We make heavy use of icons and they’re critical to an efficient user experience and the overall impression of the brand and product. An icon audit and refresh will help ensure this visual part of our UI is doing its job.
Ensure every icon has an accurate and clear meaning, e.g., today the bookmark icon represents ”projects“, which is confusing.
Custom icon set crafted for consistency and versatility — aligned with brand, illustration, and marketing when applicable.
No more single SVG for every need, instead consider use case and placement:
Icons for navigation
Icons for actions
Icons for utility
Icons for status
Icons for decoration
Consolidate duplicate concepts/icons, e.g., arrows, angles, and chevrons.
Add icons where needed.
Ensure SVGs are accessible:
Use aria-hidden when decorative.
Use aria-label or alt when embedded as image along with role="img".
Use <title> and <desc> elements with aria-labeledby and role="img" when used inline.
Research, when necessary, to verify that icon meanings traverse language and culture.
Here are a few explorations I put together to get a sense of the benefits of a refresh. In all comps I compare current with concept thick/thin variations.
I like these it feels they actually have a certain identity. Our current icons feel a bit generic and bland. I'm not so sure about the lightest weight though. I think they might look nice on retina screens but not so much on non-retina...
Are 8px, 16px, 32px, 48, 72, and 256 sizes necessary for every icon?
I'd say no. Most of our UI icons are small sizes. I don't recall using a size of 256 or even 72.
If icon names change how easy is it to find/replace system-wide?
I would assume it can't be too hard, but it'd be great to get some input from FE here.
Is it possible to determine if some icons are not being used and should be deprecated?
Maybe we could do an audit by ourselves? Create a list of icons and then designers can mark them if they used them. We checked the ones that aren't marked and maybe we could deprecate some of those...
How can we incorporate the icons into Pajamas?
I'm not sure what exactly you mean by this. We currently have all our icons stored in GitLab SVG. Do you think we should move them to Pajamas?
How can users easily use icons in documentation instead of emoji?
That's an interesting point. I think we could benefit from this as well, especially if they were components so that if we updated or changed an icon, they'd get updated everywhere they are being used. We could reinforce some of the instructions in our docs with the icons we use in the UI. It would help reinforce the meaning of these icons too!
Actually, we do something similar with gitlab-ui (see https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-ui/ for the live website). This information actually lives in design.gitlab.com as well. When navigating to a component on design.gitlab.com and clicking the "vue component" tab, that information is sourced from gitlab-ui.
How can users easily use icons in documentation instead of emoji?
@leipert might be able to help us here. My assumption here is that you mean the design documentation at design.gitlab.com which would mean we would need to load in our SVG library if I am correct.
What troubles have you encountered when using icons (that aren’t already in an issue)?
If icon names change how easy is it to find/replace system-wide?
Theoretically it's not too difficult to do a find and replace, the difficulty is when the same name is used for things other than icons such as class names. For instance, the admin icon is called admin, so it would be a take a little more time to make sure we replace only the references to the icon.
Is it possible to determine if some icons are not being used and should be deprecated?
It should be as easy as the find/replace problem. Just a simple search to see if the icon is being used throughout the code, and if not we can deprecate it. It of course takes some time to be completely sure, but it wouldn't be a hard task.
Theoretically it's not too difficult to do a find and replace, the difficulty is when the same name is used for things other than icons such as class names. For instance, the admin icon is called admin, so it would be a take a little more time to make sure we replace only the references to the icon.
Interesting, something to consider for our icon naming convention!
To be honest, I don't think we need to find-and-replace most icons, theoretically if we re-vamp our icons, just replacing the icons in GitLab SVG should be good enough. We even could publish a beta version from the branch and use it in GitLab CE to see the difference.
The only problem could be that we are using icons in two different places with two different meanings, see: #18 (closed)
@jeldergl I love these! Especially the light weight ones, although @matejlatin is probably right; I'm guessing they won't look great on non high-resolution screens.
If icon names change how easy is it to find/replace system-wide?
Pretty easy, just do a global find-and-replace. We do have different implementations depending on whether they're used in Vue or Haml, but it'll still be easy to replace them. However, we might not need to at all- if we're completely replacing the icon we can just update the SVG and keep the name the same.
Is it possible to determine if some icons are not being used and should be deprecated?
A global search across the code base will probably be helpful here.
I think we could benefit from this as well, especially if they were components so that if we updated or changed an icon, they'd get updated everywhere they are being used.
if we're completely replacing the icon we can just update the SVG and keep the name the same.
After looking through what exists today I think we should rename them (when necessary) and perhaps even implement a BEM style. It could help to organize them better, e.g., git--commit instead of commit or git--compare instead of comparison would be much clearer.
As far as lighter weight, as long as they’re aligned to a pixel grid when created and not unnecessarily scaled in the UI they should be crisp and prevent antialiasing for any monitor. Remember pixel fonts in Flash on old CRTs ;)? What I think can trip up 1px stroke icons is not the stroke weight (any stroke can be antialiased and cause blur), but the fidelity of the icon. With 1px you have much more freedom to add detail to the icon, and so there’s a temptation to add more lines which can muddy it up or increase cognitive load.
At this point I'm exploring thicker weights (or maybe even solid) for primary/sidebar/utility navigation and actions, and lighter for things like pipeline status or files/folders/documents.
I’ll also be looking at them in the context of dark/light UI where lighter elements can cause ghosting (due to light bleed) and appear thicker/wider than they actually are.
I like the idea. We should come up with a good convention though, as renaming all these icons in all the places is very tedious and we are likely to miss some, see e.g. @shampton's comment. #49 (comment 186241533)
On the Vue side of things it could be easier, as we use the Icon component and we could do some mapping there, but we still use a font-awesome icons and from the Ruby part of the code base we use icons directly.
here I described how to rename things and why it is so burden-some ATM: #18 (comment 88830904)
Here are some tests based on a representative set of thick and thin.
Given that I‘m working within a 16px grid (14px for primary shape with 1px padding) I can say that the thin (1px) versions are harder to create because you cannot center a 1px line within, you either have to place the entire icon off center, or use 2px for some elements, which I’ve chosen to do when necessary.
I am a fan of the light icon style, as it gives a cleaner and more clear distinction to the icons, plus more legible on darker backgrounds. My main thought is that they should remain legible on lower quality/resolution screens as well though.
Are 8px, 16px, 32px, 48, 72, and 256 sizes necessary for every icon?
@jeldergl I only see them at 16, 24, or 32. I'm not sure why we're missing 24 as a size...It seems like a common size that works in many cases. And I prefer the thicker icons because of the increased legibility.
@jareko I’m assuming 24px is not an option because 16px is the base and icons have to be a multiple of 16 to remain crisp.
That presents a new issue if we create thin 1px stroke icons in a 16px — they cannot be halved to create an 8px size. This is fine by me as I think anything that small should be created specifically for that case.
@gtsiolis even though they’re vector, they still get rendered as a physical pixel on screen. You won’t notice it on (most) HDPI, but on other screens you will get sub-pixel antialiasing. A 16px icon has to scale 1.5x to achieve 24px, so a 1px stroke becomes 1.5px effectively and will look fuzzy on a standard display. The key is to use whole values, align to the pixel grid, and any scaling should also result in whole values.
Here’s a quick example with 16px on grid, 16px off grid, and 16px on scaled to 24px.
Including an Components > Icons section in Pajamas that either pulls them in or keeps them maintained there.
How can users easily use icons in documentation instead of emoji?
Thinking about extending GFL with a Ruby helper (I think this is how it’s done today) to effectively expand markdown into accessible SVG. This would primarily be for internal GitLab use within our documentation. e.g., in docs I've seen used for "in progress," but it’s announced as "hammer and pick" for screen readers — quite a difference from intended meaning. With inline SVG, or even as img the code to remember would be cumbersome to use, so conceptually something similar to how we handle alerts in markdown, but with parameters for text alternative, color, etc.)
@luke have you used any of the existing icons as the literal or conceptual basis for marketing illustrations? Just want to make sure that if we change anything we keep in sync.
@mikelewis how often are screenshots used in documentation? Are icons referred to for instruction or reference?
@jeldergl One concern I have: We still have some places that use font-awesome icons. Our current icon style kind of matches the font-awesome style, at least the visual difference is not too big. Should we migrate those font-awesome icons first before we start replacing them?
I think replacing all icons could better take place in smaller efforts and in parallel with replacing the remaining font icons used since these span across HAML templates, Vue templates, and more.
@leipert are you suggesting migrating what’s using font-awesome to SVG, then replace? I’d like to know where those are being used too if possible.
@gtsiolis definitely plan on a slow release, or smaller efforts. I’m working on a few issues that require icon updates and plan on doing some user testing there too. Ideally this issue is a catch-all and helps directionally. ;)
@jeldergl I am suggesting that we should be mindful, we currently have some things that are font-awesome icons, but as @gtsiolis suggests, we probably can deal with things in parallel.
Custom icons added in gitlab-svgs are vector-based so size shouldn't be a problem here. We're not storing or exporting any icon in multiple sizes. Sizing is mostly done through CSS or JavaScript.
It's up to the design documentation to specify which icon sizes should exist in the source code of the product. See also #49 (comment 187032326).
Here's also an approximate overview of the icon type usage across the codebase. Overall, the source is split into two. About ~580 icons are using font icons and ~530 icons are based on vector icons.
Vector icons also include custom svg icons that are not part of the gitlab-svgs. See /app/views/shared/icons.
There are a few more (50~100) instances within specs that are not included below.
The rest of the icons not counted below, as well font icons used in HAML and Vue templates, are most probably using the default icon size that is 16px unless overridden with CSS or even using classes like 2x.
Icon types
HAML templates
Vue + JS templates
Font / Total
Vector / Total
The icon sizes vary a lot while the product is also using sizes that are not even documented.
The above may help get an overview of the effort required to replace font icons with svg variants one by one or massively as mentioned in the discussion in #49 (comment 186956674).
As long as the svg variants are published through gitlab-svgs, replacing the icon name in sprite_icon method for HAML templates and name value in vue components should suffice.
That's an interesting question. I'd say it's ok to integrate icons in one page within /components if possible only because we are injecting these icons using a Vue component. This could just list all icons as a first iteration.
In the long run, it would be nicer to consider using case and placement, as you've said, and group these icons per category or type:
Icons for navigation
Icons for actions
I remember that @pedroms grouped the icons alphabetically in gitlab-design@31684f87 but grouping by case sounds optimal and this would be really nice to surface into the design system, outside the sketch files.
Also, it's totally fine to keep the svg icons in a separate repository for many reasons but eventually these should be placed conceptually under the same umbrella (Pajamas).
I would carefully approach this since there was a huge effort last year to switch from image-based emoji to native unicode emoji. This introduced a number of performance improvements. /cc @MadLittleMods
The problem with emoji is in regards to accessibility. They aren’t announced to assistive tech consistently, or most often the meaning a user is trying to convey is not the same as what’s announced.
@jeldergl I had a past project where I shared similar concerns and this sparked my curiosity to go over old notes. For the most part back in 2014, we found it was hit and miss. Just looking over what's available today (VoiceOver on Mac, Narrator on Windows, TalkBack on Android) it does seem like there is a much higher degree of consistency, but it still does appear as though some say "emoji" after the description and others do not. Stumbled upon How do people with vision impairments… use emoji? by Veronica Lewis. Great read!
the meaning a user is trying to convey is not the same as what’s announced
That's a great point but I think this could also be said of even the written text and in some ways is the beauty of language (multi-layered meanings). For instance, I still don't understand why @gtsiolis and @pedroms love using the emoji but I have learnt over time it means something good . The context is key.
This won't be around for long but this is roughly what the emoji means. I'm just going to paste this here for anyone still wondering and for future reference.
Moreover, there was also an interesting discussion during Contribute between @pedroms and @andr3 about having an emoji-based token passed around multiple assignees in a merge request to help indicate turns. Apparently using a ball-based emoji like sounds optimal.
What's up with the emoji?
It’s nothing extraordinaire, basketball is a team sport and most of the times it’s implies an agreement or a way to say i like this, or ok, let’s play ball or even done, let’s move on. In fact, some times I won’t agree which makes even better.
Other than that, it’s round, eye pleasing, and matches the border radius of the parent container in slack!
Fun fact: More than 40 people asked me about at the Contribute which was quite fun to say the least.
Thanks for bringing up these points @jeldergl and mentioning scale fidelity and optical sizing! Sorry for spamming here but I had to split the answers into separate discussions. Hopefully, this will help anyone to follow along.