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docker.allowed_images can use glob syntax in config.toml

What does this MR do?

I am making "glob (**) available for" allowed-images ".

Ex: config.toml

    allowed_images = ["**/*:*"]

Formerly I have to write like this.

    allowed_images = ["*/*:*", "*/*/*:*", ...]

Why was this MR needed?

GitLab can now handle nested groups and Docker images.

However, if you want to write restrictions with "allowed-images", it is troublesome to write a lot of entries.

Make it possible to use "**" so that you can easily write nested groups and Docker images.

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

  • Documentation created/updated
  • Tests
    • Added for this feature/bug
    • All builds are passing
  • Branch has no merge conflicts with master (if you do - rebase it please)

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Edited by Alessio Caiazza

Merge request reports