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Commit 67ec679d authored by Stephen Nelson's avatar Stephen Nelson Committed by Stephen Nelson
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Add support for TLS client authentication

Allow gitlab-ci to connect to a gitlab host using TLS client authentication
(mutual authentication). Adds configuration and support for using TLS client
certificates when using go's TLS transport layer and also sets git enviromental
variables for runners.
parent ef0ca338
No related branches found
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This commit is part of merge request !157. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -381,11 +381,36 @@ func (b *Build) GetDefaultVariables() JobVariables {
func (b *Build) GetCITLSVariables() JobVariables {
variables := JobVariables{}
if b.TLSCAChain != "" {
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE", b.TLSCAChain, true, true, true})
if b.TLSAuthCert != "" && b.TLSAuthKey != "" {
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"CI_SERVER_TLS_CERT_FILE", b.TLSAuthCert, true, true, true})
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"CI_SERVER_TLS_KEY_FILE", b.TLSAuthKey, true, true, true})
return variables
func (b *Build) GetGitTLSVariables() JobVariables {
variables := JobVariables{}
if b.TLSCAChain != "" {
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"GIT_SSL_CAINFO", b.TLSCAChain, true, true, true})
if b.TLSAuthCert != "" && b.TLSAuthKey != "" {
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"GIT_SSL_CERT", b.TLSAuthCert, true, true, true})
variables = append(variables, JobVariable{"GIT_SSL_KEY", b.TLSAuthKey, true, true, true})
return variables
func (b *Build) GetAllVariables() (variables JobVariables) {
if b.Runner != nil {
variables = append(variables, b.Runner.GetVariables()...)
variables = append(variables, b.GetDefaultVariables()...)
variables = append(variables, b.GetCITLSVariables()...)
variables = append(variables, b.Variables...)
return variables.Expand()
......@@ -148,9 +148,11 @@ type KubernetesConfig struct {
type RunnerCredentials struct {
URL string `toml:"url" json:"url" short:"u" long:"url" env:"CI_SERVER_URL" required:"true" description:"Runner URL"`
Token string `toml:"token" json:"token" short:"t" long:"token" env:"CI_SERVER_TOKEN" required:"true" description:"Runner token"`
TLSCAFile string `toml:"tls-ca-file,omitempty" json:"tls-ca-file" long:"tls-ca-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE" description:"File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS"`
URL string `toml:"url" json:"url" short:"u" long:"url" env:"CI_SERVER_URL" required:"true" description:"Runner URL"`
Token string `toml:"token" json:"token" short:"t" long:"token" env:"CI_SERVER_TOKEN" required:"true" description:"Runner token"`
TLSCAFile string `toml:"tls-ca-file,omitempty" json:"tls-ca-file" long:"tls-ca-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE" description:"File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS"`
TLSCertFile string `toml:"tls-cert-file,omitempty" json:"tls-cert-file" long:"tls-cert-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CERT_FILE" description:"File containing certificate for TLS client auth when using HTTPS"`
TLSKeyFile string `toml:"tls-key-file,omitempty" json:"tls-key-file" long:"tls-key-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_KEY_FILE" description:"File containing private key for TLS client auth when using HTTPS"`
type CacheConfig struct {
......@@ -277,6 +279,14 @@ func (c *RunnerCredentials) GetTLSCAFile() string {
return c.TLSCAFile
func (c *RunnerCredentials) GetTLSCertFile() string {
return c.TLSCertFile
func (c *RunnerCredentials) GetTLSKeyFile() string {
return c.TLSKeyFile
func (c *RunnerCredentials) GetToken() string {
return c.Token
......@@ -209,7 +209,9 @@ type JobResponse struct {
Credentials []Credentials `json:"credentials"`
Dependencies Dependencies `json:"dependencies"`
TLSCAChain string `json:"-"`
TLSCAChain string `json:"-"`
TLSAuthCert string `json:"-"`
TLSAuthKey string `json:"-"`
func (j *JobResponse) RepoCleanURL() string {
......@@ -224,10 +226,12 @@ type UpdateJobRequest struct {
type JobCredentials struct {
ID int `long:"id" env:"CI_BUILD_ID" description:"The build ID to upload artifacts for"`
Token string `long:"token" env:"CI_BUILD_TOKEN" required:"true" description:"Build token"`
URL string `long:"url" env:"CI_SERVER_URL" required:"true" description:"GitLab CI URL"`
TLSCAFile string `long:"tls-ca-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE" description:"File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS"`
ID int `long:"id" env:"CI_BUILD_ID" description:"The build ID to upload artifacts for"`
Token string `long:"token" env:"CI_BUILD_TOKEN" required:"true" description:"Build token"`
URL string `long:"url" env:"CI_SERVER_URL" required:"true" description:"GitLab CI URL"`
TLSCAFile string `long:"tls-ca-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE" description:"File containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS"`
TLSCertFile string `long:"tls-cert-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_CERT_FILE" description:"File containing certificate for TLS client auth with runner when using HTTPS"`
TLSKeyFile string `long:"tls-key-file" env:"CI_SERVER_TLS_KEY_FILE" description:"File containing private key for TLS client auth with runner when using HTTPS"`
func (j *JobCredentials) GetURL() string {
......@@ -238,6 +242,14 @@ func (j *JobCredentials) GetTLSCAFile() string {
return j.TLSCAFile
func (j *JobCredentials) GetTLSCertFile() string {
return j.TLSCertFile
func (j *JobCredentials) GetTLSKeyFile() string {
return j.TLSKeyFile
func (j *JobCredentials) GetToken() string {
return j.Token
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ This defines one runner entry.
| `url` | CI URL |
| `token` | runner token |
| `tls-ca-file` | file containing the certificates to verify the peer when using HTTPS |
| `tls-cert-file` | file containing the certificate to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS |
| `tls-key-file` | file containing the private key to authenticate with the peer when using HTTPS |
| `tls-skip-verify` | whether to verify the TLS certificate when using HTTPS, default: false |
| `limit` | limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. `0` (default) simply means don't limit |
| `executor` | select how a project should be built, see next section |
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ type requestCredentials interface {
GetURL() string
GetToken() string
GetTLSCAFile() string
GetTLSCertFile() string
GetTLSKeyFile() string
var dialer = net.Dialer{
......@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ type client struct {
url *url.URL
caFile string
certFile string
keyFile string
caData []byte
skipVerify bool
updateTime time.Time
......@@ -62,6 +66,16 @@ func (n *client) ensureTLSConfig() {
n.Transport = nil
// client certificate got modified
if stat, err := os.Stat(n.certFile); err == nil && n.updateTime.Before(stat.ModTime()) {
n.Transport = nil
// client private key got modified
if stat, err := os.Stat(n.keyFile); err == nil && n.updateTime.Before(stat.ModTime()) {
n.Transport = nil
// create or update transport
if n.Transport == nil {
n.updateTime = time.Now()
......@@ -69,14 +83,8 @@ func (n *client) ensureTLSConfig() {
func (n *client) createTransport() {
// create reference TLS config
tlsConfig := tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10,
InsecureSkipVerify: n.skipVerify,
// load TLS certificate
func (n *client) addTLSCA(tlsConfig *tls.Config) {
// load TLS CA certificate
if file := n.caFile; file != "" && !n.skipVerify {
logrus.Debugln("Trying to load", file, "...")
......@@ -95,6 +103,34 @@ func (n *client) createTransport() {
func (n *client) addTLSAuth(tlsConfig *tls.Config) {
// load TLS client keypair
if cert, key := n.certFile, n.keyFile; cert != "" && key != "" {
logrus.Debugln("Trying to load", cert, "and", key, "pair...")
certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cert, key)
if err == nil {
tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{certificate}
} else {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
logrus.Errorln("Failed to load", cert, key, err)
func (n *client) createTransport() {
// create reference TLS config
tlsConfig := tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS10,
InsecureSkipVerify: n.skipVerify,
// create transport
n.Transport = &http.Transport{
......@@ -174,13 +210,13 @@ func (n *client) do(uri, method string, request io.Reader, requestType string, h
func (n *client) doJSON(uri, method string, statusCode int, request interface{}, response interface{}) (int, string, string) {
func (n *client) doJSON(uri, method string, statusCode int, request interface{}, response interface{}) (int, string, string, string, string) {
var body io.Reader
if request != nil {
requestBody, err := json.Marshal(request)
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal project object: %v", err), ""
return -1, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal project object: %v", err), "", "", ""
body = bytes.NewReader(requestBody)
......@@ -192,7 +228,7 @@ func (n *client) doJSON(uri, method string, statusCode int, request interface{},
res, err :=, method, body, "application/json", headers)
if err != nil {
return -1, err.Error(), ""
return -1, err.Error(), "", "", ""
defer res.Body.Close()
defer io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, res.Body)
......@@ -201,20 +237,20 @@ func (n *client) doJSON(uri, method string, statusCode int, request interface{},
if response != nil {
isApplicationJSON, err := isResponseApplicationJSON(res)
if !isApplicationJSON {
return -1, err.Error(), ""
return -1, err.Error(), "", "", ""
d := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = d.Decode(response)
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Sprintf("Error decoding json payload %v", err), ""
return -1, fmt.Sprintf("Error decoding json payload %v", err), "", "", ""
return res.StatusCode, res.Status, n.getCAChain(res.TLS)
return res.StatusCode, res.Status, n.getCAChain(res.TLS), n.certFile, n.keyFile
func isResponseApplicationJSON(res *http.Response) (result bool, err error) {
......@@ -240,6 +276,16 @@ func fixCIURL(url string) string {
return url
func (n *client) findCertificate(certificate *string, base string, name string) {
if *certificate != "" {
path := filepath.Join(base, name)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
*certificate = path
func newClient(requestCredentials requestCredentials) (c *client, err error) {
url, err := url.Parse(fixCIURL(requestCredentials.GetURL()) + "/api/v4/")
if err != nil {
......@@ -252,13 +298,17 @@ func newClient(requestCredentials requestCredentials) (c *client, err error) {
c = &client{
url: url,
caFile: requestCredentials.GetTLSCAFile(),
url: url,
caFile: requestCredentials.GetTLSCAFile(),
certFile: requestCredentials.GetTLSCertFile(),
keyFile: requestCredentials.GetTLSKeyFile(),
if CertificateDirectory != "" && c.caFile == "" {
hostAndPort := strings.Split(url.Host, ":")
c.caFile = filepath.Join(CertificateDirectory, hostAndPort[0]+".crt")
host := strings.Split(url.Host, ":")[0]
if CertificateDirectory != "" {
c.findCertificate(&c.caFile, CertificateDirectory, host+".crt")
c.findCertificate(&c.certFile, CertificateDirectory, host+".auth.crt")
c.findCertificate(&c.keyFile, CertificateDirectory, host+".auth.key")
package network
import (
......@@ -56,6 +59,33 @@ func writeTLSCertificate(s *httptest.Server, file string) error {
return ioutil.WriteFile(file, encoded, 0600)
func writeTLSKeyPair(s *httptest.Server, certFile string, keyFile string) error {
c := s.TLS.Certificates[0]
if c.Certificate == nil || c.Certificate[0] == nil {
return errors.New("no predefined certificate")
encodedCert := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: c.Certificate[0],
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(certFile, encodedCert, 0600); err != nil {
return err
switch k := c.PrivateKey.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
encodedKey := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(k),
return ioutil.WriteFile(keyFile, encodedKey, 0600)
return errors.New("unexpected private key type")
func TestNewClient(t *testing.T) {
c, err := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
URL: "",
......@@ -82,7 +112,7 @@ func TestClientDo(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, c)
statusCode, statusText, _ := c.doJSON("test/auth", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ := c.doJSON("test/auth", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 403, statusCode, statusText)
req := struct {
......@@ -95,16 +125,16 @@ func TestClientDo(t *testing.T) {
Key string `json:"key"`
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
assert.Equal(t, 400, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, &req, nil)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, &req, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 406, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 400, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, &req, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("test/json", "GET", 200, &req, &res)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
assert.Equal(t, "value", res.Key, statusText)
......@@ -116,7 +146,7 @@ func TestClientInvalidSSL(t *testing.T) {
c, _ := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
statusCode, statusText, _ := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, -1, statusCode, statusText)
assert.Contains(t, statusText, "certificate signed by unknown authority")
......@@ -137,7 +167,7 @@ func TestClientTLSCAFile(t *testing.T) {
TLSCAFile: file.Name(),
statusCode, statusText, certificates := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
statusCode, statusText, certificates, _, _ := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
assert.NotEmpty(t, certificates)
......@@ -157,9 +187,104 @@ func TestClientCertificateInPredefinedDirectory(t *testing.T) {
c, _ := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
statusCode, statusText, certificates := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
statusCode, statusText, certificates, _, _ := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
assert.NotEmpty(t, certificates)
func TestClientInvalidTLSAuth(t *testing.T) {
s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(clientHandler))
s.TLS = new(tls.Config)
s.TLS.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAnyClientCert
defer s.Close()
ca, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert_")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove(ca.Name())
err = writeTLSCertificate(s, ca.Name())
assert.NoError(t, err)
c, _ := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
TLSCAFile: ca.Name(),
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, -1, statusCode, statusText)
assert.Contains(t, statusText, "tls: bad certificate")
func TestClientTLSAuth(t *testing.T) {
s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(clientHandler))
s.TLS = new(tls.Config)
s.TLS.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAnyClientCert
defer s.Close()
ca, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert_")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove(ca.Name())
err = writeTLSCertificate(s, ca.Name())
assert.NoError(t, err)
cert, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "cert_")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove(cert.Name())
key, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "key_")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove(key.Name())
err = writeTLSKeyPair(s, cert.Name(), key.Name())
assert.NoError(t, err)
c, _ := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
TLSCAFile: ca.Name(),
TLSCertFile: cert.Name(),
TLSKeyFile: key.Name(),
statusCode, statusText, certificates, certFile, keyFile := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
assert.NotEmpty(t, certificates)
assert.Equal(t, cert.Name(), certFile)
assert.Equal(t, key.Name(), keyFile)
func TestClientTLSAuthCertificatesInPredefinedDirectory(t *testing.T) {
s := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(clientHandler))
s.TLS = new(tls.Config)
s.TLS.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAnyClientCert
defer s.Close()
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "certs")
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
CertificateDirectory = tempDir
err = writeTLSCertificate(s, filepath.Join(tempDir, ""))
assert.NoError(t, err)
err = writeTLSKeyPair(s,
filepath.Join(tempDir, ""),
filepath.Join(tempDir, ""))
assert.NoError(t, err)
c, _ := newClient(&RunnerCredentials{
statusCode, statusText, certificates, cert, key := c.doJSON("test/ok", "GET", 200, nil, nil)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
assert.NotEmpty(t, certificates)
assert.NotEmpty(t, cert)
assert.NotEmpty(t, key)
func TestUrlFixing(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -210,15 +335,15 @@ func TestClientHandleCharsetInContentType(t *testing.T) {
Key string `json:"key"`
statusCode, statusText, _ := c.doJSON("with-charset", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ := c.doJSON("with-charset", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("without-charset", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("without-charset", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
assert.Equal(t, 200, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("without-json", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("without-json", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
assert.Equal(t, -1, statusCode, statusText)
statusCode, statusText, _ = c.doJSON("invalid-header", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
statusCode, statusText, _, _, _ = c.doJSON("invalid-header", "GET", 200, nil, &res)
assert.Equal(t, -1, statusCode, statusText)
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) getClient(credentials requestCredentials) (c *client, err
if n.clients == nil {
n.clients = make(map[string]*client)
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", credentials.GetURL(), credentials.GetToken(), credentials.GetTLSCAFile())
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%s", credentials.GetURL(), credentials.GetToken(), credentials.GetTLSCAFile(), credentials.GetTLSCertFile())
c = n.clients[key]
if c == nil {
c, err = newClient(credentials)
......@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) doRaw(credentials requestCredentials, method, uri string,
return, method, request, requestType, headers)
func (n *GitLabClient) doJSON(credentials requestCredentials, method, uri string, statusCode int, request interface{}, response interface{}) (int, string, string) {
func (n *GitLabClient) doJSON(credentials requestCredentials, method, uri string, statusCode int, request interface{}, response interface{}) (int, string, string, string, string) {
c, err := n.getClient(credentials)
if err != nil {
return clientError, err.Error(), ""
return clientError, err.Error(), "", "", ""
return c.doJSON(uri, method, statusCode, request, response)
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) RegisterRunner(runner common.RunnerCredentials, descripti
var response common.RegisterRunnerResponse
result, statusText, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "POST", "runners", 201, &request, &response)
result, statusText, _, _, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "POST", "runners", 201, &request, &response)
switch result {
case 201:
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) VerifyRunner(runner common.RunnerCredentials) bool {
Token: runner.Token,
result, statusText, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "POST", "runners/verify", 200, &request, nil)
result, statusText, _, _, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "POST", "runners/verify", 200, &request, nil)
switch result {
case 200:
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) UnregisterRunner(runner common.RunnerCredentials) bool {
Token: runner.Token,
result, statusText, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "DELETE", "runners", 200, &request, nil)
result, statusText, _, _, _ := n.doJSON(&runner, "DELETE", "runners", 200, &request, nil)
switch result {
case 204:
......@@ -169,6 +169,20 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) UnregisterRunner(runner common.RunnerCredentials) bool {
func addTLSAuth(response *common.JobResponse, cert string, key string) {
if cert != "" && key != "" {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cert)
if err == nil {
response.TLSAuthCert = string(data)
data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(key)
if err == nil {
response.TLSAuthKey = string(data)
func (n *GitLabClient) RequestJob(config common.RunnerConfig) (*common.JobResponse, bool) {
request := common.JobRequest{
Info: n.getRunnerVersion(config),
......@@ -177,7 +191,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) RequestJob(config common.RunnerConfig) (*common.JobRespon
var response common.JobResponse
result, statusText, certificates := n.doJSON(&config.RunnerCredentials, "POST", "jobs/request", 201, &request, &response)
result, statusText, caChain, cert, key := n.doJSON(&config.RunnerCredentials, "POST", "jobs/request", 201, &request, &response)
switch result {
case 201:
......@@ -185,7 +199,8 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) RequestJob(config common.RunnerConfig) (*common.JobRespon
"job": strconv.Itoa(response.ID),
"repo_url": response.RepoCleanURL(),
}).Println("Checking for jobs...", "received")
response.TLSCAChain = certificates
response.TLSCAChain = caChain
addTLSAuth(&response, cert, key)
return &response, true
case 403:
config.Log().Errorln("Checking for jobs...", "forbidden")
......@@ -212,7 +227,7 @@ func (n *GitLabClient) UpdateJob(config common.RunnerConfig, jobCredentials *com
log := config.Log().WithField("job", id)
result, statusText, _ := n.doJSON(&config.RunnerCredentials, "PUT", fmt.Sprintf("jobs/%d", id), 200, &request, nil)
result, statusText, _, _, _ := n.doJSON(&config.RunnerCredentials, "PUT", fmt.Sprintf("jobs/%d", id), 200, &request, nil)
switch result {
case 200:
log.Debugln("Submitting job to coordinator...", "ok")
......@@ -41,12 +41,26 @@ func TestClients(t *testing.T) {
URL: "http://test/",
TLSCAFile: "ca_file",
c6, c6err := c.getClient(&brokenCredentials)
c6, _ := c.getClient(&RunnerCredentials{
URL: "http://test/",
TLSCAFile: "ca_file",
TLSCertFile: "cert_file",
TLSKeyFile: "key_file",
c7, _ := c.getClient(&RunnerCredentials{
URL: "http://test/",
TLSCAFile: "ca_file",
TLSCertFile: "cert_file",
TLSKeyFile: "key_file2",
c8, c8err := c.getClient(&brokenCredentials)
assert.NotEqual(t, c1, c2)
assert.NotEqual(t, c1, c4)
assert.Equal(t, c4, c5)
assert.Nil(t, c6)
assert.Error(t, c6err)
assert.NotEqual(t, c5, c6)
assert.Equal(t, c6, c7)
assert.Nil(t, c8)
assert.Error(t, c8err)
func testRegisterRunnerHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, t *testing.T) {
......@@ -28,15 +28,9 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeExports(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo)
func (b *AbstractShell) writeTLSCAInfo(w ShellWriter, build *common.Build, key string) {
if build.TLSCAChain != "" {
Key: key,
Value: build.TLSCAChain,
Public: true,
Internal: true,
File: true,
func (b *AbstractShell) writeGitExports(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) {
for _, variable := range info.Build.GetGitTLSVariables() {
......@@ -293,7 +287,7 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeSubmoduleUpdateCmds(w ShellWriter, info common.Shel
func (b *AbstractShell) writeGetSourcesScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) (err error) {
b.writeExports(w, info)
b.writeTLSCAInfo(w, info.Build, "GIT_SSL_CAINFO")
b.writeGitExports(w, info)
if info.PreCloneScript != "" && info.Build.GetGitStrategy() != common.GitNone {
b.writeCommands(w, info.PreCloneScript)
......@@ -313,7 +307,6 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeGetSourcesScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellSc
func (b *AbstractShell) writeRestoreCacheScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) (err error) {
b.writeExports(w, info)
b.writeCdBuildDir(w, info)
b.writeTLSCAInfo(w, info.Build, "CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE")
// Try to restore from main cache, if not found cache for master
b.cacheExtractor(w, info)
......@@ -323,7 +316,6 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeRestoreCacheScript(w ShellWriter, info common.Shell
func (b *AbstractShell) writeDownloadArtifactsScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) (err error) {
b.writeExports(w, info)
b.writeCdBuildDir(w, info)
b.writeTLSCAInfo(w, info.Build, "CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE")
// Process all artifacts
b.downloadAllArtifacts(w, info)
......@@ -503,7 +495,6 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeAfterScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptI
func (b *AbstractShell) writeArchiveCacheScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) (err error) {
b.writeExports(w, info)
b.writeCdBuildDir(w, info)
b.writeTLSCAInfo(w, info.Build, "CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE")
// Find cached files and archive them
b.cacheArchiver(w, info)
......@@ -513,7 +504,6 @@ func (b *AbstractShell) writeArchiveCacheScript(w ShellWriter, info common.Shell
func (b *AbstractShell) writeUploadArtifactsScript(w ShellWriter, info common.ShellScriptInfo) (err error) {
b.writeExports(w, info)
b.writeCdBuildDir(w, info)
b.writeTLSCAInfo(w, info.Build, "CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE")
// Upload artifacts
b.uploadArtifacts(w, info)
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