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Verified Commit 3b5368c0 authored by Tomasz Maczukin's avatar Tomasz Maczukin :speech_balloon:
Browse files

Introduce modular structure for shells/cache

parent edd7ee23
No related branches found
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This commit is part of merge request !968. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ mocks: $(MOCKERY)
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./vendor/ -output=./helpers/service/mocks -name='(Interface|Logger)'
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./helpers/docker -all -inpkg
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./common -all -inpkg
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./shells -name fakeIAMCredentialsProvider -inpkg
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./shells/cache -all -inpkg
GOPATH=$(ORIGINAL_GOPATH) mockery $(MOCKERY_FLAGS) -dir=./shells/cache/s3 -all -inpkg
make test-docker-image IMAGE=centos:6 TYPE=rpm
package shells
import (
type bucketLocationTripper struct {
bucketLocation string
// The Minio Golang library always attempts to query the bucket location and
// currently has no way of statically setting that value. To avoid that
// lookup, the Runner cache uses the library only to generate the URLs,
// forgoing the library's API for uploading and downloading files. The custom
// Roundtripper stubs out any network requests that would normally be made via
// the library.
func (b *bucketLocationTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
res = &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(&buffer),
func (b *bucketLocationTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
// Do nothing
func getCacheObjectName(build *common.Build, cache *common.CacheConfig, key string) string {
if key == "" {
return ""
runnerSegment := ""
if !cache.Shared {
runnerSegment = path.Join("runner", build.Runner.ShortDescription())
return path.Join(cache.Path, runnerSegment, "project", strconv.Itoa(build.JobInfo.ProjectID), key)
type fakeIAMCredentialsProvider interface {
var iamFactory = func() *credentials.Credentials {
return credentials.NewIAM("")
func getCacheStorageClient(cache *common.CacheConfig) (scl *minio.Client, err error) {
// If the server address or credentials aren't specified then use IAM
// instance profile credentials and talk to "real" S3.
if cache.ServerAddress == "" || cache.AccessKey == "" || cache.SecretKey == "" {
iam := iamFactory()
scl, err = minio.NewWithCredentials("", iam, true, "")
} else {
scl, err = minio.New(cache.ServerAddress, cache.AccessKey, cache.SecretKey, !cache.Insecure)
if err != nil {
func getS3DownloadURL(build *common.Build, key string) (url *url.URL) {
cache := build.Runner.Cache
objectName := getCacheObjectName(build, cache, key)
if objectName == "" {
scl, err := getCacheStorageClient(cache)
if err != nil {
url, err = scl.PresignedGetObject(cache.BucketName, objectName, time.Second*time.Duration(build.RunnerInfo.Timeout), nil)
if err != nil {
func getCacheDownloadURL(build *common.Build, key string) (url *url.URL) {
cache := build.Runner.Cache
if cache == nil {
switch cache.Type {
case "s3":
return getS3DownloadURL(build, key)
func getS3UploadURL(build *common.Build, key string) (url *url.URL) {
cache := build.Runner.Cache
objectName := getCacheObjectName(build, cache, key)
if objectName == "" {
adapter := cache.Factory(build, key)
if adapter == nil {
scl, err := getCacheStorageClient(cache)
if err != nil {
url, err = scl.PresignedPutObject(cache.BucketName, objectName, time.Second*time.Duration(build.RunnerInfo.Timeout))
if err != nil {
return adapter.GetDownloadURL()
func getCacheUploadURL(build *common.Build, key string) (url *url.URL) {
cache := build.Runner.Cache
if cache == nil {
adapter := cache.Factory(build, key)
if adapter == nil {
switch cache.Type {
case "s3":
return getS3UploadURL(build, key)
return adapter.GetUploadURL()
package cache
import (
type Adapter interface {
SetBuild(build *common.Build)
SetConfig(config *common.CacheConfig)
SetObjectName(objectName string)
GetDownloadURL() *url.URL
GetUploadURL() *url.URL
type initializer func() Adapter
var adapters = map[string]initializer{
"s3": func() Adapter { return new(s3.Adapter) },
var Factory = func(build *common.Build, key string) Adapter {
defined, config := cacheConfig(build)
if !defined {
logrus.Debugln("Cache config not defined. Skipping adapter selection.")
return nil
init, ok := adapters[config.Type]
if !ok {
logrus.Errorf("Cache adapter of type '%s' is unknown", config.Type)
return nil
objectName := generateObjectName(build, config, key)
if objectName == "" {
logrus.Debugln("ObjectName is empty. Skipping adapter selection.")
return nil
adapter := init()
return adapter
func cacheConfig(build *common.Build) (defined bool, config *common.CacheConfig) {
if build == nil || build.Runner == nil || build.Runner.Cache == nil {
defined = false
defined = true
config = build.Runner.Cache
func generateObjectName(build *common.Build, config *common.CacheConfig, key string) string {
if key == "" {
return ""
runnerSegment := ""
if !config.Shared {
runnerSegment = path.Join("runner", build.Runner.ShortDescription())
return path.Join(config.Path, runnerSegment, "project", strconv.Itoa(build.JobInfo.ProjectID), key)
package cache
import (
func TestFactoryCreateExisting(t *testing.T) {
tests := map[string]struct {
key string
expectedNil bool
"key-is-not-empty": {key: "key", expectedNil: false},
"key-is-empty": {key: "", expectedNil: true},
for name, test := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
adapterMock := new(MockAdapter)
adapters = map[string]initializer{
"test": func() Adapter { return adapterMock },
config := &common.CacheConfig{
Type: "test",
build := &common.Build{
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{},
build.Runner.Cache = config
if test.key != "" {
adapterMock.On("SetBuild", build).Once()
adapterMock.On("SetConfig", config).Once()
adapterMock.On("SetObjectName", mock.Anything).Once()
defer adapterMock.AssertExpectations(t)
adapter := Factory(build, test.key)
if test.expectedNil {
assert.Nil(t, adapter)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, adapterMock, adapter)
func TestFactoryCreateUnexisting(t *testing.T) {
adapters = map[string]initializer{}
config := &common.CacheConfig{
Type: "test",
build := &common.Build{
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{},
build.Runner.Cache = config
adapter := Factory(build, "key")
assert.Nil(t, adapter)
func defaultCacheConfig() *common.CacheConfig {
return &common.CacheConfig{
Type: "test",
BucketName: "test-bucket",
BucketLocation: "test-location",
func defaultBuild(cacheConfig *common.CacheConfig) *common.Build {
return &common.Build{
JobResponse: common.JobResponse{
JobInfo: common.JobInfo{
ProjectID: 10,
RunnerInfo: common.RunnerInfo{
Timeout: 3600,
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{
RunnerCredentials: common.RunnerCredentials{
Token: "longtoken",
RunnerSettings: common.RunnerSettings{
Cache: cacheConfig,
func TestGenerateObjectNameWhenKeyIsEmptyResultIsAlsoEmpty(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "")
assert.Empty(t, url)
func TestGetCacheObjectName(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathIsSetThenUrlContainsIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3Cache.Path = "whatever"
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "whatever/runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathHasMultipleSegmentIsSetThenUrlContainsIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3Cache.Path = "some/other/path/goes/here"
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "some/other/path/goes/here/runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathIsNotSetThenUrlDoesNotContainIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3Cache.Path = ""
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenSharedFlagIsFalseThenRunnerSegmentExistsInTheUrl(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3Cache.Shared = false
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenSharedFlagIsFalseThenRunnerSegmentShouldNotBePresent(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultCacheConfig()
s3Cache.Shared = true
s3CacheBuild := defaultBuild(s3Cache)
url := generateObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
assert.Equal(t, "project/10/key", url)
// Code generated by mockery v1.0.0. DO NOT EDIT.
// This comment works around
package cache
import common ""
import mock ""
import url "net/url"
// MockAdapter is an autogenerated mock type for the Adapter type
type MockAdapter struct {
// GetDownloadURL provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockAdapter) GetDownloadURL() *url.URL {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 *url.URL
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() *url.URL); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*url.URL)
return r0
// GetUploadURL provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *MockAdapter) GetUploadURL() *url.URL {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 *url.URL
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() *url.URL); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*url.URL)
return r0
// SetBuild provides a mock function with given fields: build
func (_m *MockAdapter) SetBuild(build *common.Build) {
// SetConfig provides a mock function with given fields: config
func (_m *MockAdapter) SetConfig(config *common.CacheConfig) {
// SetObjectName provides a mock function with given fields: objectName
func (_m *MockAdapter) SetObjectName(objectName string) {
package s3
import (
type fakeIAMCredentialsProvider interface {
var iamFactory = func() *credentials.Credentials {
return credentials.NewIAM("")
type s3URLGenerator func(scl *minio.Client, bucketName string, objectName string, expires time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)
type Adapter struct {
build *common.Build
config *common.CacheConfig
objectName string
func (a *Adapter) SetBuild(build *common.Build) { = build
func (a *Adapter) SetConfig(config *common.CacheConfig) {
a.config = config
func (a *Adapter) SetObjectName(objectName string) {
a.objectName = objectName
func (a *Adapter) GetDownloadURL() *url.URL {
return a.getS3URL(getS3DownloadURL)
func getS3DownloadURL(scl *minio.Client, bucketName string, objectName string, expires time.Duration) (*url.URL, error) {
return scl.PresignedGetObject(bucketName, objectName, expires, nil)
func (a *Adapter) GetUploadURL() *url.URL {
return a.getS3URL(getS3UploadURL)
func getS3UploadURL(scl *minio.Client, bucketName string, objectName string, expires time.Duration) (*url.URL, error) {
return scl.PresignedPutObject(bucketName, objectName, expires)
func (a *Adapter) getS3URL(generator s3URLGenerator) (url *url.URL) {
scl, err := a.getCacheStorageClient()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error while creating S3 cache storage client: %v", err)
url, err = generator(scl, a.config.BucketName, a.objectName, time.Second*time.Duration(
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error while generating S3 pre-signed URL: %v", err)
func (a *Adapter) getCacheStorageClient() (scl *minio.Client, err error) {
// If the server address or credentials aren't specified then use IAM
// instance profile credentials and talk to "real" S3.
if a.config.ServerAddress == "" || a.config.AccessKey == "" || a.config.SecretKey == "" {
iam := iamFactory()
scl, err = minio.NewWithCredentials("", iam, true, "")
} else {
scl, err = minio.New(a.config.ServerAddress, a.config.AccessKey, a.config.SecretKey, !a.config.Insecure)
if err != nil {
package s3
import (
func defaultS3CacheFactory() *common.CacheConfig {
return &common.CacheConfig{
Type: "s3",
ServerAddress: "",
AccessKey: "access",
SecretKey: "key",
BucketName: "test",
BucketLocation: "location",
func iamS3CacheFactory(t *testing.T) (*common.CacheConfig, *mockFakeIAMCredentialsProvider) {
cacheConfig := defaultS3CacheFactory()
cacheConfig.ServerAddress = ""
cacheConfig.AccessKey = ""
cacheConfig.SecretKey = ""
iamProvider := &mockFakeIAMCredentialsProvider{}
iamFactory = func() *credentials.Credentials {
return credentials.New(iamProvider)
return cacheConfig, iamProvider
func defaults3CacheBuild(cacheConfig *common.CacheConfig) *common.Build {
return &common.Build{
JobResponse: common.JobResponse{
RunnerInfo: common.RunnerInfo{
Timeout: 3600,
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{
RunnerSettings: common.RunnerSettings{
Cache: cacheConfig,
func TestS3CacheUploadURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
adapter := new(Adapter)
url := adapter.GetUploadURL()
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
assert.Contains(t, url.String(), "X-Amz-Credential=access%2F")
func TestS3CacheUploadURLForIamCredentials(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache, iamProvider := iamS3CacheFactory(t)
fakeValue := credentials.Value{
AccessKeyID: "access-from-iam",
SecretAccessKey: "secret-from-iam",
iamProvider.On("Retrieve").Return(fakeValue, nil).Once()
defer iamProvider.AssertExpectations(t)
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
adapter := new(Adapter)
url := adapter.GetUploadURL()
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, "", url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
assert.Contains(t, url.String(), "X-Amz-Credential=access-from-iam%2F")
func TestS3CacheUploadInsecureURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = true
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
adapter := new(Adapter)
url := adapter.GetUploadURL()
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^http://", url)
func TestS3CacheDownloadURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
adapter := new(Adapter)
url := adapter.GetDownloadURL()
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
func TestS3CacheDownloadInsecureURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = true
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
adapter := new(Adapter)
url := adapter.GetDownloadURL()
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^http://", url)
package s3
import (
type bucketLocationTripper struct {
bucketLocation string
// The Minio Golang library always attempts to query the bucket location and
// currently has no way of statically setting that value. To avoid that
// lookup, the Runner cache uses the library only to generate the URLs,
// forgoing the library's API for uploading and downloading files. The custom
// Roundtripper stubs out any network requests that would normally be made via
// the library.
func (b *bucketLocationTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
res = &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(&buffer),
func (b *bucketLocationTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
// Do nothing
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// This comment works around
package shells
package s3
import credentials ""
import mock ""
package shells
import (
func defaultS3CacheFactory() *common.CacheConfig {
return &common.CacheConfig{
Type: "s3",
ServerAddress: "",
AccessKey: "access",
SecretKey: "key",
BucketName: "test",
BucketLocation: "location",
func iamS3CacheFactory(t *testing.T) (*common.CacheConfig, *mockFakeIAMCredentialsProvider) {
cacheConfig := defaultS3CacheFactory()
cacheConfig.ServerAddress = ""
cacheConfig.AccessKey = ""
cacheConfig.SecretKey = ""
iamProvider := &mockFakeIAMCredentialsProvider{}
iamFactory = func() *credentials.Credentials {
return credentials.New(iamProvider)
func TestCacheOperations(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
testedOperation func(build *common.Build, key string) (url *url.URL)
mockedOperation string
adapterExists bool
adapterURL *url.URL
expectedURL *url.URL
return cacheConfig, iamProvider
exampleURL, err := url.Parse("")
require.NoError(t, err)
func defaults3CacheBuild(cacheConfig *common.CacheConfig) *common.Build {
return &common.Build{
JobResponse: common.JobResponse{
JobInfo: common.JobInfo{
ProjectID: 10,
RunnerInfo: common.RunnerInfo{
Timeout: 3600,
tests := map[string]test{
"download-url-adapter-exists": {
testedOperation: getCacheDownloadURL,
mockedOperation: "GetDownloadURL",
adapterExists: true,
adapterURL: exampleURL,
expectedURL: exampleURL,
"upload-url-adapter-exists": {
testedOperation: getCacheUploadURL,
mockedOperation: "GetUploadURL",
adapterExists: true,
adapterURL: exampleURL,
expectedURL: exampleURL,
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{
RunnerCredentials: common.RunnerCredentials{
Token: "longtoken",
RunnerSettings: common.RunnerSettings{
Cache: cacheConfig,
"download-url-adapter-doesnt-exists": {
testedOperation: getCacheDownloadURL,
mockedOperation: "GetDownloadURL",
adapterExists: false,
adapterURL: exampleURL,
expectedURL: nil,
"upload-url-adapter-doesnt-exists": {
testedOperation: getCacheUploadURL,
mockedOperation: "GetUploadURL",
adapterExists: false,
adapterURL: exampleURL,
expectedURL: nil,
func TestS3CacheUploadURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheUploadURL(s3CacheBuild, "key")
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
assert.Contains(t, url.String(), "X-Amz-Credential=access%2F")
func TestS3CacheUploadURLForIamCredentials(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache, iamProvider := iamS3CacheFactory(t)
fakeValue := credentials.Value{
AccessKeyID: "access-from-iam",
SecretAccessKey: "secret-from-iam",
for name, tc := range tests {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
build := &common.Build{
Runner: &common.RunnerConfig{},
key := "key"
var adapter cache.Adapter
if tc.adapterExists {
a := new(cache.MockAdapter)
defer a.AssertExpectations(t)
adapter = a
cache.Factory = func(build *common.Build, key string) cache.Adapter {
return adapter
generatedURL := tc.testedOperation(build, key)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedURL, generatedURL)
iamProvider.On("Retrieve").Return(fakeValue, nil).Once()
defer iamProvider.AssertExpectations(t)
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheUploadURL(s3CacheBuild, "key")
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, "", url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
assert.Contains(t, url.String(), "X-Amz-Credential=access-from-iam%2F")
func TestS3CacheUploadInsecureURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = true
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheUploadURL(s3CacheBuild, "key")
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^http://", url)
func TestS3CacheDownloadURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheDownloadURL(s3CacheBuild, "key")
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^https://", url)
func TestS3CacheDownloadInsecureURL(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Insecure = true
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheDownloadURL(s3CacheBuild, "key")
require.NotNil(t, url)
assert.Equal(t, s3Cache.ServerAddress, url.Host)
assert.Regexp(t, "^http://", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenKeyIsEmptyResultIsAlsoEmpty(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "")
require.Empty(t, url)
func TestGetCacheObjectName(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathIsSetThenUrlContainsIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Path = "whatever"
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "whatever/runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathHasMultipleSegmentIsSetThenUrlContainsIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Path = "some/other/path/goes/here"
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "some/other/path/goes/here/runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenPathIsNotSetThenUrlDoesNotContainIt(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Path = ""
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenSharedFlagIsFalseThenRunnerSegmentExistsInTheUrl(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Shared = false
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "runner/longtoke/project/10/key", url)
func TestGetCacheObjectNameWhenSharedFlagIsFalseThenRunnerSegmentShouldNotBePresent(t *testing.T) {
s3Cache := defaultS3CacheFactory()
s3Cache.Shared = true
s3CacheBuild := defaults3CacheBuild(s3Cache)
url := getCacheObjectName(s3CacheBuild, s3Cache, "key")
require.Equal(t, "project/10/key", url)
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