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Update Docker client SDK

What does this MR do?

Update docker client

Why was this MR needed?

We are using an old version of the client and where some features are not supported such as docker for windows

Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

To Do

  • c1ebd90a move it to it's own MR (if possible) Safer to just have it in this MR
  • Remove the override of to it's own MR
  • Update offical docker client
  • Check if we can move to context package isntead of since docker client uses context package now (Consider doing in a seperate MR).
  • Make docker API configurable with env variable Moving to a seperate MR

MRs to merge before this one


Web terminal


Docker in docker

 image: docker:stable

   DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/
   # When using dind, it's wise to use the overlayfs driver for
   # improved performance.
   DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2

   - docker:dind

   - docker info

   stage: build
     - docker build -t my-docker-image .
     - docker run my-docker-image


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

  • Documentation created/updated
  • Added tests for this feature/bug
  • In case of conflicts with master - branch was rebased

What are the relevant issue numbers?

#3488 (closed)

Edited by Steve Xuereb

Merge request reports