gitlab-runner ignores affinity and nodeselector
hello, while trying to separate the runner to one label and its build pods to another, i've noticed both of them ignore whatever nodeselector or affinity that I set for them
Steps to reproduce
create a cluster ( mine was created with kops on AWS ) label a node as runner: false label another as runner: true configure a gitlab-runner.yaml with the following
runner: "false"
Actual behavior
the runner pod is created on the wrong node, ignoring nodeselector also, the nodeselector field is not in the deployment file that helm created, despite outputting no errors
Expected behavior
the node should have been created on the node labeled runner: false
Environment description
the environment is a kubernetes cluster, created with kops, hosted on AWS. the actual labels are instancegroups
Used GitLab Runner version
the gitlab version used is the default, currently 11.6 helm version is 2.12.2