@sengelhard - Can you point me to someone on the team I could discuss this with? My key question is if "in dashboard" is the only way to source-control the alert definition. I'd like to have that alert definition happen in source control but I'd rather not start with that being tied to the "Create a dashboard" workflow.
@kencjohnston I don't think alert definitions would need to be in the dashboard definition, though that would certainly simplify the process. I think another good question is whether we'd want to allow users to define computed alerts in source control (as brought up in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/5456#note_174671249).
Right now, there are a few things the back end needs to set an alert:
which metric(s?)
which environment
which project
details of the alert
How alerts and metrics work now: A metric in a yml-defined dashboard is given an identifier that the author has determined to be unique. We use that identifier to associate a yml-defined metric with a metric database record. A metric database record is required for alert to be created. Key detail: Source controlled dashboards don't yet support alerts set in the UI either - see #60905 (moved) and #60907 (moved). So that work would be prerequisite to this.
Back to your original question:
We could separate out alert definitions into its own file and it could certainly work, but the costs would be engineering time, some intuitiveness, and probably some user time redefining/referencing metric info. If we allow alerts computed based on multiple metrics, I think each of those costs go up.
We may also need to consider gitlab-defined metrics such as cluster metrics or the dashboard metrics we have available now. If we want users to be able to set alerts for those metrics in source control, the definitions would need to be separated from the "create a dashboard" workflow, as the users aren't creating those dashboards at all.
From a UX perspective, I think we want to be careful with this entire ticket. The expected source of truth & what reasonable behavior looks like for our users could get messy quickly. For example: what happens if a user deletes a source-control-defined alert in the UI? Does the alert get recreated on the next pipeline build? Do we open an MR with the alert deletion from source? Do we let the discrepancy live? Which source of info do we trust?
I'm happy to chat more about this - just let me know!
Thanks @syasonik - this was super helpful. I'm not feeling like we have enough proposal here, and certainly a ton of questions to consider this for 12.1 so I'm pushing it out, but I would like to continue the discussion with you. I'll see if I can find time on your calendar for a call that we can ensure we record and invite others to. Thanks!
Current state of the world: Metrics (representing a prometheus query & everything we need to display the results of the query) are managed from many locations - DB (via UI), DB (via GitLab migrations), and a project’s repo. Each of these avenues functions differently.
Raised high-level questions:
Is going down the path of source-controlling our figuration the direction we want to go right now?
Do users find the source-controlled dashboards useful?
If we go down this path, how do we want to handle establishing source control as the source of truth?
@kencjohnston - I apologize for the very late response on this, but if you are still looking to have this conversation, I think that @syasonik might have the best context around the source-controlled dashboards and alerts.
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