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Card documentation

Merged Tim Noah requested to merge timnoah-add-card-documentation into master
1 unresolved thread
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<!-- Start by making a copy of the component template to your own drafts.
In Figma:
1. Duplicate the component template
2. Open the duplicate, then use the dropdown next to the file name to select “Move to Project…”
and select your Drafts as the new location.
3. Update the template with your component name and start designing ;)
<!--Add a short description of the component. If it’s helpful, add a checklist of variations
and states to the description so that a reviewer can be sure to cross reference everything
that has been completed.-->
<!--Use the Figma share feature and make sure that “anyone with the link” can view. Then,
specifically invite the reviewer with “edit” permissions selected. Anyone can duplicate the
file to their own drafts and edit from there, but the reviewer can directly edit and
collaborate on the file. This will help maintain the integrity of the initial draft.-->
[View component in Figma →](ADD LINK TO FIGMA FRAME)
### Checklist
Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Create component in your own draft file in Figma using the
[component template](,
including all variations and states.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Ask another designer who is familiar with the [Figma workflow]( to review your component
(make sure they have edit permissions).
1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition. Ensure that component
matches Sketch specs, includes all current variations and states, and (if applicable)
is responsive.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Add notes about the component construction to the
[Figma component build notes](
issue description. Check off the component when complete.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Add the component to the **Pajamas UI Kit** file, and view
the component in the Assets panel to ensure it aligns with what’s outlined in the
[document and asset library structure]( documentation.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Publish the library changes along with a clear commit message.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Update component link in the issue.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Move your draft file to the **Component archive** Figma project.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Create a merge request in this repository with the [component-guideline template]( and link it here as a related merge request.
1. [ ] **Assignee**: Once the created merge request is merged, close this issue.
Add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform everyone (if it's a new pattern, not yet used in the application).
Use `View design in Pajamas UI Kit →` for the link text. This replaces any link to
Sketch Measure specs. Anyone with the link should be able to view the file.
/label ~"UX" ~"Figma"