Cannot upload cache to Azure Blob (getting : "413 The request body is too large and exceeds the maximum permissible limit.")
When using the []
, and if the file is exceeding a certain size (not sure yet what size, I'm trying to find some elements in the documentation), the cache will fail with the following message:
Actual behavior
The cache might be failing because of Azure blob storage limitation.
Expected behavior
We might have to use "chunked upload" to upload the cache when exceeding a certain limit
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Saving cache
Creating cache e5c3ef9838d165f51d91c13e47efd7df65ee8eef...
node_modules/: found 82486 matching files and directories
.yarn-cache/: found 76412 matching files and directories
.cypress-cache/: found 39144 matching files and directories
.node-sass-cache/: found 3 matching files and directories
Uploading to
FATAL: received: 413 The request body is too large and exceeds the maximum permissible limit.
Failed to create cache
Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Environment description
config.toml contents
log_format = "json"
listen_address = ""
session_timeout = 1800
name = "aks-runner"
url = "https://xxxxx/"
token = "xxxx"
executor = "kubernetes"
environment = ["K8S_AUTH_KUBECONFIG=/home/ops/.kube/config"]
Type = "azure"
StorageDomain = ""
AccountName = "xxxxx"
AccountKey = "xxxxx"
ContainerName = "gitlab-cache"
namespace = "gitlab-jobs"
namespace_overwrite_allowed = ""
cpu_request = "200m" #
cpu_request_overwrite_max_allowed = "2"
memory_request = "200Mi"
memory_request_overwrite_max_allowed = "2Gi"
privileged = false
poll_timeout = 360
host = ""
bearer_token_overwrite_allowed = false
image = ""
pull_policy = "always"
service_account = ""
service_account_overwrite_allowed = ""
pod_annotations_overwrite_allowed = ""
image_pull_secrets = [ "acrpullsecret" ]
cpu_limit = "2"
cpu_limit_overwrite_max_allowed = "4"
memory_limit = "2Gi"
memory_limit_overwrite_max_allowed = "4Gi"
Used GitLab Runner version
Running with gitlab/gitlab-runner:v13.4.1
Possible fixes
Implement chunk upload for Azure blob.
Edited by vmignot