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  • Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
    Log images used by job · 9456769e
    Tomasz Maczukin authored
    Depending on the used executor, a job may be configured
    with an image and/or service images to use.
    In some cases it will be very useful to the Runner owner to track what
    images are used: for copliance reasons, for statistics, to know what to
    pre-provision in the job environment or to check whether there are
    images in use that may break the jobs once a specific configuration
    change to the runner is applied.
    This commit adds logging of these images.
    Depending on the specific configuration of Runner and most importantly -
    the job - this change may significantly increase the number of log
    output produced by Runner. Therefor, for now, it's hidden behind a
    feature flag that is disabled by default.