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Resolve "CI/CD jobs: Wrong value in env. variable CI_DEPLOY_USER using <gitlab-deploy-token> deploy token"

Mayra Cabrera requested to merge 46454-wrong-value-in-ci-deploy-user into master

What does this MR do?

Fixes deploy_tokens_variables on Ci::Build. It was using DeployToken#name instead of DeployToken#username

On master

 {:key=>"CI_DEPLOY_USER", :value=>"gitlab-deploy-token", :public=>true},
 {:key=>"CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD", :value=>"123456789", :public=>false},

On this branch

 {:key=>"CI_DEPLOY_USER", :value=>"gitlab+deploy-token-14", :public=>true},
 {:key=>"CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD", :value=>"123456789", :public=>false},

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #46454 (closed)

Edited by Mayra Cabrera

Merge request reports