Card documentation
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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Cards are used to connect similar concepts and/or activities to help make it eas
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ There are two main types of Cards: Static and Dynamic.
If the purpose of using the component is to compare and contrast 5 or more static (non-draggable) pieces of content, or if you're utilizing column headers to organize your content horizontally, a better option would be to structure the data within a [table component](
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ The header is **optional** and acts as the title of the proceeding body content.
The card body is **always required**. The content in the body should never be ambiguous or unclear. Strive to be as concise as possible and provide the user with content regarding a single topic. If a Card's purpose is to communicate a pricing plan, the body would contain the plan's price point and key feature information.
The card body is **always required**. The content in the body should never be ambiguous or unclear. Strive to be as concise as possible and provide the user with content regarding a single topic. For example, if a card's purpose is to communicate a pricing plan, the body would contain the plan's price point and key feature information.
@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ Todo: Add more context here (e.g. cards and alerts) and examples
Dynamic Cards can be draggable and re-ordered within a list. To help layer the component within this particular use-case a drop shadow is required. A draggable Card will maintain the ability to house individual links and actions. Its empty space becomes the trigger to enable the drag functionality. The cursor should change to a pointer hand icon to convey functionality. When dragging the card to a new location, any cards in it's position behind it should move to show their new placement if the user were to let go of the selected card and drop it into the current position.
Dynamic cards can be draggable and re-ordered within a list. To help layer the component within this particular use-case, a drop shadow is required. A draggable card will maintain the ability to house individual links and actions. Its empty space becomes the trigger to enable the drag functionality. The cursor should change to a pointer hand icon to convey functionality.