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Merge conflict resolution

Merged Sean McGivern requested to merge mc-ui into master


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  • Reassigned to @DouweM

  • @DouweM do you want to take a look please? Known problems:

    1. Renames. libgit2 doesn't seem to detect these as conflicts.
    2. The constructor for a Conflict::File is crazy, this should be made simpler.
    3. We might not need to parse the conflict at all, we could maybe use a stand-alone implementation of three-way diff like:
    4. The exceptions that Conflict::Parser throws aren't handled; we need to decide what the front-end wants for those. Maybe just an empty array?
    5. We probably want to store the number of conflicts on the MR model, so the tab can have the right number without us needing to create the index each time.

    For resolving, we just need to parse the conflicts again, and parse all the lines that are either unchanged or match the lines in the request from the frontend.

    @fatihacet my front-end changes are in as well, mostly just making sure this works with the backend API and swapping some ours / theirs mixups :smile:

  • @smcgivern Your frontend changes LGTM. I will now update CS to ES6 in your branch.

    I like the irony tho, hang in there GitLab, it's about time :smiley:


  • @smcgivern Btw, line 12 in both sides should also have color of the related lines, right now they are white and empty but it's not related with you or your changes tho. I will take a look at it soon enough.

    Edited by Fatih Acet
  • @smcgivern

    Renames. libgit2 doesn't seem to detect these as conflicts.

    Laaame. Can we detect them ourselves? ancestor...ours and ancestor...theirs would both have a Diff::File with the same old_path, but different new_path. Also interesting: What happens if both diffs rename a different file, to the same filename? :D We don't need to be perfect about these in the first iteration though. If we could, that would be great.

    The constructor for a Conflict::File is crazy, this should be made simpler.

    Let me respond in-code.

    We might not need to parse the conflict at all, we could maybe use a stand-alone implementation of three-way diff like:

    What are the benefits of this?

    The exceptions that Conflict::Parser throws aren't handled; we need to decide what the front-end wants for those. Maybe just an empty array?

    I'd guess just show an error page: "GitLab could not figure out the conflicts. Please resolve them locally", or whatever.

    We probably want to store the number of conflicts on the MR model, so the tab can have the right number without us needing to create the index each time.

    Yes! Store it when we transition merge_status to cannot_be_merged.

    Edited by Douwe Maan
119 119 end
120 120 end
121 121
122 def conflicts
123 return render_404 unless @merge_request.cannot_be_merged?
125 respond_to do |format|
126 format.html { render 'show' }
127 format.json do
128 rugged = @merge_request.project.repository.rugged
129 their_commit = rugged.branches[@merge_request.target_branch].target
130 our_commit = rugged.lookup(@merge_request.diff_head_sha)
  • 119 119 end
    120 120 end
    121 121
    122 def conflicts
    123 return render_404 unless @merge_request.cannot_be_merged?
    125 respond_to do |format|
    126 format.html { render 'show' }
    127 format.json do
    128 rugged = @merge_request.project.repository.rugged
    129 their_commit = rugged.branches[@merge_request.target_branch].target
  • 119 119 end
    120 120 end
    121 121
    122 def conflicts
    123 return render_404 unless @merge_request.cannot_be_merged?
    125 respond_to do |format|
    126 format.html { render 'show' }
    127 format.json do
    128 rugged = @merge_request.project.repository.rugged
    129 their_commit = rugged.branches[@merge_request.target_branch].target
    130 our_commit = rugged.lookup(@merge_request.diff_head_sha)
    131 merge = rugged.merge_commits(our_commit, their_commit)
  • 123 return render_404 unless @merge_request.cannot_be_merged?
    125 respond_to do |format|
    126 format.html { render 'show' }
    127 format.json do
    128 rugged = @merge_request.project.repository.rugged
    129 their_commit = rugged.branches[@merge_request.target_branch].target
    130 our_commit = rugged.lookup(@merge_request.diff_head_sha)
    131 merge = rugged.merge_commits(our_commit, their_commit)
    132 commit_message = "Merge branch '#{@merge_request.target_branch}' into '#{@merge_request.source_branch}'\n\n# Conflicts:"
    134 files = do |conflict|
    135 their_path = conflict[:theirs][:path]
    136 our_path = conflict[:ours][:path]
    138 raise 'path mismatch!' unless their_path == our_path
  • 67 for line in lines
    68 if is sectionId and (line.lineType is 'conflict' or line.isHeader)
    69 if selection is 'head' and line.isHead
    70 line.isSelected = yes
    71 line.isUnselected = no
    72 else if selection is 'origin' and line.isOrigin
    73 line.isSelected = yes
    74 line.isUnselected = no
    75 else
    76 line.isUnselected = yes
    77 line.isSelected = no
    80 decorateData: (data) ->
    82 headHeaderText = 'HEAD//our changes'
  • 128 rugged = @merge_request.project.repository.rugged
    129 their_commit = rugged.branches[@merge_request.target_branch].target
    130 our_commit = rugged.lookup(@merge_request.diff_head_sha)
    131 merge = rugged.merge_commits(our_commit, their_commit)
    132 commit_message = "Merge branch '#{@merge_request.target_branch}' into '#{@merge_request.source_branch}'\n\n# Conflicts:"
    134 files = do |conflict|
    135 their_path = conflict[:theirs][:path]
    136 our_path = conflict[:ours][:path]
    138 raise 'path mismatch!' unless their_path == our_path
    140 commit_message << "\n# #{our_path}"
    141 merge_file = merge.merge_file(our_path)
    143, conflict, @merge_request.target_branch, @merge_request.source_branch, @merge_request.project.repository)
  • 61 61 = link_to diffs_namespace_project_merge_request_path(@project.namespace, @project, @merge_request), data: {target: 'div#diffs', action: 'diffs', toggle: 'tab'} do
    62 62 Changes
    63 63 %span.badge= @merge_request.diff_size
    64 %li.conflicts-tab
  • 78 82 - # This tab is always loaded via AJAX
    79 83
    80 84 - # This tab is always loaded via AJAX
    86 - # This tab is always loaded via AJAX
    87 = render 'projects/merge_requests/show/conflicts'
  • 14 Side-by-side
    16 .js-toggle-container
    17 .commit-stat-summary
    18 Showing
    19 %strong.cred {{conflictsCount}} conflicts
    20 for
    21 %strong {{conflictsData.source_branch}}
    22 into
    23 %strong {{conflictsData.target_branch}}
    25 .files-wrapper{ "v-if" => "!isLoading" }
    26 .files{"v-if" => "isParallel"}
    27 .diff-file.file-holder.conflict.parallel-view{"v-for" => "file in conflictsData.files"}
    28 .file-title
    29 %span {{file.new_path}}
  • 63 .diff-wrap-lines.code.file-content.js-syntax-highlight.white
    64 %table
    65 %tr.line_holder{"v-for" => "line in file.inlineLines", |
    66 ":class" => "{ |
    67 'head': line.isHead, |
    68 'origin': line.isOrigin, |
    69 'selected': line.isSelected, |
    70 'unselected': line.isUnselected }"}
    72 %template{"v-if" => "!line.isHeader"}
    73 %td.diff-line-num.old_line
    74 %a {{line.old_line}}
    75 %td.diff-line-num.new_line
    76 %a {{line.new_line}}
    77 %td.line_content
    78 {{{line.rich_text}}}
  • 59 .file-actions
    60 %a.btn.btn-sm View file @{{conflictsData.shortCommitSha}}
    62 .diff-content.diff-wrap-lines
    63 .diff-wrap-lines.code.file-content.js-syntax-highlight.white
    64 %table
    65 %tr.line_holder{"v-for" => "line in file.inlineLines", |
    66 ":class" => "{ |
    67 'head': line.isHead, |
    68 'origin': line.isOrigin, |
    69 'selected': line.isSelected, |
    70 'unselected': line.isUnselected }"}
    72 %template{"v-if" => "!line.isHeader"}
    73 %td.diff-line-num.old_line
    74 %a {{line.old_line}}
  • 3 3 This merge request contains merge conflicts
    4 4
    5 5 %p
    6 Please resolve these conflicts or
    6 Please
    7 = link_to conflicts_namespace_project_merge_request_path(@project.namespace, @project, @merge_request) do
  • 27
    28 @highlighted_lines = do |line|
    29 line = line.dup
    30 if line.type == 'old'
    31 line.rich_text = their_highlight[line.old_line - 1].delete("\n")
    32 else
    33 line.rich_text = our_highlight[line.new_line - 1].delete("\n")
    34 end
    35 line
    36 end
    37 end
    39 def sections
    40 return @sections if @sections
    42 chunked_lines = highlighted_lines.chunk { |line| line.type.nil? }
  • 1 module Gitlab
    2 module Conflict
    3 class File
    6 attr_reader :merge_file, :their_path, :their_ref, :our_path, :our_ref, :repository
    8 def initialize(merge_file, conflict, their_ref, our_ref, repository)
      • What type of object is merge_file? Right now it sounds like it will be a reference to an actual file
      • Could we use DiffRefs to wrap their and our ref (theirs == start, ours == head, base == ancestor)
      • Can we use a keyword arg for repository?
      • It's the output of Rugged::Index#merge_file, which is just a hash. libgit2 calls this a git_merge_file_result, which isn't a huge amount more descriptive :-/
      • Yes, definitely.
      • Yes, but it can't be optional - we need a repository for reading (to highlight) and resolving (to add objects).
    • @smcgivern

      • At least merge_file_result doesn't make it sounds like it contains a file :)
      • :thumbsup:
      • Right, but I like to have keyword args after the first 2 or so "obvious" attributes ;)
      Edited by Douwe Maan
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  • 41
    42 chunked_lines = highlighted_lines.chunk { |line| line.type.nil? }
    43 match_line = nil
    45 @sections = chunked_lines.flat_map.with_index do |(no_conflict, lines), i|
    46 section = nil
    48 if no_conflict
    49 conflict_before = i > 0
    50 conflict_after = chunked_lines.peek
    52 if conflict_before && conflict_after
    53 if lines.length > CONTEXT_LINES * 2
    54 tail_lines = lines.last(CONTEXT_LINES)
    55 first_tail_line = tail_lines.first
    56 match_line ='',
    • No text for match lines?

    • Never mind, already done later! Hmm, not when !section?

      Edited by Douwe Maan
    • Should match_line be reset after this?

    • I don't think so. Here's my reasoning:

      • Every conflict has context before it, unless it's at the start of the file (in which case we don't need a match line anyway).
      • We only have a match line in the case where a context block is non-contiguous with the lines before it.
      • That only happens when the gap between two conflicts is greater than CONTEXT_LINES * 2.
      • So in that case only, we add two lots of lines and create a match line.
      • If we already have a match line, we need to keep updating it until we get to the end of the contiguous lines it represents - which is every iteration until the next time we have to split a context block, at which point match line gets reset anyway.

      Basically, there aren't gaps until we create them, so we only need to set this when we create a gap. That might be totally wrong, though!

    • Yes, makes sense!

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