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Commits on Source (2)
  • Mark Lapierre's avatar
    Retry all system call errors and parsing errors · e89bfb12
    Mark Lapierre authored
    There are many many system call errors. It may be more efficient to
    retry on any of them rather than waiting for a failure to occur before
    adding them to the list.
    We've seen a increasing number of parsing errors that happen when
    searching for an issue. That should only happen if GitLab returned
    an error as HTML, which should only happen if something has gone
    very wrong. So we retry those errors too because they're likely to
    be transient.
  • Mark Lapierre's avatar
    Merge branch 'ml-retry-on-more-reporter-errors' into 'master' · 82eff5d3
    Mark Lapierre authored
    Testcase Reporter: Retry all system call errors and parsing errors
    See merge request !453
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ module Gitlab
# This error could be raised in assert_user_permission!
# If so, we want it to terminate at that point
rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Net::ReadTimeout => e
rescue SystemCallError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Net::ReadTimeout, Gitlab::Error::Parsing => e
@retry_backoff += RETRY_BACK_OFF_DELAY
raise if @retry_backoff > RETRY_BACK_OFF_DELAY * MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS