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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • Lightz
    Issues related to Lightz Analyzer - SAST engine
  • Label to prevent duplicate notes from the triage-ops bot for bugs without a severity
  • Issues related to the Lightz's Analyzer, artifacts processing, storing and displaying - SAST
  • moved-from-growth
    temporary label used to transition some issues from Growth to Fulfillment
  • Issues related to visualization of CI pipelines, including pipeline graphs, pipeline dependencies for triggers, cross-project pipelines, and child/parent pipelines.
  • webide-workflowdone
    Web IDE issues which have already been closed in previous iterations
  • Web IDE issues that are being ignored from the current webide-workflow process and automation.
  • Web IDE issues which HAVE been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • Web IDE issues which have NOT yet been prioritized into the current iteration or a future iteration.
  • SUS Survey
    Issues and epics labeled with "SUS Survey" are directly associated with the administration, analysis, or outcomes of the System Usability Scale (SUS) survey. This label is utilized for tracking tasks related to planning, conducting, or evaluating SUS surveys.
  • Added when automation has detected a SAST violation of GitLab's AppSec team's rules. See