned menu (11 ms)920 ✓ initializes Floating UI with reference and floating elements and config for `right-start` aligned menu (12 ms)921 ✓ passes custom offset to Floating UI's middleware (17 ms)922 positioningStrategy923 ✓ uses the absolute positioning strategy by default (16 ms)924 ✓ applies the fixed positioning strategy properly (19 ms)925 renders content to the default slot926 ✓ renders the content (6 ms)927 dropdown with props {}928 ✓ sets toggle button classes to 'gl-new-dropdown-caret-only,btn-icon' (5 ms)929 dropdown with props {"toggleText": "toggleText"}930 ✓ sets toggle button classes to '' (6 ms)931 dropdown with props {"icon": "close"}932 ✓ sets toggle button classes to 'gl-new-dropdown-icon-only,btn-icon' (7 ms)933 dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "textSrOnly": true, "toggleText": "toggleText"}934 ✓ sets toggle button classes to 'gl-new-dropdown-icon-only,btn-icon' (5 ms)935 dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "textSrOnly": true}936 ✓ sets toggle button classes to 'gl-new-dropdown-icon-only,btn-icon' (4 ms)937 dropdown with props {"noCaret": true, "toggleText": "toggleText"}938 ✓ sets toggle button classes to 'gl-new-dropdown-toggle-no-caret' (6 ms)939 with toggle classes940 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type string (7 ms)941 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type object (15 ms)942 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type array (11 ms)943 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type null (5 ms)944 block prop945 ✓ does not apply block style if false (5 ms)946 ✓ applies block style if true (13 ms)947 default toggle948 ✓ should open the menu on click but keep focus on toggle (11 ms)949 ✓ should emit `GL_DROPDOWN_FOCUS_CONTENT` event on `ARROW_DOWN` (9 ms)950 ✓ should close menu on Escape and focus toggle (11 ms)951 ✓ should close menu on Escape when focus is on toggle (10 ms)952 when the consumer takes over the focus953 ✓ does not steal the focus back from the consumer when closing the dropdown (14 ms)954 beforeClose event955 ✓ should prevent closing (9 ms)956 ✓ should contain original keyboard event (19 ms)957 ✓ should contain original toggle click event (8 ms)958 ✓ should contain original outside click event (9 ms)959 Custom toggle960 ✓ does not render default toggle button (4 ms)961 ✓ renders the custom toggle instead (3 ms)962 ✓ renders provided via slot content as custom toggle (5 ms)963 ✓ should emit `GL_DROPDOWN_FOCUS_CONTENT` event on `ARROW_DOWN` (4 ms)964 toggle visibility965 ✓ should toggle menu visibility on toggle click (27 ms)966 ✓ should close the menu when focusing on another element (27 ms)967 ✓ should close the menu when Escape is pressed inside menu and focus first child in the toggle (18 ms)968 ✓ should close menu on Escape when focus is on toggle (8 ms)969 fluid width970 ✓ uses a fixed width by default (7 ms)971 ✓ drops the fixed width when `fluidWidth` is `true` (5 ms)972PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table.spec.js973 table974 ✓ has expected default classes (17 ms)975 ✓ has class "table-striped" when striped=true (12 ms)976 ✓ has class "table-bordered" when bordered=true (11 ms)977 ✓ has class "table-borderless" when borderless=true (12 ms)978 ✓ has class "table-hover" when hover=true (20 ms)979 ✓ has class "table-sm" when small=true (12 ms)980 ✓ has class "table-dark" when dark=true (13 ms)981 ✓ has class "border" when outlined=true (13 ms)982 ✓ has class "b-table-fixed" when fixed=true (20 ms)983 ✓ has class "b-table-no-border-collapse" when no-border-collapse=true (16 ms)984 ✓ has class "b-table-stacked" when stacked=true (8 ms)985 ✓ has class "b-table-stacked-md" when stacked=md (15 ms)986 ✓ has class "b-table-sticky-header" when sticky-header=true (27 ms)987 ✓ has class "b-table-sticky-header" when sticky-header=100px (18 ms)988 ✓ has class "table-responsive" when responsive=true (15 ms)989 ✓ has class "table-responsive-md" when responsive=md (12 ms)990 ✓ stacked and responsive work together (8 ms)991 ✓ stacked has data-label attribute on all tbody > tr td (17 ms)992 ✓ item _rowVariant works (13 ms)993 ✓ item _cellVariants works (15 ms)994 ✓ changing items array works (18 ms)995 ✓ tbody-tr-class works (25 ms)996 ✓ thead and tfoot variant and classes work (31 ms)997 ✓ item field isRowHeader works (11 ms)998 ✓ item field tdAttr and tdClass works (16 ms)999 ✓ item field thAttr works (20 ms)1000PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-lite.spec.js1001 table-lite1002 ✓ has expected default classes (14 ms)1003 ✓ has class "table-striped" when striped=true (10 ms)1004 ✓ has class "table-bordered" when bordered=true (20 ms)1005 ✓ has class "table-borderless" when borderless=true (10 ms)1006 ✓ has class "table-hover" when hover=true (10 ms)1007 ✓ has class "table-sm" when small=true (10 ms)1008 ✓ has class "table-dark" when dark=true (11 ms)1009 ✓ has class "border" when outlined=true (19 ms)1010 ✓ has class "b-table-fixed" when fixed=true (13 ms)1011 ✓ has class "b-table-stacked" when stacked=true (8 ms)1012 ✓ has class "b-table-stacked-md" when stacked=md (10 ms)1013 ✓ has class "table-responsive" when responsive=true (11 ms)1014 ✓ has class "table-responsive-md" when responsive=md (18 ms)1015 ✓ stacked and responsive work together (7 ms)1016 ✓ stacked has data-label attribute on all tbody > tr td (9 ms)1017 ✓ item _rowVariant works (10 ms)1018 ✓ item _cellVariants works (12 ms)1019 ✓ changing items array works (13 ms)1020 ✓ tbody-tr-class works (28 ms)1021 ✓ thead and tfoot variant and classes work (34 ms)1022 ✓ item field isRowHeader works (13 ms)1023 ✓ item field tdAttr and tdClass works (12 ms)1024 ✓ item field thAttr works (28 ms)1025 ✓ item field formatter as function works (8 ms)1026 ✓ item field formatter as string works (7 ms)1027PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tbody-row-events.spec.js1028 table > tbody row events1029 ✓ should emit row-clicked event when a row is clicked (34 ms)1030 ✓ should not emit row-clicked event when prop busy is set (19 ms)1031 ✓ should not emit row-clicked event when vm.localBusy is true (24 ms)1032 ✓ should emit row-dblclicked event when a row is dblclicked (28 ms)1033 ✓ should not emit row-dblclicked event when a row is dblclicked and table busy (19 ms)1034 ✓ should emit row-middle-clicked event when a row is middle clicked (22 ms)1035 ✓ should not emit row-middle-clicked event when a row is middle clicked and table busy (17 ms)1036 ✓ should emit row-contextmenu event when a row is right clicked (35 ms)1037 ✓ should not emit row-contextmenu event when a row is right clicked and table busy (14 ms)1038 ✓ should emit row-hovered event when a row is hovered (16 ms)1039 ✓ should not emit row-hovered event when a row is hovered and no listener (1 ms)1040 ✓ should not emit row-hovered event when a row is hovered and table busy (22 ms)1041 ✓ should emit row-unhovered event when a row is unhovered (17 ms)1042 ✓ should not emit row-unhovered event when a row is hovered and no listener1043 ✓ should not emit row-unhovered event when a row is unhovered and table busy (17 ms)1044 ✓ should emit row-clicked event when a row is focusable and enter pressed (19 ms)1045 ✓ should not emit row-clicked event when a row is focusable, enter pressed, and table busy (24 ms)1046 ✓ should not emit row-clicked event when clicking on a button or other interactive element (38 ms)1047 ✓ keyboard events moves focus to appropriate rows (16 ms)1048PASS src/components/base/token_selector/token_selector_dropdown.spec.js1049 GlTokenSelectorDropdown1050 props1051 show1052 ✓ displays dropdown when `true` (7 ms)1053 menuClass1054 when `menuClass` is foo-bar-baz1055 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (3 ms)1056 when `menuClass` is ["foo-bar-baz"]1057 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (4 ms)1058 when `menuClass` is {"foo-bar-baz": true}1059 ✓ adds `foo-bar-baz` to CSS classes (4 ms)1060 loading1061 ✓ displays loading message when `true` (4 ms)1062 dropdownItems1063 when dropdown items are provided1064 with `userDefinedTokenCanBeAdded` is false1065 ✓ displays passed in dropdown items (3 ms)1066 with `userDefinedTokenCanBeAdded` is true1067 ✓ displays passed in dropdown items and the user defined token (14 ms)1068 when dropdown items are not provided1069 ✓ displays add user defined token message when `userDefinedTokenCanBeAdded` is `true` and `inputText` is not empty (2 ms)1070 ✓ displays no results message when `userDefinedTokenCanBeAdded` is `false` (2 ms)1071 ✓ displays no results message when `inputText` is empty (2 ms)1072 registerDropdownEventHandlers1073 ✓ calls passed method (4 ms)1074 registerResetFocusedDropdownItem1075 ✓ calls passed method (4 ms)1076 slots1077 ✓ renders `loading-content` slot (10 ms)1078 ✓ renders `dropdown-item-content` slot (10 ms)1079 ✓ renders `user-defined-token-content` slot (4 ms)1080 ✓ renders `no-results-content` slot (4 ms)1081 ✓ renders `dropdown-footer` slot (4 ms)1082 keyboard navigation1083 when up arrow is pressed1084 ✓ starting at bottom, focuses on previous dropdown item (10 ms)1085 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (18 ms)1086 ✓ does not change focus if there is no previous dropdown item (6 ms)1087 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (5 ms)1088 ✓ starting on user defined dropdown item, focuses on the previous dropdown item (11 ms)1089 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (8 ms)1090 ✓ with user defined dropdown item in list, does not change focus if there is no previous dropdown item (6 ms)1091 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (6 ms)1092 when down arrow is pressed1093 ✓ starting at top, focuses on next dropdown item (20 ms)1094 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (8 ms)1095 ✓ does not change focus if there is no next dropdown item (8 ms)1096 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (8 ms)1097 ✓ with user defined dropdown item in list, starting at top, focuses on next dropdown item (8 ms)1098 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (10 ms)1099 ✓ starting on last created token, changes focus to the user defined dropdown item (19 ms)1100 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (11 ms)1101 when home key is pressed1102 ✓ starting at bottom, focuses on first dropdown item (8 ms)1103 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (7 ms)1104 ✓ does not change focus if already on first item (7 ms)1105 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (7 ms)1106 ✓ starting on the user defined dropdown item, focuses on first dropdown item (12 ms)1107 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (24 ms)1108 ✓ with user defined dropdown item in list, does not change focus if already on first item (8 ms)1109 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (7 ms)1110 when end key is pressed1111 ✓ starting at top, focuses on last dropdown item (9 ms)1112 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (9 ms)1113 ✓ does not change focus if already on last item (6 ms)1114 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (22 ms)1115 ✓ starting at top, focuses the user defined dropdown item (15 ms)1116 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (10 ms)1117 ✓ does not change focus if already on user defined dropdown item (9 ms)1118 ✓ scrolls focused dropdown item into view (8 ms)1119 when show is false1120 ✓ emits `show` event and does not focus next dropdown item (11 ms)1121 ✓ does not emit `show` event and does not focus next dropdown item (26 ms)1122PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-checkbox/form-checkbox-group.spec.js1123 form-checkbox-group1124 ✓ default has structure <div></div> (5 ms)1125 ✓ default has no classes on wrapper other than focus ring (3 ms)1126 ✓ default has auto ID set (3 ms)1127 ✓ default has tabindex set to -1 (2 ms)1128 ✓ default does not have aria-required set (2 ms)1129 ✓ default does not have aria-invalid set (2 ms)1130 ✓ default has attribute role=group (2 ms)1131 ✓ default has user provided ID (2 ms)1132 ✓ default has class was-validated when validated=true (2 ms)1133 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when state=false (11 ms)1134 ✓ default does not have attribute aria-invalid when state=true (2 ms)1135 ✓ default does not have attribute aria-invalid when state=null (4 ms)1136 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid=true (3 ms)1137 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid="true" (2 ms)1138 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid="" (2 ms)1139 ✓ has checkboxes with input validation class "is-valid" when `state` is `true` (9 ms)1140 ✓ has checkboxes with input validation class "is-invalid" when `state` is `false` (7 ms)1141 ✓ has checkboxes with no input validation class when `state` is `null` (7 ms)1142 ✓ has checkboxes via options array (8 ms)1143 ✓ has checkboxes via options array which respect disabled (9 ms)1144 ✓ emits change event when checkbox clicked (26 ms)1145 ✓ does not emit "input" event when value loosely changes (14 ms)1146 ✓ checkboxes reflect group checked v-model (11 ms)1147 ✓ child checkboxes have is-valid classes when group state set to valid (8 ms)1148 ✓ child checkboxes have is-invalid classes when group state set to invalid (7 ms)1149 ✓ child checkboxes have disabled attribute when group disabled (8 ms)1150 ✓ child checkboxes have required attribute when group required (15 ms)1151 ✓ child checkboxes have class custom-control-inline when stacked=false (10 ms)1152 ✓ child checkboxes do not have class custom-control-inline when stacked=true (8 ms)1153PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/collapse/collapse.spec.js1154 collapse1155 ✓ should have expected default structure (25 ms)1156 ✓ renders default slot content (24 ms)1157 ✓ should mount as visible when prop visible is true (22 ms)1158 ✓ should emit its state on mount (initially hidden) (21 ms)1159 ✓ should emit its state on mount (initially visible) (22 ms)1160 ✓ should respond to state sync requests (38 ms)1161 ✓ setting visible to true after mount shows collapse (40 ms)1162 ✓ should respond to according events (186 ms)1163 ✓ should not respond to root toggle event that does not match ID (54 ms)1164 ✓ default slot scope works (40 ms)1165PASS src/components/base/dropdown/dropdown.spec.js1166 new dropdown1167 ✓ renders when text is null (13 ms)1168 disabled state1169 ✓ is not disabled by default (7 ms)1170 ✓ can be disabled (6 ms)1171 ✓ can be disabled via the loading prop (7 ms)1172 dropdown with props {}1173 ✓ sets toggle button classes (8 ms)1174 dropdown with props {"text": "text"}1175 ✓ sets toggle button classes (6 ms)1176 dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "text": "text"}1177 ✓ sets toggle button classes (8 ms)1178 dropdown with props {"icon": "close"}1179 ✓ sets toggle button classes (7 ms)1180 dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "text": "text", "textSrOnly": true}1181 ✓ sets toggle button classes (6 ms)1182 dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "textSrOnly": true}1183 ✓ sets toggle button classes (18 ms)1184 split dropdown with props {}1185 ✓ updates split button classes (8 ms)1186 ✓ updates dropdown toggle button classes (7 ms)1187 split dropdown with props {"text": "text"}1188 ✓ updates split button classes (6 ms)1189 ✓ updates dropdown toggle button classes (9 ms)1190 split dropdown with props {"icon": "close", "text": "text"}1191 ✓ updates split button classes (7 ms)1192 ✓ updates dropdown toggle button classes (7 ms)1193 split dropdown with props {"icon": "close"}1194 ✓ updates split button classes (8 ms)1195 ✓ updates dropdown toggle button classes (18 ms)1196 with split false1197 ✓ does not show split button (7 ms)1198 ✓ shows toggle button (5 ms)1199 with split and component updates1200 ✓ updates split button classes (7 ms)1201 with toggle classes1202 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type string (5 ms)1203 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type object (6 ms)1204 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type array (5 ms)1205 ✓ class is inherited from toggle class of type null (6 ms)1206 secondary category1207 ✓ applies default variant class properly (7 ms)1208 ✓ applies confirm variant class properly (7 ms)1209 ✓ applies info variant class properly (15 ms)1210 ✓ applies danger variant class properly (6 ms)1211 ✓ applies link variant class properly (5 ms)1212 when the header slot exists1213 ✓ renders the header (12 ms)1214 ✓ has the "!gl-border-b-0" class when header border disabled (7 ms)1215 with no header slot exists1216 ✓ does not render the header (5 ms)1217 ✓ does render the header if headerText provided (9 ms)1218 when the footer slot exists1219 ✓ renders the footer (8 ms)1220 with no footer slot exists1221 ✓ does not render the footer (7 ms)1222 Highlighted items1223 with slot content and showHighlightedItemsTitle=true1224 ✓ renders the highlighted items (22 ms)1225 ✓ renders the default highlighted items title (8 ms)1226 with showHighlightedItemsTitle=false1227 ✓ does not render the highlighted items header (11 ms)1228 with showClearAll=true and showHighlightedItemsTitle=false1229 ✓ renders the clear all button and does not render the highlighted items title (16 ms)1230 with showClearAll=true and showHighlightedItemsTitle=true1231 ✓ renders the clear all button and the highlighted items title (14 ms)1232 with highlightedItemsTitle set and showHighlightedItemsTitle=true1233 ✓ sets the highlighted items title (25 ms)1234 with no slot content1235 ✓ does not render the highlighted items content (5 ms)1236 ✓ does not render the highlighted items title (4 ms)1237 with highlightedItemsTitle set1238 ✓ does not render the highlighted items title (8 ms)1239 with showClearAll=true1240 ✓ renders the clear all button (11 ms)1241 ✓ does not render the highlighted items title (12 ms)1242 button content templates1243 ✓ shows the button text template with the default loading spinner, icon, and dropdown caret (24 ms)1244 ✓ shows only the button content template (9 ms)1245 icon only dropdown1246 ✓ shows the icon and dropdown caret (8 ms)1247 ✓ shows text for screen readers (7 ms)1248 ✓ shows loading spinner instead of icon when loading (8 ms)1249 Clear all button1250 ✓ is not visible by default (7 ms)1251 when `showClearAll=true`1252 ✓ is visible (11 ms)1253 ✓ emits an event when the `clear all` button is clicked (13 ms)1254 ✓ can configure the clear all text (29 ms)1255 popperOpts prop1256 ✓ combines the passed in popperOpts with the default popperOpts (7 ms)1257 ✓ uses the default popperOpts prop (14 ms)1258PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/disclosure_dropdown.spec.js1259 GlDisclosureDropdown1260 ✓ passes custom offset to the base dropdown (10 ms)1261 ✓ passes custom placement to the base dropdown (6 ms)1262 toggle text1263 ✓ should pass toggle text to the base dropdown (11 ms)1264 custom toggle id1265 ✓ should pass toggle id to the base dropdown (9 ms)1266 ARIA attributes1267 ✓ should provide `toggleId` to the base dropdown and reference it in`aria-labelledby` attribute of the list container` (12 ms)1268 ✓ should reference `listAriaLabelledby` (22 ms)1269 onShow1270 ✓ should re-emit the event (10 ms)1271 onClose1272 ✓ should re-emit the event (5 ms)1273 onHide1274 ✓ should re-emit the event (7 ms)1275 navigating the items1276 ✓ should move the focus from toggle and down the list of items on `ARROW_DOWN` and stop on the last item (15 ms)1277 ✓ should move the focus up the list of items on `ARROW_UP` and stop on the first item (13 ms)1278 ✓ should move focus to the last item on `END` keydown (26 ms)1279 ✓ should move focus to the first item on `HOME` keydown (12 ms)1280 when an element is hidden1281 ✓ should skip over it (13 ms)1282 slot content1283 ✓ renders all slot content (7 ms)1284 with groups1285 ✓ renders groups of items (19 ms)1286 action1287 ✓ should re-emit the `action` event when it is emitted on the item for custom handling (44 ms)1288 disclosure tag1289 ✓ should render `ul` as content tag when items is a list of items (10 ms)1290 ✓ should render `ul` as content tag when items is a list of groups (14 ms)1291 ✓ should render `ul` as content tag when default slot contains only groups (9 ms)1292 ✓ should render `ul` as content tag when default slot contains only items (6 ms)1293 ✓ should render `div` as content tag when default slot does not contain valid list item (7 ms)1294 ✓ should render `div` as content tag when slot is not a list item (6 ms)1295 discouraged usage1296 ✓ should render `ul` as content tag when default slot contains LI tags (16 ms)1297 block prop1298 ✓ is disabled by default (4 ms)1299 ✓ is enabled when `block` is `true` (3 ms)1300 fluid width1301 ✓ is disabled by default (4 ms)1302 ✓ is enabled when `fluidWidth` is `true` (5 ms)1303 auto closing1304 ✓ closes the dropdown when `autoClose` is set on item click (14 ms)1305 ✓ does not close the dropdown on item click when `autoClose` is set to `false` (12 ms)1306 positioningStrategy1307 ✓ passes the absolute positioning strategy to the base dropdown (7 ms)1308 ✓ passes the fixed positioning strategy to the base dropdown (6 ms)1309 startOpened1310 ✓ should open dropdown on render when startOpened is true (36 ms)1311 ✓ should not open dropdown on render as default (9 ms)1312 nested dropdowns1313 ✓ should only close the target gl-disclosure-dropdown (20 ms)1314 ✓ should only close the target gl-collapsible-listbox (38 ms)1315PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/directives/toggle/toggle.spec.js1316 v-b-toggle directive1317 ✓ works on buttons (25 ms)1318 ✓ works on passing ID as directive value (21 ms)1319 ✓ works on passing ID as directive argument (22 ms)1320 ✓ works on passing ID as href value on links (22 ms)1321 ✓ works with multiple targets, and updates when targets change (25 ms)1322 ✓ works on non-buttons (17 ms)1323 ✓ responds to state update events (3 ms)1324 ✓ responds to private sync state update events (2 ms)1325PASS src/components/base/form/form_fields/form_fields.spec.js1326 GlFormFields1327 default1328 ✓ renders form groups for each field (11 ms)1329 ✓ emits initial values on mount (5 ms)1330 ✓ does not emit input-field (17 ms)1331 ✓ does not emit submit (5 ms)1332 ✓ on field blur, it updates validation for field (8 ms)1333 on field input1334 ✓ emits input event (6 ms)1335 ✓ emits input-field event (5 ms)1336 when form submits1337 ✓ runs validations (11 ms)1338 ✓ does not emit submit (8 ms)1339 with non-empty but invalid "count"1340 ✓ on blur, it runs remaining validators for "count" field (9 ms)1341 with valid values1342 ✓ when form submits, emits submit (8 ms)1343 when input ("allCaps") with mapValue changes1344 ✓ emits input with mapped value (18 ms)1345 ✓ emits input-field with mapped value (6 ms)1346 when input ("evenCount") with mapValue changes1347 ✓ emits input with mapped value (4 ms)1348 ✓ emits input-field with mapped value (5 ms)1349 when there is a server validation message1350 ✓ renders error message (7 ms)1351 with input scoped slot1352 ✓ renders scoped slot for field input (10 ms)1353 ✓ passes down "blur" callback (12 ms)1354 ✓ passes down "input" callback (9 ms)1355 ✓ passes down "value" (8 ms)1356 with form group scoped slots1357 ✓ renders description slot (36 ms)1358 ✓ renders label slot (16 ms)1359 ✓ renders label description slot (18 ms)1360 with after slot1361 ✓ renders after slot (5 ms)1362 validation performance1363 ✓ when input changes, only triggers validation for changed value (13 ms)1364PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_token.spec.js1365 Filtered search token1366 ✓ activates operator segment when clicked (4 ms)1367 ✓ activates data segment when clicked (3 ms)1368 ✓ activates title segment when title is clicked (3 ms)1369 ✓ replaces itself when value is empty and backspace is pressed (3 ms)1370 ✓ ignores backspace when value is not empty and backspace is pressed (3 ms)1371 ✓ jumps to data segment when operator segment is completed (5 ms)1372 ✓ deactivates when %segment is deactivated (4 ms)1373 ✓ deactivates when %segment is deactivated (5 ms)1374 ✓ emits destroy when deactivated and value is empty (27 ms)1375 ✓ activates operator segment when backspace is pressed in data segmented (5 ms)1376 ✓ passes-through complete event when data segment emits it (5 ms)1377 ✓ passes-through split event when data segment emits it (4 ms)1378 ✓ passes-through submit event when data segment emits it (4 ms)1379 ✓ passes-through select event when data segment emits it (4 ms)1380 ✓ keeps value when replaced by compatible token (3 ms)1381 ✓ resets value when replaced by incompatible token (3 ms)1382 ✓ sets input attributes on data segment when provided (3 ms)1383 when activated1384 ✓ emits activate when operator segment is clicked (6 ms)1385 ✓ activates operator segment if value is empty (2 ms)1386 ✓ sets operator if value is empty and there is only one operator (4 ms)1387 ✓ activates data segment if value is not empty (2 ms)1388 integration tests1389 ✓ emits close event when data token is closed (12 ms)1390 ✓ jumps to data segment and applies selection if no match is available for key and data is empty (10 ms)1391 ✓ jumps to data segment and applies selection when space is pressed (6 ms)1392 ✓ does not mutate its value prop (7 ms)1393 ✓ renders before-data-segment-input scoped slot which can submitValue (22 ms)1394 when multi select1395 ✓ emits input event when active is false (4 ms)1396 ✓ emits input event when active is false and search term empty (3 ms)1397 ✓ emits empty input event when data segment is activated, so blank text input shows all suggestions (4 ms)1398 ✓ passes down the value prop to the data segment if it changes (7 ms)1399 view-only state1400 ✓ prevents segments from activating when view-only is true (4 ms)1401 ✓ does not add a mousedown listener to the token-data when view-only is true (6 ms)1402 when view-only is true1403 ✓ applies the view-only style classes (4 ms)1404 ✓ sets the view-only prop to true on the title, data and operator segments (3 ms)1405 when view-only is false1406 ✓ does not apply the view-only style classes (3 ms)1407 ✓ sets the view-only prop to false on the title, data and operator segments (3 ms)1408 showFriendlyText prop1409 ✓ displays "=" when operator="=" and showFriendlyText="false" (7 ms)1410 ✓ displays "!=" when operator="!=" and showFriendlyText="false" (19 ms)1411 ✓ displays "is" when operator="=" and showFriendlyText="true" (6 ms)1412 ✓ displays "is not" when operator="!=" and showFriendlyText="true" (8 ms)1413PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-group/form-group.spec.js1414 form-group1415 ✓ has expected default structure (8 ms)1416 ✓ renders content from default slot (4 ms)1417 ✓ default slot is optionally scoped (7 ms)1418 ✓ has user supplied ID (4 ms)1419 ✓ sets `aria-describedby` even when special characters are used in IDs (17 ms)1420 ✓ does not render a FIELDSET if prop `label-for` set (6 ms)1421 ✓ has expected structure for horizontal layout with prop `label-for` set (9 ms)1422 ✓ has expected structure for horizontal layout without prop `label-for` set (8 ms)1423 ✓ has expected structure for horizontal layout without label content (7 ms)1424 ✓ validation and help text works (13 ms)1425 ✓ has validation elements that respect `feedback-aria-live` prop (16 ms)1426 ✓ aligns the LABEL based on `label-align` props (3 ms)1427 ✓ Label sr-only works (2 ms)1428 ✓ clicking legend focuses input (4 ms)1429PASS src/utils/charts/config.spec.js1430 chart config helpers1431 getThresholdConfig1432 ✓ returns empty object for no thresholds1433 ✓ draws area below line for < threshold1434 ✓ draws line only for = threshold (1 ms)1435 ✓ draws area above line for > threshold1436 parseAnnotations1437 ✓ returns empty object for no annotations (1 ms)1438 ✓ draws an annotation range between two fixed points (10 ms)1439 ✓ draws an annotation range with infinity upper bound1440 ✓ draws an annotation range with infinity lower bound (1 ms)1441 ✓ draws an annotation range without upper bound1442 ✓ draws an annotation range without lower bound (1 ms)1443 ✓ draws an annotation line (1 ms)1444 ✓ draws multiple annotation lines (1 ms)1445 getDataZoomConfig1446 ✓ allows the filterMode to be set (1 ms)1447 on large viewports (lg, xl)1448 ✓ creates a basic dataZoomConfig with inside scrolling being disabled1449 on small viewports1450 ✓ creates a basic dataZoomConfig with inside scrolling being enabled1451 mergeSeriesToOptions1452 ✓ create chart options with invalid series props1453 ✓ creates chart options with single series object passed as data prop (1 ms)1454 ✓ creates chart options with single series array passed as data prop1455 ✓ creates chart options with multiple series array passed as data prop (1 ms)1456 ✓ creates chart options with single series object passed as series prop1457 ✓ creates chart options with single series array passed as series prop1458 ✓ creates chart options with multiple series array passed as series prop (1 ms)1459 generateBarSeries1460 ✓ with name set will contain {"name": "Cool new bar chart"}1461 ✓ with color set will contain {"emphasis": [Object], "itemStyle": [Object]}1462 ✓ with data set will contain {"data": [Array]} (1 ms)1463 ✓ with stack set will contain {"stack": "tiled"}1464 ✓ with yAxisIndex set will contain {"yAxisIndex": 3} (1 ms)1465 generateLineSeries1466 ✓ with name set will contain {"name": "Cool new line chart"} (1 ms)1467 ✓ with color set will contain {"itemStyle": [Object], "lineStyle": [Object]}1468 ✓ with data set will contain {"data": [Array]} (1 ms)1469 ✓ with yAxisIndex set will contain {"yAxisIndex": 2}1470 getTooltipTitle1471 ✓ returns an empty value (1 ms)1472 ✓ returns title for single series1473 ✓ returns title for multiple series1474 ✓ returns title for multiple repeated series (1 ms)1475 ✓ returns title for multiple series with an axis name1476 getTooltipContent1477 ✓ returns an empty value (1 ms)1478 ✓ returns content for single series1479 ✓ returns content for single series with an axis name1480 ✓ returns content for multiple series (1 ms)1481 ✓ returns content for multiple repeated series1482PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-radio/form-radio.spec.js1483 form-radio1484 ✓ default has structure <div><input><label></label></div> (8 ms)1485 ✓ default has wrapper class custom-control and custom-radio (3 ms)1486 ✓ default has input type radio (3 ms)1487 ✓ default has input class custom-control-input (3 ms)1488 ✓ default has label class custom-control-label (3 ms)1489 ✓ has default slot content in label (2 ms)1490 ✓ default has no disabled attribute on input (3 ms)1491 ✓ has disabled attribute on input when prop disabled set (2 ms)1492 ✓ default has no required attribute on input (3 ms)1493 ✓ does not have required attribute on input when prop required set and name prop not provided (4 ms)1494 ✓ has required attribute on input when prop required and name set (3 ms)1495 ✓ default has no name attribute on input (16 ms)1496 ✓ has name attribute on input when name prop set (3 ms)1497 ✓ default has no form attribute on input (2 ms)1498 ✓ has form attribute on input when form prop set (3 ms)1499 ✓ has custom attributes transferred to input element (2 ms)1500 ✓ default has class custom-control-inline when prop inline=true (3 ms)1501 ✓ default has no input validation classes by default (3 ms)1502 ✓ default has no input validation classes when state=null (2 ms)1503 ✓ default has input validation class is-valid when state=true (3 ms)1504 ✓ default has input validation class is-invalid when state=false (3 ms)1505 ✓ default has internal localChecked="" when prop checked="" (4 ms)1506 ✓ default has internal localChecked set to value when checked=value (3 ms)1507 ✓ default has internal localChecked set to value when checked changed to value (4 ms)1508 ✓ emits a change event when clicked (4 ms)1509 ✓ works when value is an object (4 ms)1510 ✓ focus() and blur() methods work (3 ms)1511 prop `autofocus`1512 ✓ works when true (12 ms)1513 ✓ does not autofocus by default (23 ms)1514PASS src/components/base/datepicker/datepicker.spec.js1515 datepicker component1516 ✓ does not set default date when 'value' and 'defaultDate' props aren't set (9 ms)1517 ✓ uses 'defaultDate' over 'value' as the calendar default date (5 ms)1518 ✓ uses 'value' as the calendar default date (4 ms)1519 ✓ opens calendar after mounting when start-opened property equals true (4 ms)1520 ✓ opens calendar when show method is called (3 ms)1521 ✓ emits input event when calendar emits onSelect event (4 ms)1522 ✓ emits close event when calendar emits onClose event (4 ms)1523 ✓ emits open event when calendar emits onOpen event (5 ms)1524 ✓ sets date calendar property when value component property changes (6 ms)1525 ✓ sets minDate calendar property when minDate component property changes (17 ms)1526 ✓ sets maxDate calendar property when maxDate component property changes (6 ms)1527 ✓ when `inputId` prop is not passed sets input `id` attribute to `undefined` (5 ms)1528 ✓ when `inputName` prop is not passed sets input `name` attribute to `undefined` (4 ms)1529 ✓ when `target` prop is not passed sets input `autocomplete` attribute to `undefined` (3 ms)1530 ✓ when `placeholder` prop is not passed sets input `placeholder` attribute to `YYYY-MM-DD` (3 ms)1531 ✓ when `inputId` prop is passed sets input `id` to `idForInput` (16 ms)1532 ✓ when `inputName` prop is passed sets input `name` to `nameForInput` (5 ms)1533 ✓ when `target` prop is passed sets input `autocomplete` to `off` (4 ms)1534 ✓ when `autocomplete` prop is passed sets input `autocomplete` to `on` (4 ms)1535 ✓ when `placeholder` prop is passed sets input `placeholder` to `foo bar` (4 ms)1536 ✓ parses 2021-09-27 correctly (6 ms)1537 ✓ parses 2021/09/27 correctly (3 ms)1538 ✓ parses foobarbaz correctly (4 ms)1539 ✓ applies gl-form-input-md class when width is undefined (3 ms)1540 ✓ applies gl-form-input-sm class when width is sm (3 ms)1541 ✓ applies gl-form-input-md class when width is md (3 ms)1542 ✓ applies gl-form-input-lg class when width is lg (3 ms)1543 ✓ applies gl-form-input-xl class when width is xl (3 ms)1544 when `ariaLabel` prop is passed1545 ✓ configures pikaday with the given label (4 ms)1546 when `target` prop is not passed1547 ✓ sets calendar icon as `trigger` option (4 ms)1548 when datepicker is disabled1549 ✓ does not pass the `trigger` option to Pikaday (17 ms)1550 when `target` prop is `null`1551 ✓ does not pass the `trigger` option to Pikaday (4 ms)1552 ✓ renders a svg icon instead of a button (9 ms)1553 when `container` prop is not passed1554 ✓ sets component element as `container` option (6 ms)1555 when `container` prop is `null`1556 ✓ does not pass the `container` option to Pikaday (4 ms)1557 when `showClearButton` prop is `true`1558 when text input has a value1559 ✓ renders clear button (16 ms)1560 when clear button is clicked1561 ✓ clears the input (14 ms)1562 ✓ emits the `clear` event (13 ms)1563 when datepicker is disabled1564 ✓ does not render clear button (21 ms)1565 when text input does not have a value1566 ✓ does not render clear button (8 ms)1567 when text input is passed in the default slot1568 ✓ sets it as Pikaday `field` option (6 ms)1569 when the user presses the `enter` key on the input field1570 and the input field is not empty1571 ✓ emits no input event (9 ms)1572 and the input field is empty1573 ✓ emits input with the value `null` when the `minDate` prop is empty (10 ms)1574 ✓ emits input with the value `2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z` when the `minDate` prop is set (10 ms)1575 when open event is emitted1576 ✓ adds level (16 ms)1577 ✓ adds month label (5 ms)1578 ✓ adds year label (4 ms)1579 when draw event is emitted1580 ✓ marks past days with "is-past-date" class selector (4 ms)1581 ✓ does not mark future days with "is-past-date" class selector (4 ms)1582 ✓ emits monthChange event (4 ms)1583 when datepicker is disabled1584 ✓ renders a svg icon instead of a button (4 ms)1585PASS src/components/base/pagination/pagination.spec.js1586 pagination component1587 ✓ should change pagination limits on resize (23 ms)1588 ✓ should not render when one page fits all items (2 ms)1589 ✓ supports slots customization (23 ms)1590 ✓ sets links href properly in link-based mode (22 ms)1591 ✓ emits input event when page changes (15 ms)1592 ✓ emits previous event when previous item is clicked (14 ms)1593 ✓ emits next event when next is clicked (13 ms)1594 ✓ does not prevent link events in link-based mode (13 ms)1595 ✓ disables all items if disabled prop is true (6 ms)1596 with a total of 4 pages and 3rd page active1597 ✓ shows 3rd page as active and enables all items (23 ms)1598 ✓ shows all pages on desktop (13 ms)1599 ✓ shows all pages mobile (12 ms)1600 with a total of 15 pages and first page active1601 ✓ shows 1st page as active and disables previous item (17 ms)1602 ✓ shows first 5 pages and collapses right side on desktop (27 ms)1603 ✓ shows first 2 pages and collapses right side mobile (17 ms)1604 with a total of 15 pages and 8th page active1605 ✓ shows pages 4 to 12 and collapses both sides on desktop (17 ms)1606 ✓ shows page 8 and collapses both sides on mobile (32 ms)1607 with a total of 15 pages and 15th page active1608 ✓ shows 15th page as active and disables next (27 ms)1609 ✓ shows pages 11 to 15 and collapses left side on desktop (11 ms)1610 ✓ shows pages 14 to 15 and collapses left side on mobile (13 ms)1611 compact navigation1612 ✓ renders only prev & nexts when totalItems isn's provided and there is a previous page (15 ms)1613 ✓ renders only prev & nexts when totalItems isn's provided and there is a next page (5 ms)1614 ✓ renders only prev & nexts when totalItems isn's provided and there are previous and next pages (3 ms)1615 ✓ disables prev when on first page (5 ms)1616 ✓ disables next when on last page (3 ms)1617PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-filtering.spec.js1618 table > filtering1619 ✓ should not be filtered by default (26 ms)1620 ✓ should be filtered when filter is a string (16 ms)1621 ✓ should emit filtered event when filter string is changed (54 ms)1622 ✓ should work with filter function (33 ms)1623 ✓ should be filtered with no rows when no matches (24 ms)1624 ✓ `filter-ignored-fields` prop works (37 ms)1625 ✓ `filter-included-fields` prop works (23 ms)1626 ✓ should filter for formatted values for keys which are not present in row (16 ms)1627 ✓ should show empty filtered message when no matches and show-empty=true (32 ms)1628 debouncing (deprecated)1629 ✓ filter debouncing works (32 ms)1630PASS src/components/utilities/sprintf/sprintf.spec.js1631 sprintf component1632 plain placeholders1633 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (5 ms)1634 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (2 ms)1635 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (1 ms)1636 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (2 ms)1637 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (10 ms)1638 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (2 ms)1639 ✓ should return message if slots have no data (2 ms)1640 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (3 ms)1641 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (2 ms)1642 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (2 ms)1643 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (2 ms)1644 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (2 ms)1645 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (1 ms)1646 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (1 ms)1647 ✓ should replace placeholder with component (2 ms)1648 ✓ should be able to re-use a placeholder multiple times (2 ms)1649 ✓ should be able to use templates as slots (3 ms)1650 ✓ should work with a default slot (1 ms)1651 Object prototype names1652 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.constructor as slot if slot is not provided (1 ms)1653 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1654 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1655 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable as slot if slot is not provided (1 ms)1656 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.toString as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1657 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.valueOf as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1658 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.toLocaleString as slot if slot is not provided (1 ms)1659 ✓ can use provided slot named "constructor" (2 ms)1660 ✓ can use provided slot named "hasOwnProperty" (2 ms)1661 ✓ can use provided slot named "isPrototypeOf" (2 ms)1662 ✓ can use provided slot named "propertyIsEnumerable" (3 ms)1663 ✓ can use provided slot named "toString" (2 ms)1664 ✓ can use provided slot named "valueOf" (2 ms)1665 ✓ can use provided slot named "toLocaleString" (2 ms)1666 start/end placeholders1667 ✓ should work (2 ms)1668 ✓ should work with a default slot (12 ms)1669 ✓ does not render start/end content if slot does not consume it (3 ms)1670 ✓ can interpolate multiple start/end placeholders (2 ms)1671 ✓ treats out-of-order start/end placeholders as plain slots (2 ms)1672 ✓ should handle start/end placeholders at the beginning and end of the message (2 ms)1673 ✓ treats a start placeholder without an end as a plain placeholder (1 ms)1674 ✓ treats an end placeholder without a start as a plain placeholder (1 ms)1675 ✓ should not interpolate more than one level deep, even if slots are provided (3 ms)1676 ✓ works with no content between start/end placeholders (2 ms)1677 ✓ returns the message if slot is not provided (2 ms)1678 ✓ works with the example in the documentation (2 ms)1679 ✓ resists XSS attacks (2 ms)1680 Object prototype names1681 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.constructor as slot if slot is not provided (1 ms)1682 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1683 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1684 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1685 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.toString as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1686 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.valueOf as slot if slot is not provided (1 ms)1687 ✓ does not use Object.prototype.toLocaleString as slot if slot is not provided (2 ms)1688 ✓ can use provided slot named "constructor" (2 ms)1689 ✓ can use provided slot named "hasOwnProperty" (2 ms)1690 ✓ can use provided slot named "isPrototypeOf" (2 ms)1691 ✓ can use provided slot named "propertyIsEnumerable" (2 ms)1692 ✓ can use provided slot named "toString" (2 ms)1693 ✓ can use provided slot named "valueOf" (1 ms)1694 ✓ can use provided slot named "toLocaleString" (2 ms)1695 given custom placeholder start/end markers1696 ✓ renders %{aStart}foo%{aEnd} as <a>foo</a> given undefined (2 ms)1697 ✓ renders %{aStart}foo%{aEnd} as <a>foo</a> given {"a": [Array]} (2 ms)1698 ✓ renders %{start}foo%{end} as <a>foo</a> given {"a": [Array]} (1 ms)1699 ✓ renders %{bold}foo%{bold_end} as <b>foo</b> given {"bold": [Array]} (10 ms)1700 ✓ renders %{link_start}foo%{link_end}, %{open_bold}bar%{close} as <a>foo</a>, <b>bar</b> given {"a": [Array], "bold": [Array]} (3 ms)1701 ✓ renders %{startLink}foo%{end}, %{startOtherLink}bar%{end} as <a>foo</a>, <b>bar</b> given {"a": [Array], "bold": [Array]} (2 ms)1702 ✓ renders %{start}foo %{icon}%{end} as <a>foo %{icon}</a> given {"a": [Array]} (1 ms)1703 ✓ renders %{end}foo%{start} as %{end}foo%{start} given {"a": [Array]} (2 ms)1704 ✓ renders %{start}foo as %{start}foo given {"a": [Array]} (2 ms)1705 ✓ renders foo%{end} as foo%{end} given {"a": [Array]} (1 ms)1706PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_token_segment.spec.js1707 Filtered search token segment1708 ✓ emits activate on left button click if inactive (5 ms)1709 ✓ does not emit activate when view-only is true (2 ms)1710 ✓ ignores mousedown if active (4 ms)1711 ✓ selects next suggestion if down arrow is pressed (6 ms)1712 ✓ selects previous suggestion if down arrow is pressed (4 ms)1713 ✓ emits submit if Enter is pressed (2 ms)1714 ✓ emits complete if Escape is pressed (2 ms)1715 ✓ emits backspace event if value is empty and Backspace is pressed (2 ms)1716 ✓ does not emit backspace event if value is not empty and Backspace is pressed (2 ms)1717 ✓ invokes custom input handler if provided (3 ms)1718 ✓ deactivates when input is blurred (3 ms)1719 ✓ resets value to previously selected if options are provided and input is invalid (23 ms)1720 ✓ leaves value as-is if options are provided and isTerm=true (6 ms)1721 applySuggestion1722 ✓ emits original token when no spaces are present (2 ms)1723 ✓ emits wrapped token when spaces are present (2 ms)1724 ✓ emits token as-is when spaces are present and termsAsTokens=true (3 ms)1725 ✓ emits input value when term token suggestion is chosen and termsAsTokens=true (2 ms)1726 ✓ selects suggestion on press Enter (4 ms)1727 ✓ selects suggestion on press Colon (4 ms)1728 when multi select1729 when blurring the input field1730 ✓ completes selection (3 ms)1731 when selecting suggestion from suggestions list1732 ✓ emits "select" event (2 ms)1733 ✓ does not emit "input" event, to prevent list from filtering (2 ms)1734 ✓ does not emit "complete" event, to keep the list open (2 ms)1735 when `active` is `true`, `isLastToken` is `true` and `currentValue` is `[[Object]]`1736 ✓ does not add `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (2 ms)1737 when `active` is `true`, `isLastToken` is `false` and `currentValue` is `[[Object]]`1738 ✓ does not add `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (1 ms)1739 when `active` is `false`, `isLastToken` is `true` and `currentValue` is `[[Object]]`1740 ✓ does not add `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (2 ms)1741 when `active` is `true`, `isLastToken` is `true` and `currentValue` is `[[Object], [Object]]`1742 ✓ does not add `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (2 ms)1743 when `active` is `true`, `isLastToken` is `false` and `currentValue` is `[[Object], [Object]]`1744 ✓ does not add `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (3 ms)1745 when `active` is `false`, `isLastToken` is `true` and there is one or more tokens1746 ✓ adds `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment (2 ms)1747 when input is active1748 ✓ adds `searchInputAttributes` prop to search token segment input (3 ms)1749 ✓ sets the input `readonly` atttribute when viewOnly is true (2 ms)1750 ✓ does not set the input `readonly` atttribute when viewOnly is false (3 ms)1751 ✓ does revert to fallback value on deactivation when no-fallback is false (14 ms)1752 ✓ does not revert to fallback value on deactivation when no-fallback is true (4 ms)1753 console.warn1754 [Vue warn]: (deprecation CONFIG_OPTION_MERGE_STRATS) config.optionMergeStrategies no longer exposes internal strategies. Use custom merge functions instead.1755 4 | import { Vue } from '../../vue'1756 5 |1757 > 6 | Vue.use(VueRouter)1758 | ^1759 7 |1760 8 | describe('b-link', () => {1761 9 | it('has expected default structure', async () => {1762 at warn$1 (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:1770:17)1763 at warnDeprecation (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:2665:5)1764 at softAssertCompatEnabled (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:2751:9)1765 at Object.get (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7285:17)1766 at Function.install (node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.common.js:1325:89)1767 at Function.Vue.use (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7326:15)1768 at Object.use (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/link/link.spec.js:6:5)1769PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/link/link.spec.js1770 b-link1771 ✓ has expected default structure (5 ms)1772 ✓ renders content from default slot (3 ms)1773 ✓ sets attribute href to user supplied value (2 ms)1774 ✓ sets attribute href when user supplied href is hash target (5 ms)1775 ✓ should set href to string `to` prop (3 ms)1776 ✓ should set href to path from `to` prop (2 ms)1777 ✓ should default rel to `noopener` when target==="_blank" (2 ms)1778 ✓ should render the given rel to when target==="_blank" (2 ms)1779 ✓ should add "active" class when prop active=true (2 ms)1780 ✓ should add aria-disabled="true" when disabled (12 ms)1781 ✓ should add '.disabled' class when prop disabled=true (2 ms)1782 ✓ focus and blur methods work (2 ms)1783 click handling1784 ✓ should invoke click handler bound by Vue when clicked on (3 ms)1785 ✓ should invoke multiple click handlers bound by Vue when clicked on (3 ms)1786 ✓ should NOT invoke click handler bound by Vue when disabled and clicked (2 ms)1787 ✓ should NOT invoke click handler bound via "addEventListener" when disabled and clicked (2 ms)1788 ✓ should emit "bv::link::clicked" on $root when clicked on (3 ms)1789 ✓ should not emit "bv::link::clicked" on $root when clicked on when disabled (2 ms)1790 ✓ should emit "clicked::link" on $root when clicked on (2 ms)1791 ✓ should not emit "clicked::link" on $root when clicked on when disabled (1 ms)1792 router-link support1793 ✓ works (10 ms)1794PASS src/components/base/tabs/tabs/tabs.spec.js1795 tabs component1796 default1797 ✓ the active tab should be styled (31 ms)1798 nav1799 ✓ should have class "gl-tabs-nav" (34 ms)1800 ✓ should have custom string classes (24 ms)1801 ✓ should have custom array classes (21 ms)1802 ✓ should have custom object classes (35 ms)1803 content1804 ✓ should have class "gl-tab-content" (29 ms)1805 ✓ should have custom string classes (23 ms)1806 ✓ should have custom array classes (34 ms)1807 ✓ should have custom object classes (29 ms)1808 actions buttons1809 when no actions are provided1810 ✓ does not render the actions tabs (24 ms)1811 ✓ renders BV tabs slots (9 ms)1812 when the actions are provided1813 ✓ correctly passes the props to the button (41 ms)1814 ✓ emits the Primary event when clicked (21 ms)1815 ✓ emits the Secondary event when clicked (38 ms)1816 ✓ emits the Tertiary event when clicked (26 ms)1817 ✓ only renders action buttons (13 ms)1818 renders the Primary action buttons1819 ✓ renders two of a kind (46 ms)1820 ✓ passes the correct defaults attributes (28 ms)1821 renders the Secondary action buttons1822 ✓ renders two of a kind (30 ms)1823 ✓ passes the correct defaults attributes (52 ms)1824 renders the Tertiary action buttons1825 ✓ renders two of a kind (32 ms)1826 ✓ passes the correct defaults attributes (57 ms)1827 `syncActiveTabWithQueryParams` prop1828 when set to `true`1829 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and query string is ?tab=11830 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (36 ms)1831 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and query string is ?tab=third1832 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (24 ms)1833 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and query string is ?tab=21834 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (21 ms)1835 when `queryParamName` prop is activeTab and query string is ?activeTab=third1836 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (31 ms)1837 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and query string is 1838 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (24 ms)1839 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and query string is ?activeTab=forth1840 ✓ sets active tab based on query string when component is mounted (19 ms)1841 when active tab is changed1842 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and "Second" tab is activated1843 ✓ sets query string to /?foo-bar=baz&tab=1 (26 ms)1844 when `queryParamName` prop is undefined and "Third" tab is activated1845 ✓ sets query string to /?foo-bar=baz&tab=third (33 ms)1846 when `queryParamName` prop is activeTab and "Second" tab is activated1847 ✓ sets query string to /?foo-bar=baz&activeTab=1 (20 ms)1848 when `popstate` event is fired1849 ✓ updates active tab based on query string (24 ms)1850 ✓ does not call `window.history.pushState` (39 ms)1851 when `value` prop is changed1852 ✓ updates active tab and query string (25 ms)1853 when component is mounted1854 ✓ emits `input` event (23 ms)1855 when set to `false`1856 when component is mounted1857 ✓ emits `input` event (28 ms)1858 when tab is changed1859 ✓ emits `input` event (18 ms)1860 when `value` prop is changed1861 ✓ updates active tab (20 ms)1862PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_suggestion_list.spec.js1863 Filtered search suggestion list component1864 suggestions API1865 ✓ has expected public methods (5 ms)1866 navigation1867 ✓ does not select item by default (3 ms)1868 ✓ selects first item on nextItem call (1 ms)1869 ✓ deselects first item on prevItem call (1 ms)1870 ✓ deselects last item on nextItem call (1 ms)1871 ✓ remove selection if suggestion is unregistered (1 ms)1872 ✓ selects correct suggestion when item (un)registration is late (2 ms)1873 navigation with termsAsTokens1874 ✓ does not select item by default (2 ms)1875 ✓ selects first item on nextItem call (1 ms)1876 ✓ wraps to last item on prevItem call (2 ms)1877 ✓ wraps to first item on nextItem call (1 ms)1878 ✓ remove selection if suggestion is unregistered (1 ms)1879 ✓ selects correct suggestion when item (un)registration is late (1 ms)1880 integration tests1881 with termsAsTokens = false1882 ✓ selects first suggestion (18 ms)1883 ✓ selects second suggestion (14 ms)1884 ✓ deselects first suggestion after list end (28 ms)1885 ✓ deselects first suggestion after list start (15 ms)1886 ✓ selects last suggestion in circle when selecting previous item (18 ms)1887 ✓ selects first suggestion in circle when selecting next item (15 ms)1888 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided (16 ms)1889 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided, regardless of case sensitivity (32 ms)1890 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided, regardless of falsiness (16 ms)1891 ✓ highlights first suggestion if initial-value is provided, deselected then selected (21 ms)1892 ✓ does not highlight anything if initial-value matches nothing (16 ms)1893 ✓ applies the injected suggestion-list-class to the dropdown (14 ms)1894 with termsAsTokens = true1895 ✓ selects first suggestion (26 ms)1896 ✓ selects second suggestion (21 ms)1897 ✓ wraps to first suggestion after list end (16 ms)1898 ✓ wraps to last suggestion before list start (12 ms)1899 ✓ selects second-to-last suggestion in circle when selecting previous item (14 ms)1900 ✓ selects second suggestion in circle when selecting next item (25 ms)1901 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided (14 ms)1902 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided, regardless of case sensitivity (12 ms)1903 ✓ highlights suggestion if initial-value is provided, regardless of falsiness (14 ms)1904 ✓ highlights first suggestion if initial-value is provided, deselected then selected (20 ms)1905 ✓ does not highlight anything if initial-value matches nothing (34 ms)1906 ✓ applies the injected suggestion-list-class to the dropdown (9 ms)1907PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-radio/form-radio-group.spec.js1908 form-radio-group1909 ✓ default has structure <div></div> (6 ms)1910 ✓ default has no classes on wrapper other than focus ring (3 ms)1911 ✓ default has auto ID set (4 ms)1912 ✓ default has tabindex set to -1 (4 ms)1913 ✓ default does not have aria-required set (2 ms)1914 ✓ default does not have aria-invalid set (3 ms)1915 ✓ default has attribute role=radiogroup (2 ms)1916 ✓ default has user provided ID (15 ms)1917 ✓ default has class was-validated when validated=true (3 ms)1918 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when state=false (3 ms)1919 ✓ default does not have attribute aria-invalid when state=true (2 ms)1920 ✓ default does not have attribute aria-invalid when state=null (3 ms)1921 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid=true (3 ms)1922 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid="true" (3 ms)1923 ✓ default has attribute aria-invalid=true when aria-invalid="" (3 ms)1924 ✓ has radios with input validation class "is-valid" when `state` is `true` (8 ms)1925 ✓ has radios with input validation class "is-invalid" when `state` is `false` (6 ms)1926 ✓ has radios with no input validation class when `state` is `null` (8 ms)1927 ✓ has radios via options array (6 ms)1928 ✓ has radios via options array which respect disabled (7 ms)1929 ✓ has radios with attribute required when prop required set (22 ms)1930 ✓ emits change event when radio clicked (13 ms)1931 ✓ radios reflect group checked v-model (9 ms)1932PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-row-details.spec.js1933 table > row details1934 ✓ does not show details if slot row-details not defined (21 ms)1935 ✓ expected rows have details showing (20 ms)1936 ✓ prop `details-td-class` works (29 ms)1937 ✓ should show details slot when _showDetails changed (31 ms)1938 ✓ should hide details slot when _showDetails changed (37 ms)1939 ✓ should have extra spacer tr when details showing and striped=true (32 ms)1940 ✓ should show details slot when slot method toggleDetails() called (35 ms)1941PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-sticky-column.spec.js1942 table > sticky columns1943 ✓ has expected classes when sticky column is enabled and responsive (32 ms)1944 ✓ has expected classes when sticky column is enabled with sticky headers (37 ms)1945 ✓ does not have sticky classes when sticky column is enabled and not responsive and no sticky header (20 ms)1946PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/button/button.spec.js1947 button1948 ✓ has default structure and classes (7 ms)1949 ✓ renders a link when href provided (7 ms)1950 ✓ renders default slot content (6 ms)1951 ✓ applies variant class (4 ms)1952 ✓ applies block class (3 ms)1953 ✓ renders custom root element (4 ms)1954 ✓ button has attribute disabled when disabled set (4 ms)1955 ✓ link has attribute aria-disabled when disabled set (3 ms)1956 ✓ link with href="#" should have role="button" (11 ms)1957 ✓ should emit click event when clicked (3 ms)1958 ✓ link with href="#" should treat keydown.space as click (5 ms)1959 ✓ should not emit click event when clicked and disabled (3 ms)1960 ✓ should not have `.active` class and `aria-pressed` when pressed is null (3 ms)1961 ✓ should not have `.active` class and have `aria-pressed="false"` when pressed is false (3 ms)1962 ✓ should have `.active` class and have `aria-pressed="true"` when pressed is true (3 ms)1963 ✓ pressed should have `.focus` class when focused (2 ms)1964 ✓ should update the parent sync value on click and when pressed is not null (4 ms)1965PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-provider.spec.js1966 table > provider functions1967 ✓ synchronous items provider works (27 ms)1968 ✓ promise items provider works (41 ms)1969 ✓ callback items provider works (26 ms)1970 ✓ callback items provider expects 2 arguments (21 ms)1971 ✓ provider refreshing works (68 ms)1972 ✓ refresh debouncing works (30 ms)1973 ✓ reacts to items provider function change (46 ms)1974 ✓ calls provider only once when filter is pre-set object (18 ms)1975 ✓ provider is called when filter object child property is changed (37 ms)1976 console.error1977 Error: mock error1978 at Proxy.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:305:15)1979 at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:397:391980 at Proxy.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:404:13)1981 at Proxy.mockConstructor (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:148:19)1982 at callback (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.js:32:7)1983 at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)1984 at Document.forEach (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.js:20:13)1985 at Document.callTheUserObjectsOperation (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventListener.js:26:30)1986 at innerInvokeEventListeners (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:350:25)1987 at invokeEventListeners (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:286:3)1988 at HTMLDivElementImpl._dispatch (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:217:9)1989 at HTMLDivElementImpl.dispatchEvent (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:104:17)1990 at HTMLDivElement.dispatchEvent (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventTarget.js:241:34)1991 at DOMWrapper.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7226:34)1992 at step (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:106:23)1993 at Object.next (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:87:53)1994 at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:80:711995 at new Promise (<anonymous>)1996 at __awaiter (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:76:12)1997 at DOMWrapper.Object.<anonymous>.BaseWrapper.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7216:16)1998 at DOMWrapper.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:553:26)1999 at Object.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:321:23)2000 34 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {2001 35 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-console2002 > 36 | console.error(e);2003 | ^2004 37 | }2005 38 | }2006 39 | });2007 at console.<anonymous> (node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:794:25)2008 at error (src/directives/outside/outside.js:36:17)2009 at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)2010 at Document.forEach (src/directives/outside/outside.js:20:13)2011 at Document.callTheUserObjectsOperation (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventListener.js:26:30)2012 at innerInvokeEventListeners (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:350:25)2013 at invokeEventListeners (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:286:3)2014 at HTMLDivElementImpl._dispatch (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:217:9)2015 at HTMLDivElementImpl.dispatchEvent (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:104:17)2016 at HTMLDivElement.dispatchEvent (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventTarget.js:241:34)2017 at DOMWrapper.<anonymous> (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7226:34)2018 at step (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:106:23)2019 at Object.next (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:87:53)2020 at node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:80:712021 at __awaiter (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:76:12)2022 at DOMWrapper.Object.<anonymous>.BaseWrapper.trigger (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7216:16)2023 at DOMWrapper.trigger (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:553:26)2024 at Object.trigger (src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:321:23)2025 console.error2026 Error: mock error2027 at Proxy.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:305:15)2028 at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:397:392029 at Proxy.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:404:13)2030 at Proxy.mockConstructor (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:148:19)2031 at callback (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.js:32:7)2032 at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)2033 at Document.forEach (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.js:20:13)2034 at Document.callTheUserObjectsOperation (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventListener.js:26:30)2035 at innerInvokeEventListeners (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:350:25)2036 at invokeEventListeners (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:286:3)2037 at HTMLDivElementImpl._dispatch (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:217:9)2038 at HTMLDivElementImpl.dispatchEvent (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:104:17)2039 at HTMLDivElement.dispatchEvent (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventTarget.js:241:34)2040 at DOMWrapper.<anonymous> (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7226:34)2041 at step (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:106:23)2042 at Object.next (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:87:53)2043 at /builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:80:712044 at new Promise (<anonymous>)2045 at __awaiter (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:76:12)2046 at DOMWrapper.Object.<anonymous>.BaseWrapper.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7216:16)2047 at DOMWrapper.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:553:26)2048 at Object.trigger (/builds/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:321:23)2049 34 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {2050 35 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-console2051 > 36 | console.error(e);2052 | ^2053 37 | }2054 38 | }2055 39 | });2056 at console.<anonymous> (node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:794:25)2057 at error (src/directives/outside/outside.js:36:17)2058 at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)2059 at Document.forEach (src/directives/outside/outside.js:20:13)2060 at Document.callTheUserObjectsOperation (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventListener.js:26:30)2061 at innerInvokeEventListeners (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:350:25)2062 at invokeEventListeners (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:286:3)2063 at HTMLDivElementImpl._dispatch (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:217:9)2064 at HTMLDivElementImpl.dispatchEvent (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/events/EventTarget-impl.js:104:17)2065 at HTMLDivElement.dispatchEvent (node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/EventTarget.js:241:34)2066 at DOMWrapper.<anonymous> (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7226:34)2067 at step (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:106:23)2068 at Object.next (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:87:53)2069 at node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:80:712070 at __awaiter (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:76:12)2071 at DOMWrapper.Object.<anonymous>.BaseWrapper.trigger (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:7216:16)2072 at DOMWrapper.trigger (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:553:26)2073 at Object.trigger (src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js:321:23)2074PASS src/directives/outside/outside.spec.js2075 outside directive2076 given a callback for click2077 ✓ is called with [[Array]] when clicking on outside element (7 ms)2078 ✓ is called with [] when clicking on bound element (3 ms)2079 ✓ is called with [] when clicking on inside element (2 ms)2080 given a callback for focusin2081 ✓ is called with [[Array]] when focusing on outside element (1 ms)2082 ✓ is called with [] when focusing on bound-focusin element (2 ms)2083 ✓ is called with [] when focusing on inside-focusin element (1 ms)2084 given multiple instances2085 ✓ calls the expected callbacks when outside is clicked (2 ms)2086 ✓ calls the expected callbacks when first is clicked (2 ms)2087 ✓ calls the expected callbacks when sibling is clicked (2 ms)2088 global event binding2089 ✓ throws if not passed a callback (23 ms)2090 ✓ throws if passed an argument (2 ms)2091 ✓ attaches the global listener when binding (3 ms)2092 ✓ detaches the global listener when last binding is removed (2 ms)2093 ✓ only unbinds once there are no instances (3 ms)2094 given modifiers2095 ✓ works with focusin (3 ms)2096 ✓ works with multiple event types (2 ms)2097 ✓ does not work with any other event, like mousedown (13 ms)2098 ✓ does not work with any other event, like keyup (3 ms)2099 ✓ does not work with any other event, like foo (2 ms)2100 ✓ only prints unsupported modifiers in the error message (3 ms)2101 multiple instances on the same element2102 ✓ calls only the inner-most instance (4 ms)2103 given a callback that throws2104 ✓ still calls other listeners (14 ms)2105 ✓ logs the error to the console (7 ms)2106 mousedown before click2107 ✓ respects mousedown event before click (3 ms)2108PASS src/components/base/form/form_checkbox_tree/form_checkbox_tree.spec.js2109 GlFormCheckboxTree2110 initial state with a non-nested tree2111 ✓ renders as many checkboxes as there are options (21 ms)2112 ✓ checks boxes based on passed value (18 ms)2113 ✓ sets indeterminate state on checkboxes that have some children checked (13 ms)2114 initial state with a nested tree2115 ✓ renders as many checkboxes as there are options (27 ms)2116 ✓ checks boxes based on passed value (17 ms)2117 ✓ sets indeterminate state on checkboxes that have some children checked (16 ms)2118 initial state with a complex tree2119 ✓ renders as many checkboxes as there are options (44 ms)2120 ✓ checks boxes based on passed value (22 ms)2121 ✓ sets indeterminate state on checkboxes that have some children checked (27 ms)2122 ✓ renders as many checkboxes as there are options (39 ms)2123 ✓ checks boxes based on passed value (39 ms)2124 ✓ sets indeterminate state on checkboxes that have some children checked (66 ms)2125 when checking a parent checkbox in a non-nested tree2126 ✓ checks all of the checkbox's children, if any (18 ms)2127 when checking a parent checkbox in a nested tree2128 ✓ checks all of the checkbox's children, if any (16 ms)2129 when checking a parent checkbox in a complex tree2130 ✓ checks all of the checkbox's children, if any (54 ms)2131 when checking child checkboxes in a nested tree2132 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (18 ms)2133 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (14 ms)2134 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (29 ms)2135 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (19 ms)2136 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (22 ms)2137 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (21 ms)2138 when checking child checkboxes in a complex tree2139 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (50 ms)2140 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (33 ms)2141 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (49 ms)2142 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (29 ms)2143 ✓ parents that have remaining unchecked children become indeterminate (44 ms)2144 ✓ parents that have all their children checked become checked as well (46 ms)2145 when unchecking checkboxes in a nested tree2146 ✓ unchecks all of the checkbox's children if any (18 ms)2147 ✓ sets parent checkboxes in the indeterminate state if needed (14 ms)2148 ✓ unchecks all of the checkbox's children if any (24 ms)2149 ✓ sets parent checkboxes in the indeterminate state if needed (16 ms)2150 when unchecking checkboxes in a complex tree2151 ✓ unchecks all of the checkbox's children if any (30 ms)2152 ✓ sets parent checkboxes in the indeterminate state if needed (34 ms)2153 ✓ unchecks all of the checkbox's children if any (28 ms)2154 ✓ sets parent checkboxes in the indeterminate state if needed (37 ms)2155 ✓ unchecks all of the checkbox's children if any (21 ms)2156 ✓ sets parent checkboxes in the indeterminate state if needed (33 ms)2157 toggle all with no option checked2158 ✓ toggle all checkbox is in the correct state (17 ms)2159 ✓ once toggled, puts all checkboxes in the correct state (27 ms)2160 toggle all with some options checked2161 ✓ toggle all checkbox is in the correct state (28 ms)2162 ✓ once toggled, puts all checkboxes in the correct state (15 ms)2163 toggle all with all options checked2164 ✓ toggle all checkbox is in the correct state (11 ms)2165 ✓ once toggled, puts all checkboxes in the correct state (27 ms)2166PASS src/components/base/daterange_picker/daterange_picker.spec.js2167 Daterange Picker2168 ✓ renders two datepickers (7 ms)2169 ✓ adds the provided gl-text-blue-500 class to daterange-picker-start-container (4 ms)2170 ✓ adds the provided gl-text-red-500 class to daterange-picker-end-container (3 ms)2171 from date picker2172 emits the input event2173 ✓ updates startDate correctly (3 ms)2174 ✓ sets the end date picker's minDate to one day after the startDate (3 ms)2175 ✓ emits `start-date-open` event on component when `open` event fires (10 ms)2176 ✓ emits `start-date-close` event on component when `close` event fires (5 ms)2177 with a date range violation2178 ✓ does not emit the "input" event when there is a date range violation (9 ms)2179 ✓ sets openToCalendar=true (8 ms)2180 ✓ sets endDate=null (9 ms)2181 date range violation with maxDateRange and sameDaySelection2182 with maxDateRange = 2, sameDaySelection = false and violation = false2183 ✓ does not have a date range violation (6 ms)2184 with maxDateRange = 1, sameDaySelection = false and violation = true2185 ✓ has a date range violation (7 ms)2186 with maxDateRange = 2, sameDaySelection = true and violation = true2187 ✓ has a date range violation (8 ms)2188 with maxDateRange = 3, sameDaySelection = true and violation = false2189 ✓ does not have a date range violation (5 ms)2190 with no date range violation2191 ✓ emits the "input" event (15 ms)2192 end date picker2193 emits the input event2194 ✓ updates endDate correctly (3 ms)2195 ✓ sets openToCalendar=false (4 ms)2196 ✓ calls the event handler (3 ms)2197 ✓ emits `end-date-open` event on component when `open` event fires (3 ms)2198 ✓ emits `end-date-close` event on component when `close` event fires (3 ms)2199 with maxDateRange = 102200 ✓ sets the maxDate to the startDate + the maxDateRange (3 ms)2201 with startPickerTarget/endPickerTarget defined2202 ✓ sets the `target` prop to startPickerTarget (3 ms)2203 ✓ sets the `target` prop to endPickerTarget (2 ms)2204 with startPickerContainer/endPickerContainer defined2205 ✓ sets the `container` prop to startPickerContainer (4 ms)2206 ✓ sets the `container` prop to endPickerContainer (3 ms)2207 sameDaySelection = true2208 from date picker2209 ✓ updates startDate correctly (4 ms)2210 ✓ sets the end date picker's minDate to the startDate (3 ms)2211 with maxDateRange = 102212 ✓ sets the maxDate to the startDate + the maxDateRange - 1 (10 ms)2213 labelClass2214 ✓ does not have the class by default (14 ms)2215 ✓ adds the label class when provided (4 ms)2216 with date range indicator and tooltip2217 ✓ does not show default slot or tooltip icon by default (4 ms)2218 ✓ shows the default slot when provided (7 ms)2219 ✓ shows the effective days selected for the default slot when sameDaySelection is true (5 ms)2220 ✓ shows the icon with the provided tooltip (7 ms)2221 ✓ adds the indicator class when provided (4 ms)2222 startOpened2223 ✓ sets start-opened on the from date picker (3 ms)2224 ✓ defaults to false (5 ms)2225 ✓ does not set start-opened on the end date picker (2 ms)2226PASS src/components/base/form/form_combobox/form_combobox.spec.js2227 GlFormCombobox2228 with value as string2229 match and filter functionality2230 ✓ is closed when the input is empty (27 ms)2231 ✓ is open when the input text matches a token (19 ms)2232 ✓ shows partial matches at string start and mid-string (16 ms)2233 ✓ is closed when the text does not match (21 ms)2234 keyboard navigation in dropdown2235 on down arrow + enter2236 ✓ selects the next item in the list and closes the dropdown (20 ms)2237 ✓ loops to the top when it reaches the bottom (25 ms)2238 on up arrow + enter2239 ✓ selects the previous item in the list and closes the dropdown (23 ms)2240 ✓ loops to the bottom when it reaches the top (36 ms)2241 on enter with no item highlighted2242 ✓ does nothing (16 ms)2243 on click2244 ✓ selects the clicked item regardless of arrow highlight (19 ms)2245 on tab2246 ✓ selects entered text, closes dropdown (17 ms)2247 on esc2248 when dropdown is open2249 ✓ closes dropdown and does not select anything (28 ms)2250 when dropdown is closed2251 ✓ clears the input field (11 ms)2252 with value as object2253 match and filter functionality2254 ✓ is closed when the input is empty (11 ms)2255 ✓ is open when the input text matches a token (16 ms)2256 ✓ shows partial matches at string start and mid-string (26 ms)2257 ✓ is closed when the text does not match (11 ms)2258 keyboard navigation in dropdown2259 on down arrow + enter2260 ✓ selects the next item in the list and closes the dropdown (21 ms)2261 ✓ loops to the top when it reaches the bottom (17 ms)2262 on up arrow + enter2263 ✓ selects the previous item in the list and closes the dropdown (29 ms)2264 ✓ loops to the bottom when it reaches the top (18 ms)2265 on enter with no item highlighted2266 ✓ does nothing (25 ms)2267 on click2268 ✓ selects the clicked item regardless of arrow highlight (16 ms)2269 on tab2270 ✓ selects entered text, closes dropdown (28 ms)2271 on esc2272 when dropdown is open2273 ✓ closes dropdown and does not select anything (15 ms)2274 when dropdown is closed2275 ✓ clears the input field (11 ms)2276 with action items2277 ✓ click on action item executes its function (32 ms)2278 ✓ keyboard navigation and executes function on enter (34 ms)2279 ✓ displays only action items when no result match input value (21 ms)2280PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/dom.spec.js2281 utils/dom2282 ✓ isElement() works (6 ms)2283 ✓ isDisabled() works (2 ms)2284 ✓ hasClass() works (2 ms)2285 ✓ contains() works (3 ms)2286 ✓ closest() works (12 ms)2287 ✓ matches() works (3 ms)2288 ✓ hasAttr() works (2 ms)2289 ✓ getAttr() works (3 ms)2290 ✓ getStyle() works (2 ms)2291 ✓ select() works (3 ms)2292 ✓ selectAll() works (6 ms)2293PASS src/components/base/token_selector/token_container.spec.js2294 GlTokenContainer2295 props2296 tokens2297 ✓ renders passed tokens (24 ms)2298 viewOnly2299 ✓ passes viewOnly prop to tokens correctly (4 ms)2300 clearing all tokens2301 ✓ does not render `Clear all` button by default (11 ms)2302 ✓ renders `Clear all` button when `showClearAllButton` prop is true (13 ms)2303 ✓ emits `clear-all` event when `Clear all` button is clicked (13 ms)2304 state2305 when `state` is `false`2306 ✓ adds `aria-invalid="true"` attribute` (12 ms)2307 when `state` is `true`2308 ✓ does not add `aria-invalid` attribute (23 ms)2309 when `state` is `null`2310 ✓ does not add `aria-invalid` attribute (12 ms)2311 registerFocusOnToken2312 ✓ calls passed method (9 ms)2313 slots2314 ✓ renders `token-content` slot (14 ms)2315 ✓ renders `text-input` slot (15 ms)2316 closing tokens2317 ✓ fires `token-remove` event (24 ms)2318 ✓ cancels token focus (13 ms)2319 keyboard navigation2320 when escape key is pressed2321 ✓ fires `cancel-focus` event (13 ms)2322 when backspace/delete key is pressed2323 ✓ fires `token-remove` event (16 ms)2324 ✓ focuses on previous token after removing (14 ms)2325 arrow keys2326 ✓ focuses on the first token when home key is pressed (14 ms)2327 ✓ focuses on the last token when end key is pressed (28 ms)2328 ✓ keeps track of focused token when token is focused by click/tap (12 ms)2329 ✓ emits the `cancel-focus` event when tab key is pressed without modifiers (12 ms)2330 ✓ does not emit the `cancel-focus` event when tab key is pressed with modifiers (11 ms)2331 when left arrow is pressed2332 ✓ focuses on previous token (25 ms)2333 ✓ focuses on last token if there is no previous token (16 ms)2334 when right arrow is pressed2335 ✓ focuses on next token (16 ms)2336 ✓ focuses on first token if there is no next token (13 ms)2337PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/inspect.spec.js2338 utils/inspect2339 ✓ toType() (2 ms)2340 ✓ toRawType() (2 ms)2341 ✓ toRawTypeLC() (1 ms)2342 ✓ isUndefined() (9 ms)2343 ✓ isNull() (1 ms)2344 ✓ isUndefinedOrNull() (1 ms)2345 ✓ isFunction() (1 ms)2346 ✓ isBoolean() (1 ms)2347 ✓ isString() (2 ms)2348 ✓ isNumber()2349 ✓ isNumeric() (1 ms)2350 ✓ isPrimitive() (1 ms)2351 ✓ isDate() (1 ms)2352 ✓ isEvent() (2 ms)2353 ✓ isRegExp() (1 ms)2354 ✓ isPromise() (1 ms)2355PASS src/components/regions/empty_state/empty_state.spec.js2356 empty state component2357 with no buttons2358 ✓ should render the title (6 ms)2359 ✓ should render the description (3 ms)2360 ✓ should pass through the SVG path (2 ms)2361 ✓ should pass through the SVG height integer (2 ms)2362 with a primary button2363 ✓ should only render one button (3 ms)2364 ✓ should render the primary button (2 ms)2365 with a secondary button2366 ✓ should only render the secondary button (11 ms)2367 with a primary and secondary button2368 ✓ should render two buttons (3 ms)2369 ✓ should render the primary button (3 ms)2370 ✓ should also render the secondary button (3 ms)2371 with custom actions2372 ✓ should render slot's contents instead of default buttons (4 ms)2373 with different titles2374 ✓ should render title from prop (3 ms)2375 ✓ should render title from slot (4 ms)2376 ✓ should render a slotted title over a props title (4 ms)2377 with different descriptions2378 ✓ should render description from prop (4 ms)2379 ✓ should render description from slot (3 ms)2380 ✓ should render a slotted description over a props description (3 ms)2381 with custom content class2382 ✓ applies gl-p-0 class when compact is false (3 ms)2383 ✓ applies ["gl-p-0"] class when compact is false (3 ms)2384 ✓ applies {"gl-p-0": true} class when compact is false (4 ms)2385 ✓ applies gl-p-0 class when compact is true (2 ms)2386 ✓ applies ["gl-p-0"] class when compact is true (3 ms)2387 ✓ applies {"gl-p-0": true} class when compact is true (15 ms)2388PASS src/components/base/keyset_pagination/keyset_pagination.spec.js2389 GlKeysetPagination2390 template2391 icons2392 ✓ renders a left chevron icon in the "Prev" button (14 ms)2393 ✓ renders a right chevron icon in the "Next" button (8 ms)2394 when both hasNextPage & hasPreviousPage is false2395 ✓ does not render pagination (2 ms)2396 hasPreviousPage2397 when hasPreviousPage is false2398 ✓ renders the "Prev" button as disabled (19 ms)2399 when hasPreviousPage is true2400 ✓ renders the "Prev" button as enabled (7 ms)2401 hasNextPage2402 when hasNextPage is false2403 ✓ renders the "Next" button as disabled (7 ms)2404 when hasNextPage is true2405 ✓ renders the "Next" button as enabled (7 ms)2406 events2407 when the "Prev" button is clicked2408 ✓ emits a "prev" event with the startCursor as a parameter (6 ms)2409 when the "Next" button is clicked2410 ✓ emits a "next" event with the endCursor as a parameter (5 ms)2411 prevText2412 when no value is provided2413 ✓ renders the default text: "Previous" (9 ms)2414 when a custom string is provided2415 ✓ renders the custom text inside the button (6 ms)2416 nextText2417 when no value is provided2418 ✓ renders the default text: "Next" (6 ms)2419 when a custom string is provided2420 ✓ renders the custom text inside the button (20 ms)2421 prevButtonLink2422 when no value is provided2423 ✓ renders the button as a regular button (not a link) (7 ms)2424 when a link is provided2425 ✓ renders the button as a link (10 ms)2426 ✓ render the link with the correct href (9 ms)2427 nextButtonLink2428 when no value is provided2429 ✓ renders the button as a regular button (not a link) (7 ms)2430 when a link is provided2431 ✓ renders the button as a link (8 ms)2432 ✓ render the link with the correct href (7 ms)2433 disabled2434 when hasNextPage and hasPreviousPage are true, and disabled is false2435 ✓ renders both buttons as enabled (9 ms)2436 when hasNextPage, hasPreviousPage, and disabled are true2437 ✓ renders both buttons as disabled (8 ms)2438 slots2439 when the previous-button-content slot is provided2440 ✓ renders the provided content inside the "Prev" button (22 ms)2441 when the next-button-content slot is provided2442 ✓ renders the provided content inside the "Next" button (7 ms)2443PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tabs/tab.spec.js2444 tab2445 ✓ default has expected classes, attributes and structure (8 ms)2446 ✓ default has expected data state (13 ms)2447 ✓ has class disabled when disabled=true (3 ms)2448 ✓ has class active when active=true (3 ms)2449 ✓ does not have class active when active=true and disabled=true (4 ms)2450 ✓ has class active and show when localActive becomes true (4 ms)2451 ✓ emits event "update:active" when localActive becomes true (3 ms)2452 ✓ has class card-body when parent has card=true (3 ms)2453 ✓ does not have class card-body when parent has card=true and prop no-body is set (3 ms)2454 ✓ calls parent's updateButton() when title slot provided (5 ms)2455 ✓ calls parent de/activateTab() when prop active changes (6 ms)2456 ✓ does not call parent activateTab() when prop active changes and disabled=true (3 ms)2457 ✓ does not call parent deactivateTab() when deactivate() called and not active (3 ms)2458PASS src/components/charts/gauge/gauge.spec.js2459 gauge component2460 ✓ emits `created`, with the chart instance (5 ms)2461 min and max2462 ✓ are correctly set (2 ms)2463 ✓ if not provided, they are set to default values (2 ms)2464 gauge detail text2465 ✓ is displayed when text prop is set (2 ms)2466 ✓ is equal to value when text prop is not set (2 ms)2467 ✓ is equal to value when text prop is not set and value is less than min (1 ms)2468 ✓ is equal to value when text prop is not set and value is more than max (2 ms)2469 ✓ shows a placeholder when text prop is not set and value is NaN (2 ms)2470 gauge splits2471 ✓ are 10 in number when no prop is set (2 ms)2472 ✓ are set to correct value when prop is set (2 ms)2473 thresholds and related colors2474 when no threshold is set2475 ✓ axis has a single color set (1 ms)2476 ✓ axis has correct color set (2 ms)2477 when one threshold is set2478 ✓ axis has two colors set (2 ms)2479 ✓ first color is a safely looking color (2 ms)2480 ✓ second color denotes the danger/warning zone (2 ms)2481 when two thresholds are set2482 ✓ axis has three colors set (2 ms)2483 ✓ first color is a safely looking color (2 ms)2484 ✓ second color is also safely looking, but a bit darker (2 ms)2485 ✓ third color denotes the danger/warning zone (2 ms)2486 when more than two thresholds are set2487 ✓ only two of them are used (1 ms)2488 ✓ if some of them are invalid values they are skipped (13 ms)2489 thresholds are sorted by numeric value2490 ✓ when values are valid (3 ms)2491 ✓ when some values are invalid (3 ms)2492 when thresholds outside of min and max range are set, they will not show on the arc2493 ✓ axis has a single color set (3 ms)2494 when thresholds that are not numbers are set, they will not show on the arc2495 ✓ axis has a single color set (3 ms)2496 when custom options are added2497 ✓ options get applied on the chart instance (2 ms)2498 options are merged with values set as props2499 ✓ they override props (2 ms)2500 ✓ they leave values that are not overriden as is (3 ms)2501PASS src/components/charts/tooltip/tooltip.spec.js2502 ChartTooltip2503 ✓ sets target as container instead of a trigger (8 ms)2504 ✓ is right-positioned by default (3 ms)2505 ✓ applies placement if any (2 ms)2506 ✓ applies initial position and updates it (21 ms)2507 ✓ reacts to `mousemove` and `mouseout` in chart dom (3 ms)2508 ✓ tooltip target has default offset (3 ms)2509 ✓ tooltip target defines offsets (3 ms)2510 when setting a `show` value2511 ✓ applies initial `show` value and updates it (23 ms)2512 when not setting a `show` value2513 with no position defined2514 ✓ when mouse moves outside of chart (22 ms)2515 ✓ when mouse moves inside chart (21 ms)2516 with position defined2517 ✓ when mouse moves outside of chart (20 ms)2518 ✓ when mouse moves inside chart (22 ms)2519 is customized via slots2520 formats tooltip2521 ✓ sets tooltip formatter function (4 ms)2522 ✓ formats tooltip (4 ms)2523 ✓ formats tooltip with axis names (3 ms)2524PASS src/components/base/modal/modal.spec.js2525 Modal component2526 ✓ accepts custom modal class (3 ms)2527 ✓ binds visible property to the BModal visible property (36 ms)2528 ✓ sets visible property and change event as the component models (1 ms)2529 ✓ emits change event when base modal component emits change event (6 ms)2530 default2531 ✓ renders BModal (22 ms)2532 ✓ applies default modal class (4 ms)2533 slots2534 ✓ renders modal-header slot properly (7 ms)2535 ✓ renders modal-title slot properly (5 ms)2536 modal footer2537 ✓ should render three buttons (6 ms)2538 ✓ buttons should render prop text (8 ms)2539 ✓ attributes array to be returned (5 ms)2540 ✓ default attributes to be returned (6 ms)2541 ✓ does not emit anything (6 ms)2542 when cancel is clicked2543 ✓ should emit canceled event (8 ms)2544 when primary is clicked2545 ✓ should emit primary event (19 ms)2546 when secondary is clicked2547 ✓ should emit secondary (5 ms)2548 ✓ should close modal (7 ms)2549 when secondary is clicked with default prevented2550 ✓ should emit secondary (6 ms)2551 ✓ should close modal (5 ms)2552 when closed2553 ✓ should emit closed (4 ms)2554 accessible name warning2555 ✓ is logged when there is no title or ariaLabel (4 ms)2556 ✓ is not logged when there is a title (4 ms)2557 ✓ is not logged when there is an ariaLabel (3 ms)2558 ✓ is not logged when there is a title and ariaLabel (4 ms)2559PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/loose-equal.spec.js2560 utils/looseEqual2561 ✓ compares booleans correctly (1 ms)2562 ✓ compares strings correctly (1 ms)2563 ✓ compares numbers correctly (1 ms)2564 ✓ compares dates correctly2565 ✓ compares files correctly (2 ms)2566 ✓ compares arrays correctly (2 ms)2567 ✓ compares RegExp correctly (1 ms)2568 ✓ compares objects correctly (1 ms)2569 ✓ compares different types correctly (2 ms)2570 ✓ compares null and undefined values correctly (1 ms)2571 ✓ compares sparse arrays correctly (1 ms)2572PASS src/components/charts/sparkline/sparkline.spec.js2573 sparkline chart component2574 ✓ emits `chartCreated`, which passes on the chart instance (12 ms)2575 ✓ renders a chart (4 ms)2576 ✓ has a default height of 50 (3 ms)2577 ✓ accepts a custom height (12 ms)2578 ✓ triggers the chart to resize when the containing elements size changes (4 ms)2579 ✓ includes a chart tooltip (3 ms)2580 ✓ displays the given tooltip label (5 ms)2581 ✓ shows the last entry's y-value per default (6 ms)2582 ✓ does not show the last entry's y-value if 'showLastYValue' is false (4 ms)2583 ✓ does not show the last entry's y-value if there is no data (5 ms)2584 ✓ enables connectNulls on the series when `connectNulls` is enabled (4 ms)2585 for a tooltip with title=`title` and content=`3`2586 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (21 ms)2587 ✓ displays the correct title (21 ms)2588 ✓ displays the correct content (22 ms)2589 for a tooltip with title=`undefined` and content=`3`2590 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (20 ms)2591 for a tooltip with title=`null` and content=`3`2592 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (20 ms)2593 for a tooltip with title=`` and content=`3`2594 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (20 ms)2595 for a tooltip with title=` ` and content=`3`2596 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (21 ms)2597 for a tooltip with title=`title` and content=`undefined`2598 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (21 ms)2599 for a tooltip with title=`title` and content=`null`2600 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (23 ms)2601 for a tooltip with title=`title` and content=``2602 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (21 ms)2603 for a tooltip with title=`title` and content=` `2604 ✓ sets the correct value for tooltip.show (20 ms)2605 gradient2606 ✓ sets the chart color for no gradient (4 ms)2607 ✓ sets the chart color for simple gradient (4 ms)2608 ✓ sets the chart color for flat line (4 ms)2609 ✓ sets the chart color for no data (5 ms)2610 smooth2611 ✓ validate -1 (4 ms)2612 ✓ validate 0 (3 ms)2613 ✓ validate 0.5 (4 ms)2614 ✓ validate 1 (2 ms)2615 ✓ validate 1.1 (2 ms)2616 ✓ sets the series smoothing (14 ms)2617 height2618 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (6 ms)2619 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (5 ms)2620 sparkline root element style2621 ✓ does not set the root element style to height full (4 ms)2622 ✓ set the root element style to height full when height is "auto" (4 ms)2623PASS src/components/base/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.spec.js2624 Breadcrumb component2625 items2626 ✓ has one breadcrumb-item for each item in the items props (16 ms)2627 ✓ renders correctly when no items and autoresize (3 ms)2628 ariaLabel2629 ✓ uses prop if provided (8 ms)2630 ✓ uses default if prop not provided (9 ms)2631 showMoreLabel2632 when provided2633 ✓ uses prop (19 ms)2634 when not provided2635 ✓ uses default (30 ms)2636 autoResize2637 by default2638 ✓ moves overflowing items into dropdown (19 ms)2639 ✓ reacts to prop changing to false (23 ms)2640 when set to false2641 ✓ keeps all items visible (10 ms)2642 ✓ does not trigger auto-resize behavior when items change (24 ms)2643 ✓ reacts to prop changing to true (19 ms)2644 avatars2645 ✓ renders 2 avatars when 2 avatarPaths are passed (10 ms)2646 bindings2647 ✓ first breadcrumb has text, href && ariaCurrent=`false` bound (10 ms)2648 ✓ second breadcrumb has text, to && ariaCurrent=`false` bound (8 ms)2649 ✓ last breadcrumb has text, to && ariaCurrent=`page` bound (11 ms)2650 collapsible2651 when there is enough room to fit all items2652 ✓ should not display collapsed list expander (12 ms)2653 ✓ should display all items visible (28 ms)2654 when there is NOT enough room to fit all items2655 ✓ should display overflow dropdown (20 ms)2656 ✓ moves the overflowing items into the dropdown (18 ms)2657PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/router.spec.js2658 utils/router2659 stringifyQueryObj()2660 ✓ returns empty string when noting passed (1 ms)2661 ✓ handles special chars (1 ms)2662 ✓ handles multiple keys2663 ✓ handles array as values (1 ms)2664 ✓ skips undefined values2665 ✓ skips undefined values in arrays (1 ms)2666 ✓ leaves in null value keys2667 ✓ leaves in null values in arrays2668 parseQuery()2669 ✓ returns empty object when empty query (1 ms)2670 ✓ parses simple query (1 ms)2671 ✓ parses empty values2672 ✓ handles null key/value pairs values (1 ms)2673 ✓ handles values with = characters2674 ✓ parses duplicate keys as arrays (1 ms)2675 computeHref()2676 ✓ works with href (1 ms)2677 ✓ parses nothing to default2678 ✓ returns null when tag is not `a` (1 ms)2679 ✓ returns href when both href and to provided (7 ms)2680 ✓ parses empty `href` to default2681 ✓ parses `to` when string (1 ms)2682 ✓ parses `to` with only path2683 ✓ parses `to` with only hash2684 ✓ parses `to` with hash missing "#"2685 ✓ parses `to` with only query2686 ✓ parses empty `to` to fallback default (1 ms)2687 ✓ parses complete `to` (1 ms)2688 isRouterLink()2689 ✓ works (1 ms)2690 computeRel()2691 ✓ works (1 ms)2692 computeTag()2693 ✓ works (1 ms)2694PASS src/components/charts/legend/legend.spec.js2695 chart legend component2696 ✓ renders the legend with no errors (11 ms)2697 ✓ displays correct number of series labels (6 ms)2698 ✓ allows user to override max value label text using props (9 ms)2699 ✓ allows user to override average value label text using props (8 ms)2700 ✓ displays "Avg" for the average value label by default (5 ms)2701 ✓ displays "Max" for the max value label by default (5 ms)2702 ✓ displays "Min" for the min value label by default (7 ms)2703 ✓ displays "Current" for the current value label by default (18 ms)2704 ✓ renders the inline layout by default (6 ms)2705 ✓ adds a fade when content scrolls (8 ms)2706 when clicking on a series label2707 ✓ dispatches a `highlight` action on the chart (9 ms)2708 ✓ does not dispatch a `legendToggleSelect` action when there is only one active series (11 ms)2709 ✓ does not dispatch a `legendToggleSelect` action on the chart when disabled=true (11 ms)2710 when setting the layout prop to table2711 ✓ renders the table layout (9 ms)2712 ✓ does not render the inline layout (24 ms)2713 ✓ allows user to override min value label text using props (10 ms)2714 ✓ allows user to override current value label text using props (10 ms)2715 ✓ displays en-dash when series data is null (11 ms)2716 ✓ displays en-dash when series data is undefined (10 ms)2717 ✓ displays en-dash when series data is empty (21 ms)2718 ✓ displays en-dash when series data is only NaN values (10 ms)2719 ✓ does not display NaN values in cells (11 ms)2720PASS src/components/base/label/label.spec.js2721 Label component2722 basic label2723 ✓ renders the label title (5 ms)2724 ✓ renders a title with two colons as a basic label (2 ms)2725 ✓ renders a black label (2 ms)2726 ✓ renders a white label if background color is dark (8 ms)2727 ✓ renders the label description without "Scoped label" (3 ms)2728 ✓ supports short hex for background color to infer text color (1 ms)2729 ✓ supports rgba for background color to infer text color (2 ms)2730 ✓ renders the label description (1 ms)2731 ✓ links to label target (2 ms)2732 close button2733 ✓ does not render by default (2 ms)2734 ✓ renders when showCloseButton is true (3 ms)2735 ✓ emits close when "x" is clicked (6 ms)2736 ✓ does not emit close when "x" is clicked when disabled (4 ms)2737 label has no target2738 ✓ renders the label content as text (2 ms)2739 ✓ does not render a link (1 ms)2740 scoped label2741 ✓ renders the scoped title (3 ms)2742 ✓ renders a black label (2 ms)2743 ✓ renders a white label if background color is dark (2 ms)2744 ✓ renders the label description with "Scoped label" (3 ms)2745 ✓ links to label target (1 ms)2746 ✓ supports title with multiple occurrences of :: (1 ms)2747 close button2748 ✓ does not render by default (2 ms)2749 ✓ renders when showCloseButton is true (3 ms)2750 ✓ emits close when "x" is clicked (4 ms)2751 ✓ does not emit close when "x" is clicked when disabled (4 ms)2752 label has no target2753 ✓ renders the label content as text (12 ms)2754 ✓ does not render a link (3 ms)2755PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/toast/toast.spec.js2756 b-toast2757 ✓ has expected structure (49 ms)2758 ✓ visible prop works (163 ms)2759 ✓ alert with link closes on click works (129 ms)2760 ✓ auto-hide works (1073 ms)2761 ✓ hover pause works (127 ms)2762 ✓ hover pause has no effect when no-hover-pause is set (123 ms)2763PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/listeners.spec.js2764 mixins > listeners2765 ✓ works (6 ms)2766 ✓ does not re-render parent child components (11 ms)2767PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/nav/nav-item-dropdown.spec.js2768 nav-item-dropdown2769 ✓ has expected default structure (12 ms)2770 ✓ should have custom toggle class when "toggle-class" prop set (5 ms)2771 ✓ should be disabled when "disabled" prop set (4 ms)2772 ✓ should have href with ID when "id" prop set (4 ms)2773 ✓ should have correct toggle content when "text" prop set [DEPRECATED] (5 ms)2774 ✓ should have correct toggle content when "html" prop set (5 ms)2775 ✓ should have correct toggle content from "text" slot (6 ms)2776 ✓ should have correct toggle content from "button-content" slot (6 ms)2777 ✓ should have correct menu content for "default" slot (5 ms)2778 ✓ should only render menu content when visible when "lazy" prop set (53 ms)2779 ✓ should open/close on toggle click (49 ms)2780 ✓ should prevent toggle click (6 ms)2781PASS src/components/charts/single_stat/single_stat.spec.js2782 GlSingleStat2783 displays the correct default data2784 for the metric value2785 ✓ displays the metric value (5 ms)2786 for the non animated value2787 ✓ displays the non animated value (2 ms)2788 for the metric title2789 ✓ displays the metric title (2 ms)2790 for the metric value units2791 ✓ doesn't display the metric value units (2 ms)2792 for the metric title icon2793 ✓ doesn't display the metric title icon (2 ms)2794 for the meta icon2795 ✓ doesn't display the meta icon (2 ms)2796 for the meta badge2797 ✓ doesn't display the meta badge (1 ms)2798 shouldAnimate2799 ✓ renders the correct display type for abc (1 ms)2800 ✓ renders the correct display type for 123 (2 ms)2801 units visibility2802 ✓ hides the units when animating (3 ms)2803 ✓ shows the units when animated (2 ms)2804 optional data2805 meta information2806 with only a meta icon specified2807 ✓ displays a standalone icon (3 ms)2808 ✓ does not display a badge (2 ms)2809 with a meta icon and variant specified2810 ✓ displays a standalone icon (3 ms)2811 ✓ does not display a badge (2 ms)2812 with only meta text specified2813 ✓ doesn't display a standalone icon (3 ms)2814 ✓ displays a badge (2 ms)2815 with meta text and variant specified2816 ✓ doesn't display a standalone icon (3 ms)2817 ✓ displays a badge (13 ms)2818 with a meta icon and text specified2819 ✓ doesn't display a standalone icon (3 ms)2820 ✓ displays a badge (2 ms)2821 with a meta icon, text and variant specified2822 ✓ doesn't display a standalone icon (2 ms)2823 ✓ displays a badge (3 ms)2824 metric value units2825 ✓ displays when specified (2 ms)2826 metric title icon2827 ✓ displays when specified (3 ms)2828 `titleIconClass` Prop2829 ✓ correctly adds classes to title icon when `titleIconClass` prop is title-icon-class (3 ms)2830 ✓ correctly adds classes to title icon when `titleIconClass` prop is ["title-icon-class"] (2 ms)2831 ✓ correctly adds classes to title icon when `titleIconClass` prop is {"title-icon-class": true} (2 ms)2832 when the `useDelimiters` prop is true2833 ✓ should render the value as expected when not animated (10 ms)2834 ✓ should pass the value and delimiter setting to `GlAnimatedNumber` (2 ms)2835 ✓ should keep all the decimal points defined by the value (2 ms)2836 when the `useDelimiters` prop is false2837 ✓ should render the value as expected when not animated (2 ms)2838 ✓ should pass the value and delimiter setting to `GlAnimatedNumber` (2 ms)2839 ✓ should keep all the decimal points defined by the value (3 ms)2840PASS src/components/base/form/form_textarea/form_textarea.spec.js2841 GlFormTextArea2842 v-model2843 value binding2844 ✓ sets the textarea's value (8 ms)2845 when the value prop changes2846 ✓ updates the textarea's value (5 ms)2847 event emission2848 ✓ synchronously emits update event (4 ms)2849 ✓ synchronously emits input event (15 ms)2850 debounce2851 given a debounce of 10ms2852 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (5 ms)2853 ✓ emits a input event after the debounce delay (6 ms)2854 given a debounce of 100ms2855 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (5 ms)2856 ✓ emits a input event after the debounce delay (5 ms)2857 given a debounce of 1000ms2858 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (6 ms)2859 ✓ emits a input event after the debounce delay (5 ms)2860 lazy2861 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (5 ms)2862 ✓ updates model after change event (5 ms)2863 ✓ updates model after blur event (4 ms)2864 submit on enter prop2865 ✓ should be false by default (4 ms)2866 ✓ should emit submit when cmd+enter is pressed (3 ms)2867 rows prop2868 ✓ binds the rows prop to the internal textarea (3 ms)2869 ✓ works correctly with a string value (4 ms)2870 when `characterCountLimit` prop is set2871 when textarea character count is under the max character count2872 ✓ displays remaining characters (5 ms)2873 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (18 ms)2874 when textarea character count is over the max character count2875 ✓ displays number of characters over (6 ms)2876 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (6 ms)2877 when textarea value is updated2878 ✓ updates character count text (6 ms)2879 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (5 ms)2880 when `value` prop is `null`2881 ✓ displays remaining characters (4 ms)2882 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (7 ms)2883 when `value` prop is updated to `null`2884 ✓ updates character count text (7 ms)2885 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (7 ms)2886PASS src/components/base/alert/alert.spec.js2887 Alert component2888 ✓ does not render a variant icon when showIcon = false (2 ms)2889 ✓ does not render a dismiss button when dismissible = false (1 ms)2890 ✓ renders the provided title with heading level 2 (3 ms)2891 ✓ renders actions slot content (3 ms)2892 by default2893 ✓ renders a variant icon (6 ms)2894 ✓ renders a dismiss button (3 ms)2895 ✓ clicking on dismiss button emits a dismiss event (2 ms)2896 ✓ does not render a title (3 ms)2897 ✓ does not render any actions (2 ms)2898 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)2899 given primaryButtonText2900 ✓ renders a primary button (15 ms)2901 ✓ emits a primaryAction event when primary button is clicked (3 ms)2902 given primaryButtonText and primaryButtonLink2903 ✓ renders a primary button with an href given primaryButtonLink (3 ms)2904 given secondaryButtonText2905 ✓ renders a secondary button (4 ms)2906 ✓ emits a secondaryAction event when secondary button is clicked (4 ms)2907 given secondaryButtonText and secondaryButtonLink2908 ✓ renders a secondary button with an href given secondaryButtonLink (2 ms)2909 top-level classes2910 ✓ adds the `gl-alert-has-title` class if there is a title (2 ms)2911 ✓ does not add the `gl-alert-has-title` class if there is no title (2 ms)2912 gl-alert-sticky2913 ✓ adds class gl-alert-sticky when sticky is true (2 ms)2914 ✓ does not add class gl-alert-sticky when sticky is false (2 ms)2915 gl-alert-not-dismissible2916 ✓ adds class gl-alert-not-dismissible when dismissible is false (2 ms)2917 ✓ does not add class gl-alert-not-dismissible when dismissible is true (2 ms)2918 role and aria-live2919 ✓ danger variant has role "alert" and aria-live "assertive" (3 ms)2920 ✓ warning variant has role "alert" and aria-live "assertive" (2 ms)2921 ✓ info variant has role "status" and aria-live "polite" (4 ms)2922 ✓ success variant has role "alert" and aria-live "polite" (4 ms)2923 ✓ tip variant has role "status" and aria-live "polite" (14 ms)2924PASS src/components/charts/area/area.spec.js2925 area component2926 ✓ emits `created`, with the chart instance (10 ms)2927 Annotations tooltips2928 ✓ are hidden by default (3 ms)2929 ✓ are displayed if passed via annotations props (4 ms)2930 ✓ are displayed if passed via option props (3 ms)2931 ✓ has a default title and content when hovered (7 ms)2932 data tooltip2933 ✓ is initialized (3 ms)2934 ✓ is customized via formatting function (4 ms)2935 is customized via slots2936 ✓ customizes tooltip value (15 ms)2937 ✓ customizes title (4 ms)2938 ✓ customizes content (4 ms)2939 legend2940 ✓ is inline by default (4 ms)2941 ✓ is inline if correct prop value is set (4 ms)2942 ✓ is tabular if correct prop value is set (4 ms)2943 ✓ displays custom series info when prop is set (5 ms)2944 height2945 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (4 ms)2946 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (4 ms)2947PASS src/components/base/toggle/toggle.spec.js2948 toggle2949 ✓ has role=switch (5 ms)2950 when on2951 ✓ has aria-checked (3 ms)2952 ✓ has checked class (1 ms)2953 when off2954 ✓ does not have aria-checked (1 ms)2955 ✓ does not have checked class (2 ms)2956 when enabled2957 ✓ does not have disabled class (2 ms)2958 ✓ emits change event when clicked (2 ms)2959 ✓ sets aria-disabled attribute to undefined (2 ms)2960 when disabled2961 ✓ has disabled class (2 ms)2962 ✓ does not emit change event when clicked (2 ms)2963 ✓ sets aria-disabled attribute to true (2 ms)2964 when loading2965 ✓ shows loading spinner (2 ms)2966 ✓ does not show toggle icon (2 ms)2967 when not loading2968 ✓ does not show loading spinner (2 ms)2969 ✓ shows toggle icon (2 ms)2970 with description2971 ✓ shows description (3 ms)2972 with description in slot2973 ✓ shows description (4 ms)2974 without description2975 ✓ does not show description (2 ms)2976 with description and labelPosition left2977 ✓ does not show description (2 ms)2978 with help2979 ✓ shows help (2 ms)2980 ✓ describes the toggle button (3 ms)2981 with help in slot2982 ✓ shows help (3 ms)2983 ✓ describes the toggle button (2 ms)2984 without help2985 ✓ does not show help (1 ms)2986 ✓ does not describe the toggle button (2 ms)2987 with help and labelPosition left2988 ✓ does not show help (2 ms)2989 ✓ does not describe the toggle button (1 ms)2990 label position2991 when top2992 ✓ gl-flex-col class is added to the label (3 ms)2993 ✓ does not add 'gl-sr-only' class to the label (3 ms)2994 ✓ has accessible name for the button (3 ms)2995 when left2996 ✓ gl-toggle-label-inline class is added to the label (2 ms)2997 ✓ does not add 'gl-sr-only' class to the label (3 ms)2998 ✓ has accessible name for the button (3 ms)2999 when hidden3000 ✓ gl-flex-col class is added to the label (2 ms)3001 ✓ adds 'gl-sr-only' class to the label (14 ms)3002 ✓ has accessible name for the button (2 ms)3003PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_term.spec.js3004 Filtered search term3005 ✓ renders value in inactive mode (16 ms)3006 ✓ renders token in inactive mode with termsAsTokens (4 ms)3007 ✓ renders nothing with value in active mode (delegates to segment) (5 ms)3008 ✓ renders input with placeholder if placeholder prop is provided (3 ms)3009 ✓ filters suggestions by input (2 ms)3010 ✓ suggests text search when termsAsTokens=true (2 ms)3011 ✓ emits activate when token segment emits activate (2 ms)3012 ✓ emits deactivate when token segment emits deactivate (1 ms)3013 ✓ emits split when token segment emits split (2 ms)3014 ✓ emits submit when token segment emits submit (2 ms)3015 ✓ emits previous when token segment emits previous (3 ms)3016 ✓ emits next when token segment emits next (1 ms)3017 ✓ emits replace when token segment emits complete (2 ms)3018 ✓ emits complete when token segment emits complete (2 ms)3019 ✓ emits destroy when token segment emits backspace (2 ms)3020 ✓ passes `searchInputAttributes`, `isLastToken`, `currentValue` & `viewOnly` props to `GlFilteredSearchTokenSegment` (2 ms)3021 ✓ by default sets `viewOnly` to false on `GlFilteredSearchTokenSegment` (2 ms)3022 ✓ sets viewOnly prop and removes pointer class on token when termsAsTokens=true (3 ms)3023 ✓ adds `searchInputAttributes` prop to search term input (2 ms)3024 ✓ activates and deactivates when the input is focused/blurred (4 ms)3025 when `viewOnly` is true3026 ✓ adds `gl-bg-gray-10` class to search term input (2 ms)3027 when `viewOnly` is false3028 ✓ does not add `gl-bg-gray-10` class to search term input (2 ms)3029PASS src/components/base/tabs/tabs/scrollable_tabs.spec.js3030 GlScrollableTabs3031 with default3032 ✓ passes props through (41 ms)3033 ✓ passes listeners through (59 ms)3034 ✓ hides right button (44 ms)3035 ✓ hides left button (58 ms)3036 with array as nav-class3037 ✓ spreads the navClass array (35 ms)3038 with action props3039 ✓ ignores actions (33 ms)3040 with nav overflow3041 ✓ shows right button (62 ms)3042 ✓ hides left button (60 ms)3043 with right clicked3044 ✓ right button isVisible=true (52 ms)3045 ✓ left button isVisible=true (77 ms)3046 ✓ updates nav scrollLeft (66 ms)3047 ✓ calls scrollTo (64 ms)3048 with right clicked then left clicked3049 ✓ right button isVisible=true (58 ms)3050 ✓ left button isVisible=false (65 ms)3051 ✓ updates nav scrollLeft (43 ms)3052 ✓ calls scrollTo (56 ms)3053 with right clicked all the way3054 ✓ right button isVisible=false (47 ms)3055 ✓ left button isVisible=true (54 ms)3056 ✓ updates nav scrollLeft (53 ms)3057 ✓ calls scrollTo (41 ms)3058PASS src/components/base/table/table.spec.js3059 GlTable3060 ✓ should log a warning when not given any props or slots which qualifies for the usage of GlTable (24 ms)3061 ✓ should not log a warning when given a prop which qualifies for the usage of GlTable (22 ms)3062 ✓ should not log a warning when given a slot which qualifies for the usage of GlTable (23 ms)3063 ✓ adds gl-table class to tableClass prop (6 ms)3064 ✓ adds sticky header class to tableClass prop (5 ms)3065 ✓ adds gl-table fields to table prop (6 ms)3066 sortable columns3067 without custom slots3068 ✓ sets the correct column label (20 ms)3069 ✓ renders the ascending sort icon (31 ms)3070 ✓ renders the descending sort icon (23 ms)3071 ✓ sets initial sorting column using the sortBy property (31 ms)3072 ✓ sets initial sorting direction using the sortDesc property (37 ms)3073 ✓ does not render sort icon for non-sortable columns (16 ms)3074 changing the active sort column3075 ✓ hides sorting icon in previous active sort column (31 ms)3076 when headers are customized via slots3077 ✓ renders the ascending sort icon alongside the custom slot content (50 ms)3078 headers' alignment3079 ✓ does not add the `.gl-table-th-align-right` class by default (11 ms)3080 ✓ adds the `.gl-table-th-align-right` class if `thAlignRight` is `true` (10 ms)3081 ✓ merges the `.gl-table-th-align-right` class with `thClass` (12 ms)3082 ✓ merges the `.gl-table-th-align-right` class with `thClass` (13 ms)3083PASS src/components/base/paginated_list/paginated_list.spec.js3084 Paginated List3085 Searchless states3086 ✓ renders the list in an empty state, when no items are provided (10 ms)3087 ✓ renders the list in an empty state with a custom empty message, when one is provided (5 ms)3088 ✓ renders the list with nested items, when an array of items is provided (7 ms)3089 Search states3090 ✓ renders the list filtered by search results (7 ms)3091 ✓ renders the default empty search message when there are no search results (7 ms)3092 ✓ renders the custom empty search message when there are no search results (7 ms)3093 Pagination3094 ✓ renders 10 items for a default page size of 10, 13 total (18 ms)3095 ✓ renders 13 items for a default page size of 20 (13 ms)3096 ✓ renders 5 items on page 1 for a page size of 5, 13 total itmes and renders pagination (8 ms)3097 ✓ renders 3 items on page 2 with default page size of 10 and 13 total items (6 ms)3098 ✓ renders 1 item on page 7 with page size of 2 and 13 total items (5 ms)3099 props3100 filterable3101 ✓ has search enabled by default (3 ms)3102 ✓ has search disabled when filterable prop set to false (3 ms)3103 filter3104 ✓ filters on default "id" key (5 ms)3105 ✓ filters on provided "myKey" key (17 ms)3106 ✓ filters with provided filter function (6 ms)3107PASS src/components/charts/line/line.spec.js3108 line component3109 ✓ emits `created`, with the chart instance (9 ms)3110 Annotations tooltips3111 ✓ are hidden by default (4 ms)3112 ✓ are displayed if passed via annotations props (4 ms)3113 ✓ are displayed if passed via option props (4 ms)3114 ✓ has a default title and content when hovered (6 ms)3115 data tooltip3116 ✓ is initialized (3 ms)3117 ✓ is customized via formatting function (4 ms)3118 is customized via slots3119 ✓ customizes tooltip value (4 ms)3120 ✓ customizes title (4 ms)3121 ✓ customizes content (16 ms)3122 legend3123 ✓ is inline by default (4 ms)3124 ✓ is inline if correct prop value is set (4 ms)3125 ✓ is tabular if correct prop value is set (3 ms)3126 ✓ can be hidden (3 ms)3127 height3128 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (4 ms)3129 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (4 ms)3130PASS src/components/base/search_box_by_click/search_box_by_click.spec.js3131 search box by click component3132 ✓ emits input event when input changes (7 ms)3133 ✓ does not emit an input event when input is updated to the same value (3 ms)3134 ✓ does not displays history dropdown by default (3 ms)3135 ✓ emits submit event when Enter key is pressed (16 ms)3136 ✓ emits submit event when search button is pressed (4 ms)3137 ✓ adds `searchButtonAttributes` prop to search button (2 ms)3138 clear button3139 ✓ is not rendered when value is empty (2 ms)3140 ✓ is not rendered when clearable is false (14 ms)3141 ✓ is rendered when value is provided (4 ms)3142 ✓ emits empty string when clicked (4 ms)3143 ✓ emits clear event when clicked (4 ms)3144 when historyItems prop is provided3145 ✓ displays history dropdown (7 ms)3146 ✓ emits clear-history event when clear button is clicked (7 ms)3147 ✓ emits proper events when history item is clicked (11 ms)3148 disabled state3149 ✓ displays disabled history dropdown (6 ms)3150 ✓ displays disabled input (5 ms)3151 ✓ displays disabled search button (6 ms)3152 ✓ does not render clear icon even with value (7 ms)3153 showSearchButton3154 when false3155 ✓ does not render the search button (3 ms)3156 ✓ overrides the border style of the input (2 ms)3157 ✓ does not add *-with-search-button css modifier (2 ms)3158 when true3159 ✓ does render the search button (2 ms)3160 ✓ does not override the border style of the input (3 ms)3161 ✓ adds *-with-search-button css modifier (3 ms)3162PASS src/components/charts/stacked_column/stacked_column.spec.js3163 stacked column chart component3164 ✓ emits `created`, with the chart instance (8 ms)3165 ✓ should correctly render the chart (5 ms)3166 with line data provided3167 ✓ should correctly render the chart (5 ms)3168 legend3169 ✓ is inline by default (4 ms)3170 ✓ is inline if correct prop value is set (4 ms)3171 ✓ is tabular if correct prop value is set (4 ms)3172 ✓ passes correct series info to legend (4 ms)3173 when `includeLegendAvgMax` prop is disabled3174 ✓ passes correct series info to legend (4 ms)3175 with secondary axis data provided3176 ✓ should correctly render the chart (6 ms)3177 ✓ should set the secondary Y axis name (6 ms)3178 tooltip3179 ✓ is initialized (5 ms)3180 color palette3181 default palette3182 ✓ calls colorFromDefaultPalette (5 ms)3183 custom palette3184 ✓ does not call colorFromDefaultPalette (16 ms)3185 ✓ matches the snapshot (7 ms)3186 height3187 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (5 ms)3188 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (3 ms)3189PASS src/components/base/button/button.spec.js3190 button component3191 ✓ renders a button (5 ms)3192 ✓ adds btn-default class when variant=default and category=primary (2 ms)3193 ✓ adds btn-default-secondary class when variant=default and category=secondary (2 ms)3194 ✓ adds btn-default-tertiary class when variant=default and category=tertiary (3 ms)3195 ✓ adds btn-confirm class when variant=confirm and category=primary (2 ms)3196 ✓ adds btn-confirm-secondary class when variant=confirm and category=secondary (3 ms)3197 ✓ adds btn-confirm-tertiary class when variant=confirm and category=tertiary (2 ms)3198 ✓ adds btn-danger class when variant=danger and category=primary (2 ms)3199 ✓ adds btn-danger-secondary class when variant=danger and category=secondary (3 ms)3200 ✓ adds btn-danger-tertiary class when variant=danger and category=tertiary (2 ms)3201 ✓ should correctly detect empty content for icon only mode (4 ms)3202 ellipsis button3203 ✓ should add `button-ellipsis-horizontal` class (12 ms)3204 label button3205 ✓ applies btn-md class when size is undefined (2 ms)3206 ✓ applies btn-sm class when size is small (1 ms)3207 default3208 ✓ renders as a span (1 ms)3209 ✓ should add `btn` and `btn-label` classes (1 ms)3210 loading indicator3211 ✓ should render the loading indicator (3 ms)3212 ✓ should render the loading indicator with the `gl-button-loading-indicator` class (3 ms)3213 link button3214 link to #3215 ✓ should not have a target attribute (4 ms)3216 ✓ should not have a rel attribute (4 ms)3217 target blank3218 ✓ should set secure rels for hrefs in a different domain (3 ms)3219 ✓ should set noopener rel for hrefs for the same domain (15 ms)3220 ✓ should keep rel attribute for hrefs in the same domain (5 ms)3221 unsafe urls3222 ✓ should set href to blank (3 ms)3223 ✓ should allow unsafe URL if isUnsafeLink is true (3 ms)3224 ✓ block prop applies block styling (3 ms)3225 ✓ block prop does not apply block styling when label=true (2 ms)3226 console.log3227 CLOSED3228 at log (src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/mock_data.js:30:15)3229 console.log3230 CLOSED3231 at log (src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/mock_data.js:30:15)3232 console.log3233 CLOSED3234 at log (src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/mock_data.js:30:15)3235PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/disclosure_dropdown_item.spec.js3236 GlDisclosureDropdownItem3237 when default slot content provided3238 ✓ renders it (4 ms)3239 ✓ click should emit 'action' event (3 ms)3240 ✓ ENTER should emit 'action' event (2 ms)3241 ✓ SPACE should emit 'action' event (11 ms)3242 ✓ sets tabIndex on li element (2 ms)3243 when item has a `href`3244 ✓ should render a link (3 ms)3245 ✓ should set correct class (2 ms)3246 ✓ should set correct props and attributes (3 ms)3247 ✓ should apply the default classes to the item wrapper (2 ms)3248 ✓ should emit `action` on `click` (3 ms)3249 ✓ ENTER on parent will execute 'action' event (2 ms)3250 ✓ SPACE on parent will execute 'action' event (3 ms)3251 ✓ sets tabIndex on link element (3 ms)3252 when item has a `to`3253 ✓ should render a link (2 ms)3254 ✓ should set correct class (1 ms)3255 ✓ should set correct props and attributes (2 ms)3256 ✓ should apply the default classes to the item wrapper (2 ms)3257 ✓ should emit `action` on `click` (2 ms)3258 ✓ ENTER on parent will execute 'action' event (3 ms)3259 ✓ SPACE on parent will execute 'action' event (3 ms)3260 ✓ sets tabIndex on link element (2 ms)3261 when item has an `action`3262 ✓ should render a button (3 ms)3263 ✓ should set correct attributes (2 ms)3264 ✓ should call `action` on `click` and emit `action` event (19 ms)3265 ✓ ENTER on parent will execute action and emit 'action' event (7 ms)3266 ✓ SPACE on parent will execute action and emit 'action' event (5 ms)3267 ✓ should apply the default classes to the item wrapper (2 ms)3268 ✓ sets tabIndex on link element (1 ms)3269 when item has wrapperClass3270 ✓ should add the extra class to the item wrapper (3 ms)3271 when item has disabled attribute3272 ✓ should not set tabIndex to elements (2 ms)3273PASS src/components/base/path/path.spec.js3274 Path3275 ✓ matches the snapshot (13 ms)3276 background color selection3277 with no background color specified3278 ✓ displays the default background color (5 ms)3279 with a background color specified3280 ✓ sets the correct background color (9 ms)3281 renders the list of items3282 ✓ renders the correct number of items (4 ms)3283 ✓ renders the items in the correct order (4 ms)3284 with metrics3285 ✓ matches the snapshot (23 ms)3286 ✓ renders the inline metric (7 ms)3287 with icons3288 ✓ matches the snapshot (14 ms)3289 ✓ renders the inline icon (14 ms)3290 renders the correct selected item3291 with no selected item passed in3292 ✓ selects the first item (8 ms)3293 ✓ updates the selected item when props change (17 ms)3294 with a specifically selected item passed in3295 ✓ selects the correct item (8 ms)3296 with multiple selected items passed in3297 ✓ selects the first selected option (9 ms)3298 event handling3299 when an item is clicked3300 ✓ emits the selected event with the correct data (8 ms)3301 when a disabled item is clicked3302 ✓ does not emit the selected event (7 ms)3303 slots3304 ✓ contains all elements passed into the default slot (31 ms)3305PASS src/components/charts/column/column_chart.spec.js3306 column chart component3307 mounted3308 ✓ emits "created" when onCreated is called (7 ms)3309 ✓ calls event listener when "chartItemClicked" is emitted on the Chart component (3 ms)3310 ✓ should correctly render the chart (5 ms)3311 with line data provided3312 ✓ should correctly render the chart (4 ms)3313 with secondary axis data provided3314 ✓ should correctly render the chart (3 ms)3315 ✓ should set the secondary Y axis name (2 ms)3316 with multiple series data provided3317 ✓ should pass through custom stack series property (9 ms)3318 tooltip3319 ✓ configures chart tooltip (5 ms)3320 custom tooltip slots3321 ✓ customizes value (3 ms)3322 ✓ customizes title (3 ms)3323 ✓ customizes content (3 ms)3324 height3325 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (2 ms)3326 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (3 ms)3327PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/layout/col.spec.js3328 layout > col3329 ✓ should have default expected structure (5 ms)3330 ✓ renders custom root element when tag prop set (4 ms)3331 ✓ should apply breakpoint specific col-{bp}-{#} classes (3 ms)3332 ✓ should not have class "col" when only single breakpoint prop specified (11 ms)3333 ✓ should apply ".offset-*" classes with "offset-{bp}-{#}" props (3 ms)3334 ✓ should apply ".order-*" classes with "order-{bp}-{#}" props (3 ms)3335 ✓ should apply boolean breakpoint classes for 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl' prop (3 ms)3336 ✓ should apply boolean breakpoint classes for 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl' prop set to empty string (2 ms)3337 ✓ should apply ".align-self-*" class with "align-self" prop (2 ms)3338PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-simple.spec.js3339 table-simple3340 ✓ has expected default classes (5 ms)3341 ✓ renders content from default slot (3 ms)3342 ✓ has class "table-striped" when striped=true (2 ms)3343 ✓ has class "table-bordered" when bordered=true (2 ms)3344 ✓ has class "table-borderless" when borderless=true (3 ms)3345 ✓ has class "table-hover" when hover=true (10 ms)3346 ✓ has class "table-sm" when small=true (2 ms)3347 ✓ has class "table-dark" when dark=true (2 ms)3348 ✓ has class "border" when outlined=true (2 ms)3349 ✓ has class "b-table-fixed" when fixed=true (3 ms)3350 ✓ has class "table-responsive" when responsive=true (4 ms)3351 ✓ has class "table-responsive-md" when responsive=md (3 ms)3352PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/attrs.spec.js3353 mixins > attrs3354 ✓ works (8 ms)3355 ✓ does not re-render parent child components (10 ms)3356 console.warn3357 [BootstrapVue warn]: popover - Unable to find target element by ID "#foo" in document.3358 8 | export const warn = (message, source = null) => /* istanbul ignore next */ {3359 9 | if (!getNoWarn()) {3360 > 10 | console.warn(`[BootstrapVue warn]: ${source ? `${source} - ` : ''}${message}`)3361 | ^3362 11 | }3363 12 | }3364 13 |3365 at warn (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/warn.js:10:13)3366 at Proxy.<anonymous> (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/tooltip/helpers/bv-tooltip.js:272:13)3367 console.warn3368 A function to advance timers was called but the timers APIs are not replaced with fake timers. Call `jest.useFakeTimers()` in this test file or enable fake timers for all tests by setting 'fakeTimers': {'enableGlobally': true} in Jest configuration file.3369 Stack Trace:3371 147 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3372 148 | await waitRAF()3373 > 149 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()3374 | ^3375 150 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3376 151 |3377 152 | expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('ARTICLE')3379 Error: 3380 at FakeTimers._checkFakeTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:158:13)3381 at FakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:59:14)3382 at Object.runOnlyPendingTimers (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/popover/popover.spec.js:149:10)3383 147 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3384 148 | await waitRAF()3385 > 149 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()3386 | ^3387 150 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3388 151 |3389 152 | expect(wrapper.element.tagName).toBe('ARTICLE')3390 at FakeTimers._checkFakeTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:152:28)3391 at FakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:59:14)3392 at Object.runOnlyPendingTimers (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/popover/popover.spec.js:149:10)3393 console.warn3394 A function to advance timers was called but the timers APIs are not replaced with fake timers. Call `jest.useFakeTimers()` in this test file or enable fake timers for all tests by setting 'fakeTimers': {'enableGlobally': true} in Jest configuration file.3395 Stack Trace:3397 186 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3398 187 | await waitRAF()3399 > 188 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()3400 | ^3401 189 |3402 190 | expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeUndefined()3403 191 |3405 Error: 3406 at FakeTimers._checkFakeTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:158:13)3407 at FakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:59:14)3408 at Object.runOnlyPendingTimers (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/popover/popover.spec.js:188:10)3409 186 | await waitNT(wrapper.vm)3410 187 | await waitRAF()3411 > 188 | jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()3412 | ^3413 189 |3414 190 | expect($button.attributes('aria-describedby')).toBeUndefined()3415 191 |3416 at FakeTimers._checkFakeTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:152:28)3417 at FakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers (node_modules/@jest/fake-timers/build/modernFakeTimers.js:59:14)3418 at Object.runOnlyPendingTimers (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/popover/popover.spec.js:188:10)3419PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/popover/popover.spec.js3420 b-popover3421 ✓ has expected default structure (29 ms)3422 ✓ initially open has expected structure (134 ms)3423PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-thead-events.spec.js3424 table > thead events3425 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when a head cell is clicked and no head-clicked listener (1 ms)3426 ✓ should emit head-clicked event when a head cell is clicked (21 ms)3427 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when prop busy is set (17 ms)3428 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when vm.localBusy is true (29 ms)3429 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when clicking on a button or other interactive element (24 ms)3430PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/input-group/input-group.spec.js3431 input-group3432 ✓ should have expected default structure (6 ms)3433 ✓ should render custom root element when prop tag is set (3 ms)3434 ✓ should apply size class when when prop size is set (2 ms)3435 ✓ should render default slot content (3 ms)3436 ✓ renders input-group-prepend & input-group-append when prepend & append props set (9 ms)3437 ✓ renders input-group-prepend & input-group-append when prepend-html & append-html props set (15 ms)3438 ✓ renders input-group-prepend & input-group-append when prepend & append slots present (8 ms)3439PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-caption.spec.js3440 table > caption3441 ✓ should not have caption by default (19 ms)3442 ✓ should render named slot `table-caption` (17 ms)3443 ✓ should render scoped slot `table-caption` (26 ms)3444 ✓ should render `caption` when prop caption is set (16 ms)3445 ✓ should render `caption` when prop caption-html is set (16 ms)3446 ✓ should render `caption` with table class when prop caption-top is set (17 ms)3447 ✓ should render `caption` with id attribute when prop stacked is true (27 ms)3448 ✓ should render `caption` with id attribute when prop stacked is sm (20 ms)3449PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/directives/modal/modal.spec.js3450 v-b-modal directive3451 ✓ works on buttons (7 ms)3452 ✓ works on links (4 ms)3453 ✓ works on non-buttons (4 ms)3454 ✓ works on non-buttons using keydown space (3 ms)3455 ✓ works on non-buttons using keydown enter (3 ms)3456PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/directives/tooltip/tooltip.spec.js3457 v-b-tooltip directive3458 ✓ should have BVTooltip Vue class instance (27 ms)3459 ✓ should work (551 ms)3460 ✓ should not show tooltip when title is empty (22 ms)3461 ✓ variant and customClass should work (536 ms)3462PASS src/components/base/sorting/sorting.spec.js3463 sorting component3464 using listbox3465 ✓ should display given toggle text in dropdown (21 ms)3466 ✓ should show new text value when passed in as a prop (8 ms)3467 ✓ should use the selected sort option text in dropdown if text is not given (10 ms)3468 ✓ renders the given sort options (12 ms)3469 ✓ emits sortByChange event when user changes sort option (13 ms)3470 ✓ should have a default sort direction of desc and displays the descending icon (8 ms)3471 ✓ should accept isAscending true as a default sort direction and display the ascending icon (10 ms)3472 ✓ should emit the sortDirectionChange event when direction button is clicked (21 ms)3473 ✓ should allow custom sort tooltip to be applied (9 ms)3474 ✓ adds classes passed in `dropdownClass` prop to dropdown (10 ms)3475 ✓ adds classes passed in `dropdownToggleClass` prop to dropdown toggle (9 ms)3476 ✓ adds classes passed in `sortDirectionToggleClass` prop to sort direction toggle (9 ms)3477 ✓ passes `block` prop to listbox (8 ms)3478 ✓ sets aria-label of sort direction button (25 ms)3479PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/config.spec.js3480 utils/config3481 ✓ getConfig() works and has @gitlab/ui defaults (1 ms)3482 ✓ setConfig() works (2 ms)3483 ✓ getConfigValue() works (1 ms)3484 ✓ getComponentConfig() works (1 ms)3485 ✓ getBreakpoints() works (2 ms)3486 ✓ getBreakpointsUp() works (1 ms)3487 ✓ getBreakpointsDown() works3488PASS src/components/utilities/truncate/truncate.spec.js3489 Truncate component3490 All3491 ✓ start truncation: should class, original text, and no title (6 ms)3492 ✓ middle truncation: should class, original text, and no title (3 ms)3493 ✓ end truncation: should class, original text, and no title (2 ms)3494 ✓ should have the default position (1 ms)3495 ✓ disables the tooltip by default (2 ms)3496 with tooltip3497 ✓ enables the tooltip (2 ms)3498 ✓ has title (2 ms)3499 start truncation3500 ✓ should have the truncate-start class (1 ms)3501 ✓ should have the special char surrounded (2 ms)3502 middle truncation3503 ✓ should have appropriate classes applied (2 ms)3504 ✓ should have the spans positioned correctly (2 ms)3505 ✓ last part should have the special char surrounded (2 ms)3506 end truncation3507 ✓ should not have the special char (1 ms)3508 ✓ should have the truncate-end class (2 ms)3509 parent classes3510 ✓ applies classes from parent (1 ms)3511PASS src/components/base/search_box_by_type/search_box_by_type.spec.js3512 search box by type component3513 ✓ renders loading icon when `isLoading` prop is provided (3 ms)3514 borderless3515 ✓ renders default class on input when `borderless` prop is false (5 ms)3516 ✓ renders borderless class on input when `borderless` prop is true (2 ms)3517 clear icon component3518 ✓ is not rendered when value is empty (4 ms)3519 ✓ is not rendered when it is disabled (4 ms)3520 ✓ is rendered when value is provided (2 ms)3521 ✓ emits empty value when clicked (2 ms)3522 ✓ emits `focusin` event when focus inside the component (3 ms)3523 ✓ emits `focusout` event when focus moves outside the component (15 ms)3524 ✓ does NOT emit `focusout` event when tabbing inside the component back and forth (3 ms)3525 v-model3526 ✓ syncs value prop to input value (12 ms)3527 ✓ emits input event when input value changes (9 ms)3528 double input event bug3529 ✓ only calls the listener once (5 ms)3530 debounce3531 given a debounce of 10ms3532 ✓ emits a input after the debounce delay (6 ms)3533 given a debounce of 100ms3534 ✓ emits a input after the debounce delay (7 ms)3535 given a debounce of 1000ms3536 ✓ emits a input after the debounce delay (6 ms)3537 lazy3538 ✓ emits input event after input's change event (6 ms)3539 ✓ emits input event after input's blur event (5 ms)3540PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/helpers/default-sort-compare.spec.js3541 table/helpers/default-sort-compare3542 ✓ sorts numbers correctly (1 ms)3543 ✓ sorts dates correctly (1 ms)3544 ✓ sorts date strings correctly (1 ms)3545 ✓ sorts strings correctly (1 ms)3546 ✓ sorts by nested key correctly (1 ms)3547 ✓ sorts using provided formatter correctly3548 ✓ sorts nulls always last when sor-null-lasst is set (2 ms)3549PASS src/components/charts/chart/chart.spec.js3550 chart component3551 ✓ initializes chart using $refs.chart (4 ms)3552 ✓ does not resize the chart when responsive = false (19 ms)3553 ✓ resizes the chart only once per animation frame when responsive = true (19 ms)3554 ✓ emits "created" after initializing chart (2 ms)3555 ✓ uses GitLab theme (1 ms)3556 ✓ waits a tick before creating the chart (2 ms)3557 custom sizing3558 ✓ sets chart to custom width and height if specified (1 ms)3559 ✓ sets chart to custom width if specified (1 ms)3560 ✓ sets chart to custom height if specified (1 ms)3561 methods3562 draw method3563 ✓ sets chart options (1 ms)3564 ✓ emits chart updated after drawing (1 ms)3565 setChartSize method3566 ✓ sets chart size (1 ms)3567 with toolbox in options3568 ✓ increases grid top by `toolboxHeight` (3 ms)3569PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/button/button-close.spec.js3570 button-close3571 ✓ has root element "button" (4 ms)3572 ✓ has class "close" (2 ms)3573 ✓ has attribute type="button" (2 ms)3574 ✓ does not have attribute "disabled" by default (1 ms)3575 ✓ has attribute "disabled" when prop "disabled" is set (2 ms)3576 ✓ has attribute aria-label="Close" by default (2 ms)3577 ✓ has custom attribute "aria-label" when prop "aria-label" set (2 ms)3578 ✓ has text variant class when "variant" prop set (1 ms)3579 ✓ should have default content (10 ms)3580 ✓ should have custom content from "content" prop (3 ms)3581 ✓ should have custom content from default slot (3 ms)3582 ✓ should emit "click" event when clicked (6 ms)3583 ✓ should not emit "click" event when disabled and clicked (3 ms)3584 ✓ handles multiple click listeners (2 ms)3585PASS src/components/utilities/truncate_text/truncate_text.spec.js3586 GlTruncateText3587 ✓ passes `toggleButtonProps` to toggle button (4 ms)3588 when mounted3589 ✓ the content has class `gl-truncate-text` (5 ms)3590 ✓ the content has style variables for `lines` and `mobile-lines` with the correct values (2 ms)3591 ✓ the button is not visible (2 ms)3592 when mounted with a value for the lines property3593 ✓ the --lines style variable has the value of the passed lines property (2 ms)3594 when mounted with a value for the mobileLines property3595 ✓ the --mobile-lines style variable has the value of the passed mobileLines property (2 ms)3596 when resizing and the scroll height is smaller than the offset height3597 ✓ the button remains invisible (1 ms)3598 ✓ the aria-expanded property is set to `true` (2 ms)3599 when scroll height is less than the offset height3600 ✓ the show more button should not be visible (1 ms)3601 ✓ the content contains the "gl-truncate-text" class (2 ms)3602 ✓ the "aria-expanded" property is set to true (1 ms)3603 when scroll height is more than the offset height3604 ✓ the show more button should be visible (5 ms)3605 ✓ the content contains the "gl-truncate-text" class (3 ms)3606 ✓ the "aria-expanded" property is set to false (12 ms)3607 when resizing and the scroll height is greater than the offset height3608 ✓ the button text displays the value for the showMoreText property (4 ms)3609 clicking the button3610 ✓ removes the `gl-truncate-text` class on the content (6 ms)3611 ✓ the button text displays the value for the showLessText property (4 ms)3612 ✓ the aria-expanded property is set to `true` (3 ms)3613PASS src/components/charts/discrete_scatter/discrete_scatter.spec.js3614 column chart component3615 height3616 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (6 ms)3617 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (3 ms)3618 tooltip formatter3619 when data is an array3620 ✓ sets the popover content (5 ms)3621 when data is an object3622 ✓ sets the popover content (4 ms)3623 when data is missing3624 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (3 ms)3625 when data is an empty array3626 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (3 ms)3627 when data is not an array3628 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (12 ms)3629 when data.value is an empty array3630 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (4 ms)3631 when data.value is undefined3632 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (7 ms)3633 when data.value is not an array3634 ✓ does not set the tooltip content (5 ms)3635 disable-tooltip3636 when false3637 ✓ renders the ChartTooltip component (5 ms)3638 ✓ sets chart tooltip options (3 ms)3639 when true3640 ✓ does not render the ChartTooltip component (2 ms)3641 ✓ does not set chart tooltip options (3 ms)3642PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tfoot-events.spec.js3643 table > tfoot events3644 ✓ should emit head-clicked event when a head cell is clicked (25 ms)3645 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when prop busy is set (17 ms)3646 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when vm.localBusy is true (37 ms)3647 ✓ should not emit head-clicked event when clicking on a button or other interactive element (27 ms)3648PASS src/utils/i18n.spec.js3649 i18n3650 translate3651 ✓ returns the fallback label if the key is not present in the config (1 ms)3652 ✓ returns the label from the config if it is provided (1 ms)3653 translatePlural3654 when the translation is not configured3655 ✓ returns the fallback singular label3656 ✓ returns the fallback plural label3657 when the translation is configured3658 ✓ returns the fallback singular label (1 ms)3659 ✓ returns the fallback plural label3660 sprintf3661 ✓ does not modify string without parameters (1 ms)3662 ✓ ignores extraneous parameters3663 ✓ ignores extraneous placeholders3664 ✓ replaces parameters (1 ms)3665 ✓ replaces multiple occurrences3666 ✓ escapes parameters (1 ms)3667 ✓ does not escape parameters for escapeParameters = false3668 replaces duplicated % in input3669 ✓ removes duplicated percentage signs3670 ignores special replacements in the input3671 ✓ replacement "$$" is ignored (1 ms)3672 ✓ replacement "$&" is ignored3673 ✓ replacement "$`" is ignored (1 ms)3674 ✓ replacement "$'" is ignored3675PASS src/utils/number_utils.spec.js3676 number utils3677 addition3678 ✓ adds two numbers together (1 ms)3679 sum3680 ✓ returns the sum of all arguments3681 average3682 ✓ returns the average of all arguments (1 ms)3683 engineeringNotation3684 ✓ with args [1000], returns 1k3685 ✓ with args [-1000], returns -1k3686 ✓ with args [100], returns 100 (1 ms)3687 ✓ with args [0.001], returns 1m3688 ✓ with args [200000], returns 200k3689 ✓ with args [9999999], returns 10M (1 ms)3690 ✓ with args [101111], returns 101k3691 ✓ with args [0.00099], returns 990μ3692 ✓ with args [0.009101], returns 9.1m3693 ✓ with args [7e-7], returns 700n (1 ms)3694 ✓ with args [7.549e-7], returns 755n3695 ✓ with args [7.549e-7, 0], returns 800n3696 ✓ with args [7.549e-7, 4], returns 754.9n (1 ms)3697 ✓ with args ["1,000.00"], returns NaN3698 ✓ with args ["a string"], returns NaN (1 ms)3699 ✓ with args [NaN], returns NaN3700 ✓ with args [Infinity], returns Infinity (1 ms)3701 ✓ with args [-Infinity], returns -Infinity3702 modulo3703 ✓ modulo(-7, 3) === 23704 ✓ modulo(-6, 3) === 03705 ✓ modulo(-5, 3) === 1 (1 ms)3706 ✓ modulo(-4, 3) === 23707 ✓ modulo(-3, 3) === 03708 ✓ modulo(-2, 3) === 13709 ✓ modulo(-1, 3) === 2 (7 ms)3710 ✓ modulo(0, 3) === 03711 ✓ modulo(1, 3) === 13712 ✓ modulo(2, 3) === 2 (1 ms)3713 ✓ modulo(3, 3) === 03714 ✓ modulo(4, 3) === 1 (1 ms)3715 ✓ modulo(5, 3) === 23716 ✓ modulo(6, 3) === 0 (1 ms)3717 ✓ modulo(7, 3) === 13718 ✓ modulo(-7, -3) === -1 (1 ms)3719 ✓ modulo(-6, -3) === 03720 ✓ modulo(-5, -3) === -23721 ✓ modulo(-4, -3) === -13722 ✓ modulo(-3, -3) === 03723 ✓ modulo(-2, -3) === -2 (1 ms)3724 ✓ modulo(-1, -3) === -13725 ✓ modulo(0, -3) === 0 (1 ms)3726 ✓ modulo(1, -3) === -23727 ✓ modulo(2, -3) === -13728 ✓ modulo(3, -3) === 03729 ✓ modulo(4, -3) === -23730 ✓ modulo(5, -3) === -13731 ✓ modulo(6, -3) === 03732 ✓ modulo(7, -3) === -2 (1 ms)3733 ✓ modulo(NaN, 1) === NaN3734 ✓ modulo(1, NaN) === NaN3735 ✓ modulo(1, 0) === NaN3736 ✓ modulo(Infinity, 1) === NaN (1 ms)3737 formatNumberToLocale3738 ✓ should format the provided string of either an integer or float3739 ✓ should not format the provided string if it contains no numbers (1 ms)3740 ✓ should use the options if they are provided3741 ✓ should override the locale if one is provided3742 toFloat3743 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 1 (1 ms)3744 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 13745 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 1.233746 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 1.233747 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 1000003748 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 1000003749 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 2563750 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === 256.783751 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN3752 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN3753 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN3754 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN3755 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN (1 ms)3756 ✓ toFloat($input, undefined) === NaN3757 ✓ toFloat($input, 0) === 03758 ✓ toFloat($input, -1) === -13759PASS src/components/utilities/intersperse/intersperse.spec.js3760 Intersperse Component3761 ✓ contains all elements passed into the default slot (5 ms)3762 ✓ contains all elements passed into the default slot (3 ms)3763 ✓ renders an empty span if no children are given (2 ms)3764 ✓ uses ", " as a default separator and lastSeparator (2 ms)3765 ✓ adds class attribute when present (2 ms)3766 ✓ intersperses each direct child with a given separator (2 ms)3767 ✓ intersperses each direct child with a given separator (2 ms)3768 ✓ intersperses each direct child with a given separator (2 ms)3769 ✓ adds a custom lastSeparator (2 ms)3770 ✓ adds a custom lastSeparator (2 ms)3771 ✓ adds a custom lastSeparator (2 ms)3772 ✓ adds a custom lastSeparator (3 ms)3773 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i>3774<i>Bar</i>" (1 ms)3775 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i> <i>Bar</i>" (2 ms)3776 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i> <i>Bar</i>" (3 ms)3777 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i> <i>Bar</i>" (2 ms)3778 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i><i>Bar</i> " (2 ms)3779 ✓ strips whitespace and empty elements that are direct children "<i>Foo</i><i>Bar</i>3780" (2 ms)3781 ✓ strips comments and elements with directives that are direct children "<i>Foo</i><!-- comment --><i>Bar</i>" (2 ms)3782 ✓ strips comments and elements with directives that are direct children "<i>Foo</i><i v-if="false">Nop</i><i>Bar</i>3783" (2 ms)3784 ✓ strips comments and elements with directives that are direct children "<i v-for="s in ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']">{{ s }}</i>3785" (4 ms)3786 ✓ strips comments and elements with directives that are direct children "<i v-for="s in ['Foo', 'Bar']">{{ s }}</i><i v-for="s in ['Baz', 'Qaz']">{{ s }}</i>3787" (2 ms)3788 ✓ preserves whitespace elements that are not direct children of the slot (1 ms)3789 ✓ preserves whitespace elements that are not direct children of the slot (2 ms)3790PASS src/components/base/infinite_scroll/infinite_scroll.spec.js3791 Infinite Scroll component3792 ✓ emits nothing on creation (12 ms)3793 ✓ emits bottomReached when scrolled to the bottom (4 ms)3794 ✓ emits topReached when scrolled to the top (2 ms)3795 ✓ scrolls to the bottom when `topReached` is defined (2 ms)3796 ✓ does not scroll to the bottom when `topReached` and `bottomReached` are defined (2 ms)3797 ✓ scroll past loaded items (3 ms)3798 the legend3799 given 99 total items3800 ✓ displays the expected text (1 ms)3801 given 2 total items3802 ✓ displays the expected text (1 ms)3803 given 0 total items3804 ✓ displays the expected text (2 ms)3805 given -1 total items3806 ✓ displays the expected text (1 ms)3807 given undefined total items3808 ✓ displays the expected text (2 ms)3809 public methods via $ref3810 ✓ scrollUp (2 ms)3811 ✓ scrollDown (1 ms)3812 ✓ scrollTo (3 ms)3813PASS src/utils/utils.spec.js3814 isElementFocusable3815 ✓ should return true for a button (2 ms)3816 ✓ should return false for an element with a z-index of -1 (1 ms)3817 ✓ should return true for an input (1 ms)3818 ✓ should return false for an input with a type hidden (1 ms)3819 ✓ should return false for a disabled button (1 ms)3820 ✓ should return true for an anchor tag with an href attribute (1 ms)3821 ✓ should return true for an anchor tag without an href attribute (1 ms)3822 isElementTabbable3823 ✓ should return false for a div without tabindex (1 ms)3824 ✓ should return false for a div with a tabindex less than 0 (1 ms)3825 ✓ should return true for a div with a tabindex equal to 03826 ✓ should return true for a div with a tabindex greater than 0 (1 ms)3827 focusFirstFocusableElement3828 ✓ Focus the first element of the list if available (1 ms)3829 ✓ Focus the second element of the list if the first is not valid (1 ms)3830 stopEvent3831 ✓ calls preventDefault and stopPropagation by default (1 ms)3832 ✓ completely stops the event when stopImmediatePropagation is true (1 ms)3833 ✓ calls event stop methods set to true (1 ms)3834PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-select/form-select-option-group.spec.js3835 form-select-option-group3836 ✓ has expected default structure (5 ms)3837 ✓ has option elements from simple options array (5 ms)3838 ✓ has option elements from options array of objects (4 ms)3839 ✓ has option elements from options legacy object format (4 ms)3840 ✓ has option elements from default slot (4 ms)3841PASS src/utils/datetime_utility.spec.js3842 Date time utils3843 newDate3844 ✓ returns new date instance from existing date instance (1 ms)3845 ✓ returns date instance when provided date param is not of type date or is undefined3846 get day difference3847 ✓ should return 7 (1 ms)3848 ✓ should return 313849 ✓ should return 3653850 getDateInPast3851 ✓ returns the correct date in the past (1 ms)3852 ✓ does not modifiy the original date3853 getDateInFuture3854 ✓ returns the correct date in the future (1 ms)3855 ✓ does not modifiy the original date3856 areDatesEqual3857 ✓ Returns false for no inputs3858 ✓ Returns false for null inputs3859 ✓ Returns false for empty inputs (1 ms)3860 ✓ Returns true for date without timestamp3861 ✓ Returns false for different dates in local tz3862 ✓ Returns true for same dates in local tz (1 ms)3863 ✓ Returns false for different dates in UTC3864 ✓ Returns true for same dates in UTC (1 ms)3865PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/nav/nav.spec.js3866 nav3867 ✓ has expected default structure (4 ms)3868 ✓ renders custom root element when prop tag set (2 ms)3869 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)3870 ✓ applies pill style (2 ms)3871 ✓ applies tab style (1 ms)3872 ✓ applies justify style when justified (3 ms)3873 ✓ applies fill style style when fill set (2 ms)3874 ✓ applies alignment correctly (9 ms)3875 ✓ applies small style (2 ms)3876 ✓ applies card-header-tabs class when tabs and card-header props set (2 ms)3877 ✓ applies card-header-pills class when pills and card-header props set (2 ms)3878PASS src/directives/safe_html/safe_html.spec.js3879 safe html directive3880 default3881 ✓ should remove the script tag (8 ms)3882 ✓ should remove javascript hrefs (4 ms)3883 ✓ should remove style tags (3 ms)3884 ✓ should remove mstyle tags (4 ms)3885 ✓ should remove form tags (3 ms)3886 ✓ should remove any existing children (4 ms)3887 with non-http links3888 ✓ should allow slack://open (2 ms)3889 ✓ should allow x-devonthink-item://90909 (2 ms)3890 ✓ should allow x-devonthink-item:90909 (3 ms)3891 ✓ should not allow javascript:alert(1) (2 ms)3892 ✓ should not allow jAvascript:alert(1) (2 ms)3893 ✓ should not allow data:text/html,<script>alert(1);</script> (2 ms)3894 ✓ should not allow javascript: (3 ms)3895 ✓ should not allow javascript : (3 ms)3896 handles data attributes correctly3897 ✓ removes dangerous `data-remote` attribute (4 ms)3898 ✓ removes dangerous `data-url` attribute (7 ms)3899 ✓ removes dangerous `data-type` attribute (3 ms)3900 ✓ removes dangerous `data-method` attribute (2 ms)3901 ✓ removes dangerous `data-disable-with` attribute (2 ms)3902 ✓ removes dangerous `data-disabled` attribute (2 ms)3903 ✓ removes dangerous `data-disable` attribute (11 ms)3904 ✓ removes dangerous `data-turbo` attribute (2 ms)3905 ✓ does not remove allowed `data-safe` attribute (2 ms)3906 ✓ does not remove allowed `data-random` attribute (2 ms)3907 advance config3908 ✓ should only allow <b> tags (3 ms)3909 ✓ should strip all html tags (2 ms)3910 unbind3911 ✓ should clear the text content during unbind (2 ms)3912 ✓ should clear the text content with custom HTML during unbind (2 ms)3913PASS src/components/base/form/form_input/form_input.spec.js3914 GlFormInput3915 width prop3916 when number is passed3917 ✓ adds correct class for width xs (5 ms)3918 ✓ adds correct class for width sm (11 ms)3919 ✓ adds correct class for width md (3 ms)3920 ✓ adds correct class for width lg (2 ms)3921 ✓ adds correct class for width xl (2 ms)3922 ✓ does not add a width class if not given the width prop (2 ms)3923 ✓ does not add a width class if passed null (2 ms)3924 when object is passed3925 when `default` key is provided3926 ✓ adds responsive CSS classes and base class (2 ms)3927 when `default` key is not provided3928 ✓ adds responsive CSS classes (2 ms)3929 v-model3930 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (5 ms)3931 ✓ synchronously updates model (4 ms)3932 debounce3933 given a debounce of 10ms3934 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (4 ms)3935 ✓ emits a model event after the debounce delay (5 ms)3936 given a debounce of 100ms3937 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (3 ms)3938 ✓ emits a model event after the debounce delay (4 ms)3939 given a debounce of 1000ms3940 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (4 ms)3941 ✓ emits a model event after the debounce delay (3 ms)3942 lazy3943 ✓ synchronously emits an update event (4 ms)3944 ✓ updates model after change event (15 ms)3945 ✓ updates model after blur event (4 ms)3946 when input type is `number`3947 ✓ sets `noWheel` prop to `true` (3 ms)3948 when input type is not `number`3949 ✓ sets `noWheel` prop to `false` (2 ms)3950PASS src/components/base/badge/badge.spec.js3951 badge3952 with "icon" prop3953 with icon-only3954 ✓ sets badge "role" attribute to img (5 ms)3955 ✓ sets aria-label (1 ms)3956 renders icon3957 ✓ with correct props (2 ms)3958 ✓ with correct size (2 ms)3959 with 16px icon and slot3960 ✓ sets badge "role" attribute to undefined (3 ms)3961 ✓ sets aria-label (2 ms)3962 renders icon3963 ✓ with correct props (2 ms)3964 ✓ with correct size (2 ms)3965 with 12px icon and slot3966 ✓ sets badge "role" attribute to undefined (2 ms)3967 ✓ sets aria-label (1 ms)3968 renders icon3969 ✓ with correct props (2 ms)3970 ✓ with correct size (2 ms)3971 without "icon" prop3972 ✓ renders slot content (4 ms)3973 ✓ does not render icon (15 ms)3974 ✓ sets badge "role" attribute to undefined (2 ms)3975 ✓ sets aria-label (2 ms)3976 wrapper element3977 ✓ uses "span" element by default (1 ms)3978 ✓ creates element based on "tag" if not link (2 ms)3979 ✓ uses a link if "href" prop is set, regardless of "tag" prop (2 ms)3980 classes3981 ✓ sets default classes (2 ms)3982 ✓ sets correct css class for variant muted (1 ms)3983 ✓ sets correct css class for variant neutral (1 ms)3984 ✓ sets correct css class for variant info (1 ms)3985 ✓ sets correct css class for variant success (2 ms)3986 ✓ sets correct css class for variant warning (1 ms)3987 ✓ sets correct css class for variant danger (1 ms)3988 ✓ sets correct css class for variant tier (2 ms)3989 ✓ sets "!gl-px-2" class when no child content is set (1 ms)3990 link badge3991 ✓ passes link props to BLink (2 ms)3992PASS src/components/base/card/card.spec.js3993 GlCard3994 ✓ properly sets classes when bodyClass is {"applied-class": true, "non-applied-class": false} (2 ms)3995 ✓ properly sets classes when bodyClass is ["applied-class"] (3 ms)3996 ✓ properly sets classes when headerClass is {"applied-class": true, "non-applied-class": false} (2 ms)3997 ✓ properly sets classes when headerClass is ["applied-class"] (2 ms)3998 ✓ properly sets classes when footerClass is {"applied-class": true, "non-applied-class": false} (2 ms)3999 ✓ properly sets classes when footerClass is ["applied-class"] (2 ms)4000 with just the body content4001 ✓ should render the body content (6 ms)4002 ✓ should add the body class (3 ms)4003 ✓ should not render the header content (2 ms)4004 ✓ should not render the footer content (2 ms)4005 with additional header content4006 ✓ should render the body content (2 ms)4007 ✓ should render the header content (3 ms)4008 ✓ should add the header class (2 ms)4009 ✓ should not render the footer content (1 ms)4010 with additional footer content4011 ✓ should render the body content (3 ms)4012 ✓ should not render the header content (2 ms)4013 ✓ should render the footer content (2 ms)4014 ✓ should add the footer class (2 ms)4015PASS src/components/base/drawer/drawer.spec.js4016 drawer component4017 ✓ renders nodes when added to the title slot (6 ms)4018 ✓ renders nodes when added to the header slot (4 ms)4019 ✓ renders nodes when added to the default slot (4 ms)4020 ✓ renders nodes when added to the footer slot (5 ms)4021 ✓ should add scrim to footer (4 ms)4022 ✓ should add scrim to scrollable container (4 ms)4023 ✓ adds class depending on variant prop (4 ms)4024 ✓ adds class depending on variant prop (2 ms)4025 default settings4026 when open is true4027 ✓ makes gl-drawer visible when open is true (11 ms)4028 when header-height is set4029 ✓ renders drawer container with `top` and `max-height` styles (4 ms)4030 when sticky header is true4031 ✓ renders drawer header with sticky position (3 ms)4032 when open is false4033 ✓ cannot find aside html element (2 ms)4034 on click of the close button4035 ✓ emits close event (3 ms)4036 on esc keydown4037 ✓ emits close event when open is true (2 ms)4038 ✓ does not call onClose when open is false (2 ms)4039 ✓ does not call onClose when open is false and keyCode is not esc (13 ms)4040PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.spec.js4041 breadcrumb4042 ✓ should have expected default structure (199 ms)4043 ✓ should render default slot when no items provided (7 ms)4044 ✓ should accept items (18 ms)4045 ✓ should apply active class to active item (14 ms)4046PASS src/components/base/accordion/accordion_item.spec.js4047 GlAccordionItem4048 ✓ renders button text (15 ms)4049 ✓ renders alternative button text when the content is visible and the titleVisible property is set (32 ms)4050 ✓ renders the appropriate header element (11 ms)4051 ✓ renders the appropriate header element when overridden (9 ms)4052 ✓ applies custom classes to the header (8 ms)4053 ✓ applies custom classes to the header (19 ms)4054 ✓ applies custom classes to the header (8 ms)4055 ✓ renders slot text (8 ms)4056 ✓ is not expanded by default (8 ms)4057 ✓ is expanded on button click (10 ms)4058 ✓ passes accordion identifier to BCollapse (7 ms)4059 ✓ expands initially when visible prop is passed (8 ms)4060 ✓ emits the initial visible state (8 ms)4061 ✓ emits the visible state when toggled (25 ms)4062PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/props.spec.js4063 utils/props4064 ✓ copyProps() works with array props (1 ms)4065 ✓ copyProps() works with object props (1 ms)4066 ✓ makeProp() works (3 ms)4067 ✓ makePropsConfigurable() works (4 ms)4068PASS src/components/utilities/animated_number/animated_number.spec.js4069 GlAnimatedNumber4070 ✓ renders the component (4 ms)4071 when animateOnMount is false4072 when withDecimal = false, useDelimiters = false4073 ✓ displays the correct number on mount (19 ms)4074 ✓ displays the correct number when updated (36 ms)4075 when withDecimal = true, useDelimiters = false4076 ✓ displays the correct number on mount (18 ms)4077 ✓ displays the correct number when updated (36 ms)4078 when withDecimal = true, useDelimiters = true4079 ✓ displays the correct number on mount (18 ms)4080 ✓ displays the correct number when updated (37 ms)4081 when animateOnMount is true4082 when withDecimal = false, useDelimiters = false4083 ✓ displays the correct initial number (2 ms)4084 ✓ displays the correct end number (16 ms)4085 when withDecimal = true, useDelimiters = false4086 ✓ displays the correct initial number (2 ms)4087 ✓ displays the correct end number (14 ms)4088 when withDecimal = true, useDelimiters = true4089 ✓ displays the correct initial number (2 ms)4090 ✓ displays the correct end number (16 ms)4091 animation event emissions4092 ✓ emits animating when the animation starts (2 ms)4093 ✓ emits animated when the animation completes (32 ms)4094PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/listbox/listbox_item.spec.js4095 GlListboxItem4096 toggleSelection4097 when selected4098 ✓ should set `aria-selected` attribute on the list item to `true` (5 ms)4099 ✓ should display check icon (2 ms)4100 ✓ should emit the `select` event when clicked (11 ms)4101 ✓ should emit the `select` event on `ENTER` keydown event (3 ms)4102 ✓ should emit the `select` event on `SPACE` keydown event (2 ms)4103 when not selected4104 ✓ should set `aria-selected` attribute on the list item to `false` (1 ms)4105 ✓ should not display check icon (1 ms)4106 ✓ should emit the `select` event when clicked (2 ms)4107 ✓ should emit the `select` event on `ENTER` keydown event (2 ms)4108 ✓ should emit the `select` event on `SPACE` keydown event (2 ms)4109 checkbox4110 is NOT centered4111 ✓ should not center check icon by default (2 ms)4112 is centered4113 ✓ should center the check icon (2 ms)4114 tabindex4115 ✓ should set tabindex to `-1` when item is not focused (1 ms)4116 ✓ should set tabindex to `0` when item is focused (2 ms)4117 when default slot content provided4118 ✓ renders it (3 ms)4119PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-busy.spec.js4120 table > busy state4121 ✓ default should have attribute aria-busy=false (18 ms)4122 ✓ default should have item rows rendered (27 ms)4123 ✓ should have attribute aria-busy=true when prop busy=true (12 ms)4124 ✓ should have attribute aria-busy=true when data localBusy=true (18 ms)4125 ✓ should emit update:busy event when data localBusy is toggled (17 ms)4126 ✓ should render table-busy slot when prop busy=true and slot provided (43 ms)4127PASS src/components/base/skeleton_loader/skeleton_loader.spec.js4128 GlSkeletonLoader4129 ✓ has linear-gradient when reduced motion is false (2 ms)4130 ✓ does not have linear-gradient when reduced motion is true (10 ms)4131 when default skeleton is used4132 ✓ adds `gl-w-full` and `gl-h-full` CSS classes (6 ms)4133 ✓ renders 3 lines by default (4 ms)4134 ✓ renders the number of lines passed (4 ms)4135 ✓ spaces the lines out evenly (3 ms)4136 ✓ sets svg viewBox to the combined size of the lines (3 ms)4137 when equal-width-lines is `true`4138 ✓ renders all the lines with 100% width (4 ms)4139 when `width` and `height` props are set4140 ✓ overrides the calculated container size and svg viewBox (4 ms)4141 when skeleton is passed via the slot4142 ✓ does not render a container around the svg (3 ms)4143 when `width` and `height` props are set4144 ✓ sets the viewBox to those values (2 ms)4145 when `width` and `height` props are not set4146 ✓ sets the viewBox to the default values (3 ms)4147PASS src/directives/safe_link/safe_link.spec.js4148 safe link directive4149 default4150 ✓ should render the anchor tag with given href (6 ms)4151 ✓ should render the element with secure rel attr (2 ms)4152 invalid urls4153 ✓ javascript: should be sanitized (1 ms)4154 ✓ javascript:alert("XSS") should be sanitized (1 ms)4155 ✓ jav ascript:alert("XSS"); should be sanitized (2 ms)4156 valid urls4157 ✓ http://example.org should be rendered (1 ms)4158 ✓ http://example.org:8080 should be rendered (2 ms)4159 ✓ https://example.org should be rendered (2 ms)4160 ✓ https://example.org:8080 should be rendered (1 ms)4161 ✓ should be rendered (2 ms)4162 ✓ should be rendered (1 ms)4163 ✓ mailto:someone@example.com should be rendered (2 ms)4164 ✓ ./relative/link should be rendered (1 ms)4165 ✓ ../relative/link should be rendered (2 ms)4166 ✓ /relative/link should be rendered (2 ms)4167 ✓ /users/sign_in should be rendered (1 ms)4168 ✓ #docs/link should be rendered (2 ms)4169 ✓ # should be rendered (1 ms)4170 ✓ javascript:alert('XSS') should be rendered (2 ms)4171 ✓ javascript:alert('XSS') should be rendered (1 ms)4172 ✓ javascript:alert('XSS') should be rendered (2 ms)4173 ✓  javascript:alert("XSS"); should be rendered (2 ms)4174 `skipSanitization` arg4175 ✓ javascript: should be rendered (1 ms)4176 ✓ javascript:alert("XSS") should be rendered (1 ms)4177 ✓ jav ascript:alert("XSS"); should be rendered (1 ms)4178 reactivity4179 ✓ should sanitize the updated url (15 ms)4180 `skipSanitization` arg4181 ✓ should not sanitize the updated url (5 ms)4182 console.warn4183 [Vue warn]: (deprecation CONFIG_OPTION_MERGE_STRATS) config.optionMergeStrategies no longer exposes internal strategies. Use custom merge functions instead.4184 5 | import { BDropdownItem } from './dropdown-item'4185 6 |4186 > 7 | Vue.use(VueRouter)4187 | ^4188 8 |4189 9 | describe('dropdown-item', () => {4190 10 | it('renders with tag "a" and href="#" by default', async () => {4191 at warn$1 (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:1770:17)4192 at warnDeprecation (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:2665:5)4193 at softAssertCompatEnabled (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:2751:9)4194 at Object.get (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7285:17)4195 at Function.install (node_modules/vue-router/dist/vue-router.common.js:1325:89)4196 at Function.Vue.use (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7326:15)4197 at Object.use (src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-item.spec.js:7:5)4198PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-item.spec.js4199 dropdown-item4200 ✓ renders with tag "a" and href="#" by default (6 ms)4201 ✓ has class "dropdown-item" (4 ms)4202 ✓ calls dropdown hide(true) method when clicked (21 ms)4203 ✓ does not call dropdown hide(true) method when clicked and disabled (20 ms)4204 ✓ has linkClass when prop is passed a value (4 ms)4205 router-link support4206 ✓ works (10 ms)4207PASS src/components/base/form/form_input_group/form_input_group.spec.js4208 Input Group4209 ✓ renders without errors (6 ms)4210 ✓ renders prepend and append texts properly in the slots (7 ms)4211 ✓ selects text on click if appropriate prop is set up (3 ms)4212 ✓ does not emit input event if predefinedOptions are not set (3 ms)4213 `inputClass` prop4214 ✓ correctly adds classes to input when `inputClass` prop is foo-bar baz (11 ms)4215 ✓ correctly adds classes to input when `inputClass` prop is ["foo-bar", "baz"] (4 ms)4216 ✓ correctly adds classes to input when `inputClass` prop is {"baz": true, "foo-bar": true} (4 ms)4217 predefined options4218 ✓ throws an error if the options format does not match the required one (11 ms)4219 ✓ are rendered when supplied (7 ms)4220 ✓ set input value to the value of the first option by default (8 ms)4221 ✓ populate input with correct value when selected (8 ms)4222 ✓ emits event with default options value to enable reactive updates outside of the component (7 ms)4223 ✓ emits event when an active option is changed to enable reactive updates outside of the component (7 ms)4224PASS src/components/base/popover/popover.spec.js4225 GlPopover4226 ✓ passes through the open event to the bvPopover instance (6 ms)4227 ✓ passes through the close event to the bvPopover instance (2 ms)4228 ✓ passes through the enable event to the bvPopover instance (14 ms)4229 ✓ passes through the disable event to the bvPopover instance (2 ms)4230 ✓ does not have the `has-close-button` class where there is no close button (2 ms)4231 triggers4232 ✓ defaults to "hover focus" for triggers (3 ms)4233 ✓ uses custom triggers if provided (2 ms)4234 title slot4235 ✓ renders title slot content (2 ms)4236 placement4237 ✓ uses "top" placement by default (2 ms)4238 ✓ uses a defined placement (2 ms)4239 close button4240 when there is no title4241 ✓ renders a close button (4 ms)4242 ✓ does not have the `has-title` class, and the button floats to the right (3 ms)4243 ✓ calls BPopover's doClose method when clicking on the close button (2 ms)4244 ✓ emits close-button-clicked event when clicking on the close button (2 ms)4245 when there is a title4246 ✓ has the `has-title` class, and the button does not float to the right (2 ms)4247PASS src/components/base/avatars_inline/avatars_inline.spec.js4248 avatars inline4249 ✓ displays all avatars when component is not collapsed (6 ms)4250 ✓ hides all additional avatars beyond maxVisible (2 ms)4251 ✓ adds md class selector to badge when avatar size is 24 (3 ms)4252 ✓ adds lg class selector to badge when avatar size is 32 (2 ms)4253 when component is collapsed and maxVisible is the number of avatars4254 ✓ displays all avatars (3 ms)4255 badge tooltips4256 when badgeTooltipProp is not set4257 ✓ does not render the tooltip (2 ms)4258 when badge tooltip prop is set but no max characters are set4259 ✓ renders the tooltip with the names of the hidden avatars (4 ms)4260 when badge tooltip prop and max characters are set4261 ✓ renders the tooltip with the truncated names of the hidden avatars (3 ms)4262 a11y4263 ✓ renders screen reader only text for the collapse badge (3 ms)4264 ✓ hides badge text for screen readers (2 ms)4265PASS src/components/base/loading_icon/loading_icon.spec.js4266 loading icon component4267 variant spinner4268 display4269 ✓ should render as a block by default (4 ms)4270 ✓ should render inline using prop (1 ms)4271 css class4272 ✓ should render the loader css class by default (2 ms)4273 ✓ should render loader properly for size sm (1 ms)4274 ✓ should render loader properly for size md (1 ms)4275 ✓ should render loader properly for size lg (2 ms)4276 ✓ should render loader properly for color dark (2 ms)4277 ✓ should render loader properly for color light (1 ms)4278 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "sm" and color: "dark" (1 ms)4279 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "sm" and color: "light" (1 ms)4280 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "md" and color: "dark" (1 ms)4281 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "md" and color: "light" (2 ms)4282 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "lg" and color: "dark" (1 ms)4283 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "lg" and color: "light" (1 ms)4284 aria label4285 ✓ should default to loading (1 ms)4286 ✓ should change using prop (9 ms)4287 role4288 ✓ should have default role value as status (3 ms)4289 ✓ should have role value as custom value passed (2 ms)4290 variant dots4291 display4292 ✓ should render as a block by default (1 ms)4293 ✓ should render inline using prop (1 ms)4294 css class4295 ✓ should render the loader css class by default (2 ms)4296 ✓ should render loader properly for size sm (1 ms)4297 ✓ should render loader properly for size md (1 ms)4298 ✓ should render loader properly for size lg (2 ms)4299 ✓ should render loader properly for color dark (2 ms)4300 ✓ should render loader properly for color light (2 ms)4301 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "sm" and color: "dark" (2 ms)4302 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "sm" and color: "light" (2 ms)4303 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "md" and color: "dark" (1 ms)4304 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "md" and color: "light" (2 ms)4305 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "lg" and color: "dark" (1 ms)4306 ✓ should render loader properly for combination of size: "lg" and color: "light" (2 ms)4307 aria label4308 ✓ should default to loading (1 ms)4309 ✓ should change using prop (1 ms)4310 role4311 ✓ should have default role value as status (1 ms)4312 ✓ should have role value as custom value passed (1 ms)4313PASS bin/lib/tailwind_token_formatter.spec.js4314 Tailwind Token Formatter4315 isAliasValue4316 ✓ returns true when value is alias (1 ms)4317 ✓ returns false when value is string4318 hasAliases4319 ✓ returns true when original value is alias (1 ms)4320 ✓ returns false when original value is string4321 ✓ returns true when original value property contains alias in a nested object4322 ✓ returns false when original value property contains strings in a nested object (1 ms)4323 TailwindTokenFormatter4324 #getAliasedToken4325 ✓ returns original object of alias4326 #aliasToCSSCustomProperty4327 ✓ returns CSS custom property of alias (1 ms)4328 #cssCustomPropertyWithValue4329 ✓ returns CSS custom property with default value of #0004330 ✓ returns CSS custom property with default value of var(--color-constant)4331 ✓ returns CSS custom property with prefix and default value of #000 (1 ms)4332 ✓ returns CSS custom property with default value of var(--gl-color-constant)4333PASS src/components/base/form/form_character_count/form_character_count.spec.js4334 GlFormCharacterCount4335 when textarea character count is under the max character count4336 ✓ displays remaining characters (4 ms)4337 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (3 ms)4338 when textarea character count is over the max character count4339 ✓ displays number of characters over (1 ms)4340 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (2 ms)4341 when textarea value is updated4342 ✓ updates character count text (2 ms)4343 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (2 ms)4344 when `value` prop is `null`4345 ✓ displays remaining characters (1 ms)4346 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (2 ms)4347 when `value` prop is updated to `null`4348 ✓ updates character count text (1 ms)4349 ✓ updates debounced screen reader text (2 ms)4350PASS src/components/base/segmented_control/segmented_control.spec.js4351 GlSegmentedControl4352 default4353 ✓ renders button group (6 ms)4354 ✓ renders buttons (4 ms)4355 when button clicked {"text": "Lorem", "value": "abc"}4356 ✓ emits input with value (3 ms)4357 when button clicked {"text": "Ipsum", "value": "def"}4358 ✓ emits input with value (3 ms)4359 when button clicked {"text": "Dolar", "value": "ghi"}4360 ✓ emits input with value (3 ms)4361 with value=abc4362 ✓ renders selected button at 0 (3 ms)4363 with value=def4364 ✓ renders selected button at 1 (5 ms)4365 with value=ghi4366 ✓ renders selected button at 3 (4 ms)4367 with button-content slot4368 ✓ renders button content based on slot (7 ms)4369 options prop validation4370 ✓ with options=[{"disabled":true}], fails validation (2 ms)4371 ✓ with options=[{"value":"1","disabled":"false"}], fails validation (1 ms)4372 ✓ with options=[{"value":null,"disabled":"true"}], fails validation (2 ms)4373 ✓ with options=[[{"value":true},null]], fails validation (2 ms)4374 ✓ with options=[{"value":"1"}], passes validation (15 ms)4375 ✓ with options=[{"value":1,"disabled":true}], passes validation (2 ms)4376 ✓ with options=[{"value":true,"disabled":false}], passes validation (2 ms)4377 ✓ with options=[{"value":true,"props":{"data-testid":"test"}}], passes validation (3 ms)4378PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form/form-invalid-feedback.spec.js4379 form-invalid-feedback4380 ✓ default should have tag div (3 ms)4381 ✓ default should contain base class (2 ms)4382 ✓ default should not have class d-block (1 ms)4383 ✓ default should not have class invalid-tooltip (2 ms)4384 ✓ default should not have id (1 ms)4385 ✓ default should have user supplied id (2 ms)4386 ✓ should have tag small when tag=small (1 ms)4387 ✓ should contain class d-block when force-show is set (1 ms)4388 ✓ should contain class d-block when state is false (1 ms)4389 ✓ should not contain class d-block when state is true (1 ms)4390 ✓ should contain class d-block when force-show is true and state is true (2 ms)4391 ✓ should contain class invalid-tooltip when tooltip is set (1 ms)4392 ✓ should not contain class invalid-feedback when tooltip is set (1 ms)4393 ✓ should have children in the default slot when supplied (3 ms)4394PASS src/utils/charts/utils.spec.js4395 chart utils4396 seriesHasAnnotations4397 ✓ Returns false for no input4398 ✓ Returns false for null input4399 ✓ Returns false for empty series4400 ✓ Returns false for series with no markPoint4401 ✓ Returns false for series with markPoint but no markPoint.data (1 ms)4402 ✓ Returns false for non-annotations series4403 ✓ Returns true for series with markPoint and markPoint data4404 isDataPointAnnotation4405 ✓ Returns false for undefined input4406 ✓ Returns false for empty input4407 ✓ Returns false if hovered data point is a scatter series datum4408 ✓ Returns true if hovered data point is a markPoint4409 timeSeriesDateFormatter4410 ✓ Returns empty string for empty input (1 ms)4411 ✓ Returns empty string for null input4412 ✓ Returns formatted date for epoch time input4413PASS src/directives/resize_observer/resize_observer.spec.js4414 resize observer directive4415 ✓ shares one observer between multiple directive instances (4 ms)4416 ✓ subscribes the given DOM element to be observed (2 ms)4417 ✓ does not subscribe if the argument is false (1 ms)4418 ✓ passes the first entries "contentRect" and "target" to the given handler (1 ms)4419 ✓ detaches then reattaches observer based on argument's value (2 ms)4420 ✓ does a clean up when the component is destroyed (1 ms)4421 check directive value4422 ✓ throws if the handler is 3 instead of a function (16 ms)4423 ✓ throws if the handler is "" instead of a function (1 ms)4424 ✓ throws if the handler is undefined instead of a function (2 ms)4425 ✓ throws if the handler is null instead of a function (3 ms)4426 ✓ throws if the handler is false instead of a function (1 ms)4427 ✓ throws if the handler is {} instead of a function (12 ms)4428 ✓ throws if the handler is [] instead of a function (2 ms)4429PASS src/components/base/form/form_group/form_group.spec.js4430 Form group component4431 ✓ computed label class is additional-class col-form-label when labelClass is additional-class (8 ms)4432 ✓ computed label class is ["additional-class", "col-form-label"] when labelClass is ["additional-class"] (4 ms)4433 ✓ computed label class is {"additional-class": true, "col-form-label": true} when labelClass is {"additional-class": true} (3 ms)4434 ✓ computed label class is col-form-label when labelClass is undefined (3 ms)4435 label-description slot4436 ✓ when label-description is provided from prop (13 ms)4437 ✓ when label-description is provided from prop (4 ms)4438 ✓ when label-description is provided from slot (4 ms)4439 ✓ when label-description is provided from slot (4 ms)4440 label slot4441 ✓ when label is provided from prop, `optional` is true (5 ms)4442 ✓ when label is provided from prop, `optional` is false (3 ms)4443 ✓ when label is provided from slot, `optional` is true (4 ms)4444 ✓ when label is provided from slot, `optional` is false (4 ms)4445 ✓ renders optionalText when `optional` is true (3 ms)4446PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/get.spec.js4447 get4448 ✓ handles invalid values gracefully (1 ms)4449 ✓ returns expected default value4450 ✓ returns expected value (1 ms)4451 ✓ handles when field name has dot (2 ms)4452 ✓ handles when field value is not array or object (7 ms)4453PASS src/utils/is_slot_empty.spec.js4454 is slot empty4455 isVnodeEmpty4456 ✓ should return true for empty slot (5 ms)4457 ✓ should return true for a comment (2 ms)4458 ✓ should return true for comment fragments (2 ms)4459 ✓ should return true for a conditional that evaluates to false (2 ms)4460 ✓ should return true for conditionals that evaluate to false (1 ms)4461 ✓ should return false for a text node (1 ms)4462 ✓ should return false for a conditional that evaluates to true (2 ms)4463 ✓ should return false for a conditional that evaluates to false with text (2 ms)4464 isSlotEmpty4465 ✓ should return true for empty slot (1 ms)4466 ✓ should return true for slot with comment (1 ms)4467 ✓ should return true for slot with multiple comments (2 ms)4468 ✓ should return false for non-empty slot (1 ms)4469 ✓ should return true for conditional slot contents based on slot-scope (2 ms)4470 ✓ should return false for conditional slot contents based on slot-scope (1 ms)4471PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/nav/nav-item.spec.js4472 nav-item4473 ✓ has expected default structure (7 ms)4474 ✓ has attrs on link when link-attrs set (11 ms)4475 ✓ has custom classes on link when link-classes set (3 ms)4476 ✓ has class "disabled" on link when disabled set (4 ms)4477 ✓ emits click event when clicked (4 ms)4478 ✓ does not emit a click event when clicked and disabled (3 ms)4479PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form/form-valid-feedback.spec.js4480 form-valid-feedback4481 ✓ default should have tag div (4 ms)4482 ✓ default should contain base class (2 ms)4483 ✓ default should not have class d-block (1 ms)4484 ✓ default should not have class valid-tooltip (1 ms)4485 ✓ default should not have id (2 ms)4486 ✓ default should have user supplied id (1 ms)4487 ✓ should have tag small when tag=small (2 ms)4488 ✓ should contain class d-block when force-show is set (1 ms)4489 ✓ should contain class d-block when state is true (2 ms)4490 ✓ should not contain class d-block when state is false (1 ms)4491 ✓ should contain class d-block when force-show is true and state is false (1 ms)4492 ✓ should contain class valid-tooltip when tooltip is set (2 ms)4493 ✓ should not contain class valid-feedback when tooltip is set (1 ms)4494PASS src/components/utilities/friendly_wrap/friendly_wrap.spec.js4495 Friendly wrap component4496 ✓ wraps text on slashes by default (6 ms)4497 ✓ supports backslashes (3 ms)4498 ✓ accepts multiple symbols (2 ms)4499 ✓ works with words (12 ms)4500 ✓ does not break with sensitive symbols like '<' or 'w' or 'b' or 'r' or '>' (3 ms)4501 ✓ allows HTML entities as words (2 ms)4502 ✓ escapes text to prevent XSS (2 ms)4503 ✓ does not unnecessarily insert a wbr at the end (2 ms)4504 ✓ does not insert unnecessary whitespace (1 ms)4505 ✓ gracefully handles null (1 ms)4506 ✓ gracefully handles undefined (2 ms)4507PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb-item.spec.js4508 breadcrumb-item4509 ✓ has default classes and structure (15 ms)4510 ✓ has class active when prop active is set (4 ms)4511 ✓ has link as child (4 ms)4512 ✓ has link as child and href (3 ms)4513 ✓ has child span and class active when prop active is set (3 ms)4514 ✓ has child text content from prop text (3 ms)4515 ✓ has child text content from prop html (3 ms)4516 ✓ has child text content from default slot (4 ms)4517PASS src/components/utilities/intersection_observer/intersection_observer.spec.js4518 IntersectionObserver4519 with default4520 ✓ renders slot (6 ms)4521 ✓ creates 1 intersection observer (2 ms)4522 ✓ adds some private props to element (1 ms)4523 when destroyed4524 ✓ clears private props on element (2 ms)4525 ✓ stops observing on element (1 ms)4526 with 2 instances4527 ✓ creates 1 IntersectionObserver (3 ms)4528 ✓ when triggered with interesecting, emits events (3 ms)4529 ✓ when triggered without interesecting, emits events (2 ms)4530 with 2 instances with different options4531 ✓ creates 2 IntersectionObservers (11 ms)4532PASS src/components/base/form/form_select/form_select.spec.js4533 GlFormSelect4534 state prop4535 ✓ adds $expectedClass class for state true (8 ms)4536 ✓ adds $expectedClass class for state false (3 ms)4537 ✓ adds $expectedClass class for state null (3 ms)4538 ✓ adds $expectedClass class for state undefined (3 ms)4539 width prop4540 ✓ adds correct class for width xs (3 ms)4541 ✓ adds correct class for width sm (3 ms)4542 ✓ adds correct class for width md (2 ms)4543 ✓ adds correct class for width lg (4 ms)4544 ✓ adds correct class for width xl (7 ms)4545 ✓ does not add a width class if not given the width prop (16 ms)4546 ✓ does not add a width class if passed null (3 ms)4547 selectClass prop4548 ✓ adds class for select using String (4 ms)4549 ✓ adds class for select using Array (4 ms)4550 ✓ adds class for select using Object (7 ms)4551 ✓ does not add a select class if not given the prop (4 ms)4552 ✓ does not add a select class if passed null (3 ms)4553 v-model4554 ✓ should select an option element and update the v-model bound data (8 ms)4555PASS src/components/base/icon/icon.spec.js4556 Icon component4557 ✓ has role=img (4 ms)4558 when created4559 ✓ shows svg class "s8" and path "/path/to/icons.svg#check-circle" (3 ms)4560 size validator4561 ✓ fails with size outside options4562 ✓ passes with size in options4563 name validator4564 ✓ fails with name that does not exist (1 ms)4565 ✓ passes with name that exists4566 aria-hidden4567 ✓ is true when there is no aria-label (2 ms)4568 ✓ does not exist there is an aria-label (1 ms)4569 variant4570 validator4571 ✓ fails with size outside options (1 ms)4572 ✓ passes with size in options4573 classes4574 ✓ adds `gl-fill-current` class to svg element when variant is not provided (1 ms)4575 ✓ adds fill class to svg element when variant is provided (1 ms)4576PASS src/components/base/form/form_radio/form_radio.spec.js4577 GlFormRadio4578 ✓ checks the radio button correctly on mount (13 ms)4579 when the selected value is changed programmatically4580 ✓ emits an input event, but not a change event on each radio (19 ms)4581 ✓ checks the correct radio (7 ms)4582 when the selected value is changed by the user4583 ✓ emits an input event on each radio, and a change event on the newly selected radio (8 ms)4584 ✓ updates the bound value (11 ms)4585 ✓ checks the radio (8 ms)4586PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/listen-on-document.spec.js4587 mixins/listen-on-document4588 ✓ works (8 ms)4589PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/css-escape.spec.js4590 utils/cssEscape4591 ✓ works (5 ms)4592PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-item-button.spec.js4593 dropdown-item-button4594 ✓ renders with tag "button" and type="button" by default (4 ms)4595 ✓ has class "dropdown-item" (3 ms)4596 ✓ has class "active" when active=true (2 ms)4597 ✓ has attribute "disabled" when disabled=true (3 ms)4598 ✓ calls dropdown hide(true) method when clicked (3 ms)4599 ✓ does not call dropdown hide(true) method when clicked and disabled (2 ms)4600 ✓ has buttonClass when prop is passed a value (1 ms)4601PASS src/components/base/banner/banner.spec.js4602 banner component4603 Promotion4604 with only the required props4605 ✓ should render the correct title (7 ms)4606 ✓ should render the button (3 ms)4607 ✓ should not render the illustration (2 ms)4608 ✓ should emit a `close` event after the close button is clicked (3 ms)4609 ✓ should emit a `primary` event when the primary button is clicked (3 ms)4610 with image4611 ✓ should render the illustration (3 ms)4612 with buttonAttributes4613 ✓ should pass the attributes to the button (2 ms)4614 Introduction4615 ✓ should add the `gl-banner-introduction` class (2 ms)4616 custom actions4617 ✓ shows the custom actions (2 ms)4618PASS src/components/base/avatar_labeled/avatar_labeled.spec.js4619 avatar labeled4620 ✓ sets avatar alt attribute to an empty string (5 ms)4621 ✓ displays the avatar label (3 ms)4622 ✓ displays the avatar sub label (3 ms)4623 ✓ displays `meta` slot (3 ms)4624 ✓ displays `default` slot (3 ms)4625 with labels as rows4626 ✓ adds the correct css classes (2 ms)4627 with label links4628 ✓ displays the sub-label link (2 ms)4629 with label link4630 ✓ displays the label link (3 ms)4631 ✓ navigates to label link when avatar is clicked (2 ms)4632 without label links4633 ✓ does not display any link (2 ms)4634PASS src/components/base/toast/toast.spec.js4635 GlToast4636 ✓ attaches $toast property (4 ms)4637 ✓ shows a toast (58 ms)4638 ✓ closes the toast when clicking on the close button (51 ms)4639 onComplete callback4640 ✓ calls onComplete callback only when matching toast hides (4 ms)4641 ✓ unregisters global listener when toast is hidden (3 ms)4642PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/disclosure_dropdown_group.spec.js4643 GlDisclosureDropdownGroup4644 ✓ renders default slot content (6 ms)4645 ✓ renders list of items if default content was not provided (6 ms)4646 ✓ renders `list-item` content in a `list-item` slot of `GlDisclosureDropdownItem` (6 ms)4647 ✓ adds border classes `["gl-border-t", "gl-border-t-dropdown", "gl-pt-2", "gl-mt-2"]` when bordered=true and borderPosition=top (5 ms)4648 ✓ adds border classes `["gl-border-b", "gl-border-b-dropdown", "gl-pb-2", "gl-mb-2"]` when bordered=true and borderPosition=bottom (5 ms)4649 ✓ adds border classes `[]` when bordered=false and borderPosition=top (5 ms)4650 ✓ adds border classes `[]` when bordered=false and borderPosition=bottom (6 ms)4651 label4652 ✓ labels the group when label provided (5 ms)4653 ✓ does not label the group when label is not provided (6 ms)4654 ✓ allows arbitrary content for group label (7 ms)4655PASS src/components/base/form/form_date/form_date.spec.js4656 GlFormDate4657 props4658 ✓ when `id` prop is passed sets input `id` to `idForInput` (6 ms)4659 ✓ when `min` prop is passed sets input `min` to `2020-01-01` (2 ms)4660 ✓ when `max` prop is passed sets input `max` to `2020-01-31` (2 ms)4661 ✓ when `value` prop is passed sets input `value` to `2020-01-19` (2 ms)4662 ✓ when `id` prop is not passed sets a unique input `id` attribute (12 ms)4663 ✓ when `min` prop is not passed sets input `min` attribute to `undefined` (2 ms)4664 ✓ when `max` prop is not passed sets input `max` attribute to `undefined` (2 ms)4665 ✓ when `value` prop is not passed sets input `value` attribute to `undefined` (2 ms)4666 validation4667 ✓ when `value` is less than `min` adds `aria-invalid="true"` attribute and invalid-feedback` (5 ms)4668 ✓ when `value` is greater than `max` adds `aria-invalid="true"` attribute and invalid-feedback` (5 ms)4669PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/listen-on-window.spec.js4670 mixins/listen-on-window4671 ✓ works (7 ms)4672PASS src/components/base/progress_bar/progress_bar.spec.js4673 GlProgressBar4674 default4675 ✓ renders wrapper with expected classes and style (4 ms)4676 ✓ renders child with expected classes and attributes (2 ms)4677 value4678 ✓ sets style and attributes correctly when setting `value` (2 ms)4679 ariaLabel4680 ✓ sets value from prop (2 ms)4681 max4682 ✓ sets style and attributes correctly when using custom `max` (3 ms)4683 variant4684 ✓ sets correct css class for variant primary (3 ms)4685 ✓ sets correct css class for variant success (2 ms)4686 ✓ sets correct css class for variant warning (3 ms)4687 ✓ sets correct css class for variant danger (2 ms)4688 height4689 ✓ sets height correctly (2 ms)4690PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/helpers/normalize-fields.spec.js4691 table/helpers/normalize-fields4692 ✓ uses first row of items when fields are not defined and items passed (1 ms)4693 ✓ ignores special fields in items when fields are not defined and items passed (1 ms)4694 ✓ returns and empty array when no fields or items passed4695 ✓ handles simple array as fields4696 ✓ handles mixed array format4697 ✓ handles formatter shortcut4698 ✓ handles when "key: false" shortcut4699 ✓ removes duplicate fields (preserving the first found) (1 ms)4700PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb-link.spec.js4701 breadcrumb-link4702 ✓ has default classes and structure (6 ms)4703 ✓ has content from default slot (3 ms)4704 ✓ has content from text prop (2 ms)4705 ✓ has content from html prop (2 ms)4706 ✓ has attribute aria-current when active (2 ms)4707 ✓ has attribute aria-current with custom value when active (2 ms)4708 ✓ renders link when href is set (3 ms)4709 ✓ does not render a link when href is set and active (2 ms)4710PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-pagination.spec.js4711 table > pagination4712 ✓ default should not be paginated (20 ms)4713 ✓ should have 3 rows when per-page=3 (14 ms)4714 ✓ changing pages should update rows (23 ms)4715 ✓ setting current-page to more than pages shows empty row when show-empty=true (34 ms)4716PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-form.spec.js4717 dropdown-form4718 ✓ renders with tag "form" (6 ms)4719 ✓ default has expected classes (2 ms)4720 ✓ should have custom form classes on form (2 ms)4721 ✓ has tabindex on form (2 ms)4722 ✓ does not have tabindex on form when disabled (10 ms)4723 ✓ has class "was-validated" when validated=true (2 ms)4724 ✓ does not have attribute novalidate by default (2 ms)4725 ✓ has attribute novalidate when novalidate=true (2 ms)4726PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tfoot-custom.spec.js4727 table > custom tfoot slot4728 ✓ should not render tfoot by default (17 ms)4729 ✓ should render custom-foot slot inside b-tfoot (15 ms)4730 ✓ should not render custom-foot slot when foot-clone is true (13 ms)4731 ✓ should have foot-variant on custom-foot slot (27 ms)4732PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/toast/helpers/bv-toast.spec.js4733 $bvToast4734 ✓ $bvToast.show() and $bvToast.hide() works (146 ms)4735 ✓ $bvModal.toast() works (65 ms)4736PASS src/components/charts/heatmap/heatmap.spec.js4737 heatmap component4738 ✓ emits `created`, with the chart instance (15 ms)4739 tooltip position4740 ✓ is initialized (4 ms)4741 ✓ is reset when the xAxis formatter is triggered (5 ms)4742 showTooltip4743 ✓ is true by default (3 ms)4744 ✓ sets show prop on the tooltip component (3 ms)4745 height4746 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (4 ms)4747 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (3 ms)4748PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/button-group/button-group.spec.js4749 button-group4750 ✓ has expected default structure (5 ms)4751 ✓ should render default slot (6 ms)4752 ✓ should apply vertical class (8 ms)4753 ✓ should apply size class (2 ms)4754 ✓ should apply size class when vertical (3 ms)4755 ✓ has custom role when aria-role prop set (2 ms)4756PASS src/utils/string_utils.spec.js4757 string utils4758 splitAfterSymbols4759 ✓ given "" and [] returns [""]4760 ✓ given "" and [""] returns [""]4761 ✓ given "" and ["/"] returns [""]4762 ✓ given "/" and ["/"] returns ["/"] (1 ms)4763 ✓ given "//" and ["/"] returns ["/", "/"]4764 ✓ given "foo" and [] returns ["foo"]4765 ✓ given "foo" and ["/"] returns ["foo"] (1 ms)4766 ✓ given "foo" and [""] returns ["foo"]4767 ✓ given "a/b" and ["/"] returns ["a/", "b"]4768 ✓ given "a/b/c" and ["/"] returns ["a/", "b/", "c"] (1 ms)4769 ✓ given "a/b-c" and ["/", "-"] returns ["a/", "b-", "c"] (1 ms)4770 ✓ given "a/b-c" and ["-", "/"] returns ["a/", "b-", "c"] (1 ms)4771 ✓ given "/-/-/" and ["/", "-"] returns ["/", "-", "/", "-", "/"]4772 ✓ given ""'<>&/\" and ["\"", "'", "<", ">", "&", "/", "\\"] returns ["\"", "'", "<", ">", "&", "/", "\\"]4773 ✓ given "some words" and ["om", "ord"] returns ["som", "e word", "s"]4774 ✓ given "some words" and ["o", "om"] returns ["so", "me wo", "rds"]4775 ✓ given "some words" and ["om", "o"] returns ["som", "e wo", "rds"]4776 Avatar name parsing4777 ✓ Returns first character of name (1 ms)4778 ✓ Returns empty if name is empty4779 ✓ Returns emoji if it is first character in name (1 ms)4780 ✓ Returns first character if emoji is not first in name (8 ms)4781 ✓ Returns zero-width joined emoji if the name starts with it (1 ms)4782 ✓ Returns only first emoji if the name starts with multiple (1 ms)4783PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tbody-bottom-row.spec.js4784 table > tbody bottom-row slot4785 ✓ should not have bottom row by default (29 ms)4786 ✓ should render named slot `bottom-row` (16 ms)4787 ✓ should render scoped slot `bottom-row` (13 ms)4788PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/listbox/utils.spec.js4789 isOption4790 ✓ isOption(null) === false (1 ms)4791 ✓ isOption(undefined) === false4792 ✓ isOption({}) === false4793 ✓ isOption({"value": null}) === false (1 ms)4794 ✓ isOption({"options": [Array], "text": "group"}) === false4795 ✓ isOption({"value": ""}) === true4796 ✓ isOption({"value": 5.3}) === true4797 ✓ isOption({"text": "bar", "value": "foo"}) === true4798 ✓ isOption({"foo": true, "value": "qux"}) === true4799 flattenedOptions4800 ✓ returns flattened items as-is4801 ✓ returns flattened items given groups items4802 ✓ returns flattened items given mixed items/groups4803 itemsValidator4804 ✓ returns true given valid flat items (1 ms)4805 ✓ returns true given valid grouped items4806 ✓ returns true given empty list4807 ✓ returns false given invalid items (1 ms)4808 ✓ returns false given group with invalid items4809 ✓ returns false given non-unique items (1 ms)4810 ✓ returns false given non-unique items across groups4811 ✓ returns false given non-unique groups (1 ms)4812 ✓ returns false given sibling groups and options4813PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tbody-transition.spec.js4814 table > tbody transition4815 ✓ skipped due to vue34816PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-thead-top.spec.js4817 table > thead thead-top slot4818 ✓ should not have thead-top row by default (19 ms)4819 ✓ should render named slot `thead-top` (29 ms)4820 ✓ should render scoped slot `thead-top` (14 ms)4821PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/number.spec.js4822 utils/number4823 ✓ toInteger works (1 ms)4824 ✓ toFloat works (2 ms)4825 ✓ toFixed works (2 ms)4826PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form/form.spec.js4827 form4828 ✓ has expected default structure (4 ms)4829 ✓ renders default slot content (4 ms)4830 ✓ has class form-inline when prop inline set (2 ms)4831 ✓ has class was-validation when prop validated set (2 ms)4832 ✓ has user supplied id (2 ms)4833 ✓ has attribute novalidate when prop novalidate set (2 ms)4834PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-tbody-top-row.spec.js4835 table > tbody top-row slot4836 ✓ should not have top row by default (23 ms)4837 ✓ should render named slot `top-row` (32 ms)4838 ✓ should render scoped slot `top-row` (19 ms)4839 console.error4840 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 124841 73 | sizeClasses() {4842 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {4843 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility4844 | ^4845 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;4846 77 | }4847 78 |4848 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)4849 at Array.every (<anonymous>)4850 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)4851 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)4852 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)4853 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)4854 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)4855 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)4856 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4857 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4858 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)4859 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)4860 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)4861 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)4862 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)4863 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4864 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4865 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)4866 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)4867 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)4868 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)4869 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)4870 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)4871 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)4872 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:29:9)4873 console.error4874 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 284875 73 | sizeClasses() {4876 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {4877 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility4878 | ^4879 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;4880 77 | }4881 78 |4882 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)4883 at Array.every (<anonymous>)4884 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)4885 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)4886 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)4887 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)4888 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)4889 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)4890 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4891 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4892 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)4893 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)4894 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)4895 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)4896 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)4897 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4898 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4899 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)4900 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)4901 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)4902 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)4903 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)4904 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)4905 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)4906 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:29:9)4907 console.error4908 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 364909 73 | sizeClasses() {4910 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {4911 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility4912 | ^4913 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;4914 77 | }4915 78 |4916 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)4917 at Array.every (<anonymous>)4918 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)4919 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)4920 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)4921 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)4922 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)4923 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)4924 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4925 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4926 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)4927 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)4928 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)4929 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)4930 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)4931 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4932 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4933 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)4934 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)4935 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)4936 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)4937 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)4938 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)4939 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)4940 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:29:9)4941 console.error4942 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 544943 73 | sizeClasses() {4944 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {4945 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility4946 | ^4947 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;4948 77 | }4949 78 |4950 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)4951 at Array.every (<anonymous>)4952 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)4953 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)4954 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)4955 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)4956 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)4957 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)4958 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4959 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4960 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)4961 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)4962 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)4963 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)4964 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)4965 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4966 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4967 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)4968 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)4969 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)4970 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)4971 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)4972 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)4973 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)4974 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:29:9)4975 console.error4976 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 984977 73 | sizeClasses() {4978 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {4979 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility4980 | ^4981 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;4982 77 | }4983 78 |4984 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)4985 at Array.every (<anonymous>)4986 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)4987 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)4988 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)4989 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)4990 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)4991 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)4992 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)4993 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)4994 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)4995 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)4996 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)4997 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)4998 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)4999 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)5000 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)5001 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)5002 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)5003 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)5004 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)5005 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)5006 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)5007 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)5008 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:29:9)5009 console.error5010 Avatar size should be one of [96,64,48,32,24,16], received: 655011 73 | sizeClasses() {5012 74 | if (isNumber(this.size)) {5013 > 75 | // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/tailwind-no-interpolation -- Not a CSS utility5014 | ^5015 76 | return `gl-avatar-s${this.size}`;5016 77 | }5017 78 |5018 at error (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:75:21)5019 at Array.every (<anonymous>)5020 at every (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.vue:67:37)5021 at validateProp (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7044:23)5022 at validateProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7010:9)5023 at initProps (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:6668:9)5024 at setupComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:10620:5)5025 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8889:13)5026 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)5027 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)5028 at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9006:21)5029 at ReactiveEffect.run (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:760:25)5030 at instance.update (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9125:56)5031 at setupRenderEffect (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9139:9)5032 at mountComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8906:9)5033 at processComponent (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8860:17)5034 at patch (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:8464:21)5035 at render (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:9645:13)5036 at mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:7855:25)5037 at Object.app.mount (node_modules/@vue/compat/dist/vue.cjs.js:13015:23)5038 at mount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8116:18)5039 at shallowMount (node_modules/@vue/test-utils-vue3/dist/vue-test-utils.cjs.js:8132:12)5040 at patchedMount (node_modules/vue-test-utils-compat/dist/vue-test-utils-compat.cjs.js:522:35)5041 at createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:9:27)5042 at Object.createWrapper (src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js:43:9)5043PASS src/components/base/avatar/avatar.spec.js5044 GlAvatar5045 size property5046 ✓ uses default size if none is provided (4 ms)5047 when number is passed5048 ✓ accepts size 96 (1 ms)5049 ✓ accepts size 64 (1 ms)5050 ✓ accepts size 48 (1 ms)5051 ✓ accepts size 32 (1 ms)5052 ✓ accepts size 24 (1 ms)5053 ✓ accepts size 16 (1 ms)5054 ✓ displays an error for size 12 (9 ms)5055 ✓ displays an error for size 28 (9 ms)5056 ✓ displays an error for size 36 (18 ms)5057 ✓ displays an error for size 54 (8 ms)5058 ✓ displays an error for size 98 (8 ms)5059 ✓ adds correct CSS class to avatar (2 ms)5060 when object is passed5061 ✓ displays error if any of the sizes are invalid (8 ms)5062 ✓ adds correct CSS classes to avatar (2 ms)5063 fallbackOnError property5064 ✓ shows fallback identicon when image fails to load (5 ms)5065 ✓ emits load-error event when image fails to load (3 ms)5066 ✓ allows changing the source when initially provided image fails to load (4 ms)5067PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/input-group/input-group-prepend.spec.js5068 input-group > input-group-prepend5069 ✓ has expected default structure (5 ms)5070 ✓ renders custom root element when tag prop is set (3 ms)5071 ✓ renders content of default slot (3 ms)5072 ✓ renders child input-group-text when prop is-text set (3 ms)5073 ✓ renders default slot inside child input-group-text when prop is-text set (4 ms)5074PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_utils.spec.js5075 FilteredSearchUtils5076 splitOnQuotes5077 ✓ returns token as an array (1 ms)5078 ✓ splits the token by spaces (1 ms)5079 ✓ doesn't split if token is inside quotes5080 ✓ doesn't split if the token has multiple quotes5081 wrapTokenInQuotes5082 ✓ returns token if no space is present (1 ms)5083 ✓ returns token if already wrapped in quotes5084 ✓ returns wrapped token (1 ms)5085 stepIndexAndWrap5086 ✓ stepIndex(0, 0, 5) === 05087 ✓ stepIndex(0, 1, 5) === 15088 ✓ stepIndex(0, -1, 5) === 4 (1 ms)5089 ✓ stepIndex(0, 6, 5) === 15090 ✓ stepIndex(0, -6, 5) === 45091 ✓ stepIndex(1, 0, 5) === 15092 ✓ stepIndex(1, 1, 5) === 2 (1 ms)5093 ✓ stepIndex(1, -2, 5) === 45094 ✓ stepIndex(1, -5, 5) === 1 (1 ms)5095 ✓ stepIndex(-1, 0, 5) === -15096 ✓ stepIndex(6, 0, 5) === 65097 ✓ stepIndex(6, 1, 5) === 05098 ✓ stepIndex(6, -1, 5) === 45099 ✓ stepIndex(-1, 1, 5) === 0 (1 ms)5100 ✓ stepIndex(-1, -1, 5) === 45101 ✓ stepIndex(-1, -5, 5) === 05102 ✓ stepIndex(-1, 5, 5) === 45103 ✓ stepIndex(4, 1, 5) === 0 (1 ms)5104 ✓ stepIndex(4, 2, 5) === 15105 ✓ stepIndex(NaN, 1, 1) === 05106 ✓ stepIndex(0, NaN, 1) === NaN (1 ms)5107 ✓ stepIndex(0, 1, NaN) === NaN5108 ✓ stepIndex(0, 1, 0) === NaN5109PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/input-group/input-group-append.spec.js5110 input-group > input-group-append5111 ✓ has expected default structure (5 ms)5112 ✓ renders custom root element when tag prop is set (3 ms)5113 ✓ renders content of default slot (3 ms)5114 ✓ renders child input-group-text when prop is-text set (3 ms)5115 ✓ renders default slot inside child input-group-text when prop is-text set (4 ms)5116PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-primarykey.spec.js5117 table > primary key5118 ✓ default should not have ids on table rows (20 ms)5119 ✓ should have ids on table rows when primary key set to field (27 ms)5120 ✓ should not have ids on table rows when primary key set to nonexistent field (14 ms)5121PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form/form-text.spec.js5122 form > form-text5123 ✓ has expected default structure (4 ms)5124 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)5125 ✓ renders custom root element when prop tag set (2 ms)5126 ✓ has user supplied ID (2 ms)5127 ✓ does not have class form-text when prop inline set (2 ms)5128 ✓ has variant class applied when prop text-variant is set (3 ms)5129PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/toast/toaster.spec.js5130 b-toaster5131 ✓ has expected structure (25 ms)5132 ✓ accepts aria props (22 ms)5133PASS src/components/base/link/link.spec.js5134 link component5135 default settings5136 ✓ should not have a target attribute (6 ms)5137 ✓ should not have a rel attribute (3 ms)5138 ✓ should have a default href as # (2 ms)5139 target blank5140 ✓ should set secure rels for hrefs in a different domain (2 ms)5141 ✓ should set noopener rel for hrefs for the same domain (3 ms)5142 ✓ should keep rel attribute for hrefs in the same domain (2 ms)5143 unsafe urls5144 ✓ should set href to blank (2 ms)5145 ✓ should allow unsafe URL if isUnsafeLink is true (2 ms)5146PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-group.spec.js5147 dropdown > dropdown-header5148 ✓ works (6 ms)5149 ✓ renders header element when prop header set (3 ms)5150 ✓ renders custom header element when prop header-tag set (3 ms)5151 ✓ user supplied id when prop id set (2 ms)5152 ✓ renders default slot content (4 ms)5153PASS src/components/base/dropdown/dropdown_item.spec.js5154 dropdown item5155 checkbox5156 ✓ with props {"isCheckItem": false, "isChecked": false}, renders checkbox=false (5 ms)5157 ✓ with props {"isCheckItem": true, "isChecked": false}, renders checkbox=true (3 ms)5158 ✓ with props {"isCheckItem": false, "isChecked": true}, renders checkbox=true (2 ms)5159 ✓ with isCheckItem and props={"isCheckCentered": false, "isChecked": false}, then classes include ["gl-invisible", "gl-mt-3", "gl-self-start"] (2 ms)5160 ✓ with isCheckItem and props={"isCheckCentered": false, "isChecked": true}, then classes include ["gl-mt-3", "gl-self-start"] (2 ms)5161 ✓ with isCheckItem and props={"isCheckCentered": true, "isChecked": false}, then classes include ["gl-invisible"] (1 ms)5162 ✓ with isCheckItem and props={"isCheckCentered": true, "isChecked": true}, then classes include [] (2 ms)5163 dynamic component rendering5164 ✓ with no "href" or "to" attrs, renders a button (2 ms)5165 ✓ with "href" attr, renders an item (14 ms)5166 ✓ with "to" attr, renders an item (2 ms)5167PASS src/components/experimental/experiment_badge/experiment_badge.spec.js5168 GlExperimentBadge5169 ✓ renders main components (7 ms)5170 ✓ correctly sets the placement of the popover (5 ms)5171 ✓ sets the link to the help page if passed (15 ms)5172 ✓ generates the unique ID to connect the button and the popover (3 ms)5173 when type is %s5174 ✓ sets correct props on the badge (5 ms)5175 ✓ sets correct props on the popover (5 ms)5176 ✓ sets correct props on the badge (6 ms)5177 ✓ sets correct props on the popover (5 ms)5178 ✓ sets correct props on the badge (4 ms)5179 ✓ sets correct props on the popover (6 ms)5180PASS src/components/charts/bar/bar.spec.js5181 Bar chart component5182 when mounted5183 ✓ should render chart with axis and series (6 ms)5184 ✓ should not emit created (2 ms)5185 when mounted and chart has created5186 ✓ emits "created" when onCreated is called (4 ms)5187 ✓ long Y axis labels are ellipsized (3 ms)5188 ✓ configures chart tooltip (2 ms)5189 height5190 ✓ does not set the height classes by default (3 ms)5191 ✓ sets the height classes when height is "auto" (2 ms)5192PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/modal/helpers/bv-modal-event.class.spec.js5193 modal > BvModalEvent5194 ✓ works (1 ms)5195 ✓ throws exception if no type given5196 ✓ supports cancelable events via event.preventDefault() (1 ms)5197 ✓ supports non cancelable events (8 ms)5198 ✓ supports built in properties (1 ms)5199 ✓ supports custom properties (1 ms)5200PASS src/components/base/form/form_radio_group/form_radio_group.spec.js5201 GlFormRadioGroup5202 ✓ checks the radio button correctly on mount (16 ms)5203 when the selected value is changed programmatically5204 ✓ emits an input event, but not a change event (12 ms)5205 ✓ checks the correct radio (11 ms)5206 when the selected value is changed by the user5207 ✓ emits an input event and a change event (23 ms)5208 ✓ updates the bound value (11 ms)5209 ✓ checks the radio (11 ms)5210PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-colgroup.spec.js5211 table > colgroup5212 ✓ should not have colgroup by default (19 ms)5213 ✓ should render named slot `table-colgroup` (17 ms)5214 ✓ should render scoped slot `table-colgroup` (18 ms)5215PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/transporter/transporter.spec.js5216 utils/transporter component5217 ✓ renders in-pace when disabled=true (4 ms)5218 ✓ does not render in-pace when disabled=false (3 ms)5219 ✓ maintains provide-inject relation (12 ms)5220PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/disclosure/utils.spec.js5221 isItem5222 ✓ isItem(null) === false (1 ms)5223 ✓ isItem(undefined) === false (1 ms)5224 ✓ isItem({}) === false5225 ✓ isItem({"text": null}) === false (1 ms)5226 ✓ isItem({"items": [Array], "text": "group"}) === false5227 ✓ isItem({"text": "Action"}) === true (1 ms)5228 ✓ isItem({"href": "gitlab.com", "text": "Action"}) === true5229 ✓ isItem({"action": [Function action], "text": "Action"}) === true5230 ✓ isItem({"action": [Function action], "href": "gitlab.com", "text": "Action"}) === true5231 isGroup5232 ✓ isGroup(null) === false5233 ✓ isGroup(undefined) === false5234 ✓ isGroup({}) === false (1 ms)5235 ✓ isGroup({"name": null}) === false5236 ✓ isGroup({"items": [Array], "name": "group"}) === false5237 ✓ isGroup({"items": [Array], "name": "group"}) === true (1 ms)5238 ✓ isGroup({"items": [Array]}) === true5239 itemsValidator5240 ✓ returns true given valid flat items (1 ms)5241 ✓ returns true given valid grouped items5242 ✓ returns true given empty list (1 ms)5243 ✓ returns false given invalid items5244 ✓ returns false given group with invalid items5245 ✓ returns false given sibling groups and items5246PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-header.spec.js5247 dropdown > dropdown-header5248 ✓ works (5 ms)5249 ✓ renders custom header element when prop tag set (2 ms)5250 ✓ user supplied id when prop id set (1 ms)5251 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)5252PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/normalize-slot.spec.js5253 utils/normalizeSlot5254 ✓ works (2 ms)5255PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/string.spec.js5256 utils/string5257 ✓ kebabCase() works (1 ms)5258 ✓ startCase() works5259 ✓ upperFirst() works (1 ms)5260 ✓ escapeRegExp() works (1 ms)5261 ✓ toString() works (9 ms)5262PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/form-select/form-select-option.spec.js5263 form-select-option5264 ✓ has expected default structure (4 ms)5265 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)5266 ✓ renders HTML as default slot content (3 ms)5267 ✓ has disabled attribute applied when disabled=true (2 ms)5268PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/listbox/listbox_search_input.spec.js5269 listbox search input component5270 clear icon component5271 ✓ is not rendered when value is empty (6 ms)5272 ✓ is rendered when value is provided (2 ms)5273 ✓ emits empty value when clicked (3 ms)5274 v-model5275 ✓ syncs value prop to input value (8 ms)5276 ✓ emits input event when input value changes (4 ms)5277PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/listen-on-root.spec.js5278 mixins/listen-on-root5279 ✓ works (5 ms)5280PASS bin/lib/tailwind_migrations.spec.js5281 runMigrations5282 ✓ migrates classes properly (15 ms)5283 ✓ migrates classes properly (14 ms)5284 ✓ ignores things that start with gl- but are not targets (2 ms)5285 ✓ migrates gl--flex-center properly (1 ms)5286 ✓ migrates gl--flex-center properly (1 ms)5287 ✓ migrates gl--flex-center properly (1 ms)5288 ✓ migrates gl--flex-center properly (1 ms)5289 runSCSSMigrations5290 ✓ migrates classes properly (2 ms)5291 ✓ migrates classes properly5292 ✓ migrates classes properly (1 ms)5293PASS src/components/base/accordion/accordion.spec.js5294 GlAccordion5295 ✓ does not populate the accordion prop by default (33 ms)5296 ✓ populates the accordion prop when autoCollapse is true (15 ms)5297 ✓ passes a default headerLevel to children (15 ms)5298PASS src/components/base/filtered_search/filtered_search_suggestion.spec.js5299 Filtered search suggestion component5300 ✓ registers in list instance when mounted (4 ms)5301 ✓ unregisters in list instance when unmounted (1 ms)5302 ✓ emits suggestion event on list instance when clicked (3 ms)5303 ✓ adds active class to dropdown when active in list (2 ms)5304PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/bv-event.class.spec.js5305 utils/BvEvent class5306 ✓ works (1 ms)5307 ✓ throws exception if no type given (1 ms)5308 ✓ supports cancelable events (1 ms)5309 ✓ supports non cancelable events5310 ✓ supports built in properties (1 ms)5311 ✓ supports custom properties5312PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/clone-deep.spec.js5313 cloneDeep()5314 ✓ should clone arrays (2 ms)5315 ✓ should deeply clone an array (1 ms)5316 ✓ should deeply clone object5317 ✓ should deeply clone arrays (1 ms)5318 ✓ should return primitives5319 ✓ should clone a regex5320 ✓ should clone objects (1 ms)5321 ✓ should deeply clone objects (1 ms)5322PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/stringify-object-values.spec.js5323 stringifyObjectValues()5324 ✓ handles `null` and `undefined` (1 ms)5325 ✓ returns strings as-is (8 ms)5326 ✓ converts numbers to string5327 ✓ converts dates to native string format (1 ms)5328 ✓ converts array values to a string (1 ms)5329 ✓ converts object values to a string5330PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/events.spec.js5331 utils/events5332 ✓ event options parsing works (1 ms)5333PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-divider.spec.js5334 dropdown > dropdown-divider5335 ✓ works (5 ms)5336 ✓ renders custom root element when prop tag set (2 ms)5337 ✓ does not render default slot content (2 ms)5338PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/object.spec.js5339 utils/object5340 ✓ pick() works (1 ms)5341 ✓ omit() works5342 ✓ mergeDeep() works (1 ms)5343PASS src/directives/hover_load/hover_load.spec.js5344 hover load directive5345 ✓ triggers the callback after 100 ms (5 ms)5346 ✓ does not trigger the callback after 99 ms (2 ms)5347 ✓ cleans up the mouseover event when component is destroyed (1 ms)5348PASS src/components/shared_components/charts/tooltip_default_format.spec.js5349 tooltip default format5350 ✓ renders default tooltip (5 ms)5351 ✓ renders label colors (2 ms)5352 ✓ renders formatted values (3 ms)5353PASS src/components/base/nav/nav_item_dropdown.spec.js5354 GlNavItemDropdown5355 default5356 ✓ renders BNavItemDropdown (11 ms)5357 button-content slot5358 ✓ renders default template (6 ms)5359 ✓ renders custom template (6 ms)5360PASS src/components/base/new_dropdowns/listbox/listbox_group.spec.js5361 GlListboxGroup5362 ✓ renders a group (4 ms)5363 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)5364 ✓ labels the group (2 ms)5365 ✓ allows arbitrary content for group label (2 ms)5366 `textSrOnly` is true5367 ✓ adds `gl-sr-only` class (2 ms)5368PASS src/components/base/token/token.spec.js5369 Token component5370 ✓ emits close when "x" is clicked (4 ms)5371 ✓ hides the icon when view-only (2 ms)5372 ✓ includes view-only class when view-only (1 ms)5373 ✓ does not include view-only class when not view-only (1 ms)5374 ✓ sets class .gl-token-default-variant when variant is undefined (2 ms)5375 ✓ sets class .gl-token-default-variant when variant is default (1 ms)5376 ✓ sets class .gl-token-search-type-variant when variant is search-type (1 ms)5377 ✓ sets class .gl-token-search-value-variant when variant is search-value (1 ms)5378PASS src/components/base/form/form_fields/validators.spec.js5379 components/base/form/form_fields/validators5380 required5381 ✓ with , returns Yo test failed! (1 ms)5382 ✓ with null, returns Yo test failed!5383 ✓ with undefined, returns Yo test failed!5384 ✓ with 123, returns 5385 ✓ with {}, returns 5386 ✓ with 0, returns 5387 ✓ with 1, returns 5388 ✓ with true, returns (1 ms)5389 ✓ with false, returns 5390 noEmojis5391 ✓ with 123🐱, returns Yo test failed! (2 ms)5392 ✓ with 0 🍩, returns Yo test failed! (8 ms)5393 ✓ with 🐟, returns Yo test failed!5394 ✓ with , returns 5395 ✓ with null, returns (1 ms)5396 ✓ with undefined, returns 5397 ✓ with 123, returns (1 ms)5398 ✓ with 0, returns 5399 ✓ with {}, returns 5400 ✓ with 0, returns (1 ms)5401 ✓ with 1, returns 5402 ✓ with true, returns 5403 ✓ with false, returns 5404PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/table/table-item-formatter.spec.js5405 table > field-formatter5406 ✓ item field formatter as function works (17 ms)5407 ✓ item field formatter as string works (13 ms)5408PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/dropdown/dropdown-text.spec.js5409 dropdown-text5410 ✓ renders with tag "p" by default (5 ms)5411 ✓ has custom class "b-dropdown-text" (2 ms)5412 ✓ renders with tag "div" when tag=div (2 ms)5413 ✓ adds classes from `text-class` prop to child (1 ms)5414PASS src/components/base/form/form_fields/form_field_validator.spec.js5415 GlFormFieldValidators5416 ✓ should call validators with value prop (4 ms)5417 ✓ should not call validators when told not to (1 ms)5418 ✓ should not render anything ever forever (1 ms)5419 ✓ should emit update with result of validator (2 ms)5420PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/focus-in.spec.js5421 mixins/focus-in5422 ✓ works (15 ms)5423PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/mixins/click-out.spec.js5424 utils/click-out5425 ✓ works (5 ms)5426PASS src/components/base/breadcrumb/breadcrumb_item.spec.js5427 Breadcrumb Item Component5428 slots5429 ✓ renders provided content to default slot (7 ms)5430 bindings5431 ✓ passes provided props down to BLink (4 ms)5432PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/utils/warn.spec.js5433 utils/warn5434 with "BOOTSTRAP_VUE_NO_WARN" environment variable set5435 ✓ does not call "console.warn()"5436 without process object5437 ✓ calls "console.warn()" with warning5438 ✓ calls "console.warn()" with warning and source (1 ms)5439PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/input-group/input-group-text.spec.js5440 input-group > input-group-text5441 ✓ has expected default structure (3 ms)5442 ✓ has custom root element when prop tag set (2 ms)5443 ✓ renders content of default slot (3 ms)5444PASS src/components/base/tabs/tab/tab.spec.js5445 Tab component5446 ✓ computed title link class is gl-tab-nav-item when titleLinkClass is (5 ms)5447 ✓ computed title link class is additional-class gl-tab-nav-item when titleLinkClass is additional-class (2 ms)5448 ✓ computed title link class is ["additional-class", "gl-tab-nav-item"] when titleLinkClass is ["additional-class"] (2 ms)5449 ✓ computed title link class is {"additional-class": true, "gl-tab-nav-item": true} when titleLinkClass is {"additional-class": true} (2 ms)5450 ✓ computed title link class is gl-tab-nav-item when titleLinkClass is undefined (2 ms)5451PASS src/vendor/bootstrap-vue/src/components/layout/form-row.spec.js5452 layout > form-row5453 ✓ has expected default structure (11 ms)5454 ✓ custom root element when prop tag set (2 ms)5455 ✓ renders default slot content (3 ms)5456PASS src/components/base/table_lite/table_lite.spec.js5457 GlTableLite5458 ✓ adds gl-table class to tableClass prop (5 ms)5459 ✓ adds sticky header class to tableClass prop (3 ms)5460 ✓ adds gl-table fields to table prop (3 ms)5461PASS src/components/base/broadcast_message/broadcast_message.spec.js5462 Broadcast message component5463 ✓ clicking on dismiss button emits a dismiss event (6 ms)5464 ✓ dismiss button does not appear when dismissible is false (2 ms)5465 ✓ dismiss button always appears for notification broadcast messages (2 ms)5466PASS src/utils/set_utils.spec.js5467 set utils5468 ✓ set new property on object or update existing (1 ms)5469 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5470 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5471 ✓ set new property on object or update existing (1 ms)5472 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5473 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5474 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5475 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5476 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5477 ✓ set new property on object or update existing5478 ✓ set new property on object or update existing (1 ms)5479PASS src/components/base/animated_icon/animated_icon.spec.js5480 GlBaseAnimatedIcon component5481 state class5482 ✓ adds the gl-animated-icon-off when isOn is false (3 ms)5483 ✓ adds the gl-animated-icon-on when isOn is true (1 ms)5484 aria-label5485 ✓ renders aria-label attribute (1 ms)5486PASS src/internal/color_contrast/color_contrast.spec.js5487 color contrast component5488 ✓ renders AAA level and score (4 ms)5489 ✓ renders AA level and score (1 ms)5490 ✓ renders AA+ level and score (1 ms)5491 ✓ renders F level and score (1 ms)5492PASS src/utils/breakpoints.spec.js5493 breakpoints5494 xl5495 ✓ returns xl when larger than 12005496 isDesktop5497 ✓ returns true when screen size is 1200 (7 ms)5498 lg5499 ✓ returns lg when larger than 992 (1 ms)5500 isDesktop5501 ✓ returns true when screen size is 9925502 md5503 ✓ returns md when larger than 7685504 isDesktop5505 ✓ returns false when screen size is 768 (1 ms)5506 sm5507 ✓ returns sm when larger than 5765508 isDesktop5509 ✓ returns false when screen size is 5765510 xs5511 ✓ returns xs when larger than 0 (1 ms)5512 isDesktop5513 ✓ returns false when screen size is 05514PASS src/components/base/token_selector/helpers.spec.js5515 tokensValidator5516 ✓ returns `true` when all items have an `id` key (1 ms)5517 ✓ returns `false` when an item does not have an `id` key (1 ms)5518PASS src/components/base/tooltip/tooltip.spec.js5519 GlTooltip5520 ✓ passes through the open event to the bvTooltip instance (5 ms)5521 ✓ passes through the close event to the bvTooltip instance (2 ms)5522 ✓ passes through the enable event to the bvTooltip instance (2 ms)5523 ✓ passes through the disable event to the bvTooltip instance (2 ms)5524PASS src/components/base/markdown/markdown.spec.js5525 GlMarkdown5526 ✓ applies gl-compact-markdown class when compact property is true (5 ms)5527 ✓ does not apply gl-compact-markdown class when compact property is false (2 ms)5528PASS src/components/base/collapse/collapse.spec.js5529 Collapse component5530 default5531 ✓ renders a BCollapse (4 ms)5532PASS src/utils/stories_utils.spec.js5533 stories utils5534 disableControls5535 ✓ returns an empty object if no argument is given5536 ✓ returns parameters object when given an array of strings5537PASS src/scss/run_scss_tests.spec.js5538 extract-unit5539 ✓ returns unit of measure for a given number (1 ms)5540 strip-unit5541 ✓ returns number with no unit of measure5542 px-to-rem5543 ✓ converts single px value to rem5544 ✓ converts multiple px values to rem (1 ms)5545 ✓ does not convert non-px values5546 if-important5547 ✓ returns `!important` if `$important` is `true`5548 ✓ returns an empty string if `$important` is `false`5549 gl-fluid-font-size5550 ✓ returns fluid font-size5551 gl-fluid-line-height5552 ✓ returns fluid line-height5553 gl-media-breakpoint-up5554 ✓ returns no media query for xs (1 ms)5555 ✓ returns min-width media query for sm5556 gl-media-breakpoint-down5557 ✓ returns max-width media query for lg5558 ✓ returns max-width media query for md (1 ms)5559PASS src/components/shared_components/clear_icon_button/clear_icon_button.spec.js5560 Clear Icon Button5561 ✓ renders successfully (5 ms)5562PASS src/components/base/form/form_checkbox/form_checkbox.spec.js5563 GlFormCheckbox5564 ✓ can start checked (8 ms)5565PASS src/components/shared_components/close_button/close_button.spec.js5566 Clear Icon Button5567 ✓ renders successfully (8 ms)5568PASS src/components/base/form/form_fields/mappers.spec.js5569 components/base/form/form_fields/mappers5570 mapToNumber5571 ✓ with , returns 0 (1 ms)5572 ✓ with false, returns 0 (1 ms)5573 ✓ with {}, returns NaN5574 ✓ with 888, returns 8885575 ✓ with -5e10, returns -50000000000 (1 ms)5576 ✓ with 55.78, returns 55.785577PASS src/components/base/nav/nav.spec.js5578 GlNav5579 Nav style5580 ✓ renders slot content (5 ms)5581PASS src/components/base/nav/nav_item.spec.js5582 GlNavItem5583 ✓ renders the text (5 ms)5584PASS src/components/base/form/input_group_text/input_group_text.spec.js5585 GlInputGroupText5586 ✓ renders main components (3 ms)5587PASS src/components/base/dropdown/dropdown_form.spec.js5588 GlDropdownForm5589 ✓ renders main components (4 ms)5590Test Suites: 235 passed, 235 total5591Tests: 3567 passed, 3567 total5592Snapshots: 31 passed, 31 total5593Time: 89.47 s5594Ran all test suites.5595Done in 95.23s.5597Not uploading cache node_modules-56c9c91aefaa7ea66c630c7b007d7e6f32c25a32-2 due to policy5599Uploading artifacts...5600coverage/vue3/: found 2 matching artifact files and directories 5601WARNING: Upload request redirected location=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/jobs/8560540698/artifacts?artifact_format=zip&artifact_type=archive&expire_in=7d new-url=https://gitlab.com5602WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected5603Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8560540698 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-665604Uploading artifacts...5605coverage/vue3/cobertura-coverage.xml: found 1 matching artifact files and directories 5606WARNING: Upload request redirected location=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/jobs/8560540698/artifacts?artifact_format=gzip&artifact_type=cobertura&expire_in=7d new-url=https://gitlab.com5607WARNING: Retrying... context=artifacts-uploader error=request redirected5608Uploading artifacts as "cobertura" to coordinator... 201 Created id=8560540698 responseStatus=201 Created token=glcbt-665610Job succeeded