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Native Step Runner Integration for Docker Executor

Merged Axel von Bertoldi requested to merge avonbertoldi/47414/steps-integration-docker into main
2 files
+ 158
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  • This method extends and will replace StepShim. In addition to the
    request validation StepShim already did, this method detects if native
    steps request was request and is supported by the executor, and sets an
    appropriate ScriptStep. Otherwise it did whatever else StepShim did.
    I've also ursurped the existing test to test this new method instead of
+ 53
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ type StepScript []string
type StepName string
const (
StepNameRun StepName = "run"
StepNameScript StepName = "script"
StepNameAfterScript StepName = "after_script"
@@ -626,7+627,7 @@
func (j *JobResponse) StepsShim() error {
switch {
case j.Run == "":
return nil
case slices.ContainsFunc(j.Steps, func(step Step) bool { return len(step.Script) > 0 }):
return fmt.Errorf("the `run` and `script` keywords cannot be used together")
@@ -652,7+653,7 @@
Name: StepNameScript,
Script: StepScript{"/step-runner ci"},
Timeout: 3600,
When: "on_success",
AllowFailure: false,
return nil
// ValidateStepsJobRequest does the following:
// 1. It detects if the JobRequest is requesting execution of the job via Steps.
// 2. If yes, it ensures the request is a valid steps request, and
// 3. It sets a default build image.
// 4. It further determines if the request is a valid native steps execution request.
// 5. If it is, it sets a new, native-steps specific script step and returns.
// 6. If not, it configures the job to be run via the step shim approach.
func (j *JobResponse) ValidateStepsJobRequest(executorSupportsNativeSteps bool) error {
switch {
case j.Run == "":
return nil
case slices.ContainsFunc(j.Steps, func(step Step) bool { return len(step.Script) > 0 }):
return fmt.Errorf("the `run` and `script` keywords cannot be used together")
case j.Variables.Get("STEPS") != "":
return fmt.Errorf("the `run` keyword requires the exclusive use of the variable STEPS")
if j.Image.Name == "" {
// Experiment requires step-runner to be present in
// the container image. If no image is provided then
// we use the step-runner v0 image.
j.Image.Name = ""
if executorSupportsNativeSteps && j.NativeStepsRequested() {
// If native steps is enabled, the script steps won't be executed anyway, but this change ensures the job log
// trace is coherent since it will print: Executing "step_run" stage of the job script
j.Steps = Steps{{Name: StepNameRun}}
return nil
// Use the shim approach to run steps jobs. This shims GitLab Steps from the `run` keyword into the step-runner
// image. This is a temporary mechanism for executing steps which will be replaced by a gRPC connection to
// step-runner in each executor.
j.Variables = append(j.Variables, JobVariable{
Key: "STEPS",
Value: j.Run,
Raw: true,
j.Steps = Steps{{
Name: StepNameScript,
Script: StepScript{"/step-runner ci"},
Timeout: 3600,
When: "on_success",
AllowFailure: false,
return nil
func (j *JobResponse) NativeStepsRequested() bool {
if j.Run == "" {
return false