Include HAML and Ruby code examples
I don't think we're moving away from HAML and Ruby templates anytime soon, and with ongoing component migration I find that I’ve been searching the repo for existing examples or old migration MRs when I encounter something that needs updated in either of those file types. It’d be great to have patterns to reference for each.
I've also encountered examples where the formatting is slightly different, but achieves the same result. It'd be great to have a SSoT to reference as the preferred method.
Include an additional tab on component pages in Pajamas that could house both HAML and Ruby templates. I don't know what the tab would be called, maybe just "Code templates" or "Integration templates"?
Given that when we open a migration epic we include examples of how to migrate in different languages it seems that adding that as docs in Pajamas would only slightly increase the overhead of the initial migration effort, while the ongoing gains would be huge.