feat: add support for work item types
What does this MR do and why?
feat: add support for work item types
Add support for work item types using the type parameter. Supported types include: Issue, Incident, Requirement, TestCase, Task, Ticket, Objective, KeyResult, Epic and MergeRequest.
Related issue #29 (closed)
How to set up and validate locally
Numbered steps to set up and validate the change are strongly suggested.
Merge request reports
added Category:Wiki glql groupknowledge labels
assigned to @himkp
added devopsplan sectiondev labels
Reviewer roulette
Changes that require review have been detected! A merge request is normally reviewed by both a reviewer and a maintainer in its primary category and by a maintainer in all other categories.
To spread load more evenly across eligible reviewers, Danger has picked a candidate for each review slot. Feel free to override these selections if you think someone else would be better-suited or use the GitLab Review Workload Dashboard to find other available reviewers.
To read more on how to use the reviewer roulette, please take a look at the Engineering workflow and code review guidelines. Please consider assigning a reviewer or maintainer who is a domain expert in the area of the merge request.
Once you've decided who will review this merge request, mention them as you normally would! Danger does not automatically notify them for you.
Reviewer Maintainer @jachapman
(UTC+0, 1 hour behind author)
No maintainer available Generated by
Dangerchanged milestone to %17.8
requested review from @GitLabDuo
I have reviewed the merge request and left several comments, including questions and recommendations. The review covers topics such as field type handling, code structure changes, potential bugs in the
method, and inconsistencies between implementation and test cases. I estimate there is a decent amount of work required to address these issues, but this is only an estimate based on the provided comments.Edited by GitLab Duo- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
- please see the following guidance and update this merge request.1 Error Please add typebug typefeature, or typemaintenance label to this merge request.
added featureenhancement label
added typefeature label
requested review from @GitLabDuo
I have left a recommendation regarding a misplaced closing brace that would cause a compilation error. In my review, I focused on syntax and code structure. I estimate there is a small amount of work required to address this issue, though this is only an estimate based on the single comment provided.
Edited by GitLab Duo- Resolved by Himanshu Kapoor
requested review from @GitLabDuo
started a merge train
mentioned in commit 1ad3e67b
mentioned in issue #29 (closed)
mentioned in issue #45 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !92 (merged)