Bring part of Time Tracking to CE
See this comment and my response:
Time tracking, since its release, has been hugely popular. The demand to make it available for everyone has been very strong. We've seen that teams of all sizes, not only teams > 100 members, were interested in this feature. Therefore, we are bringing the current state of time tracking (slash commands + sidebar information) to CE.
Advanced reporting related to time tracking will remain exclusive to EE Premium.
- Move the slash commands and sidebar information to CE
- API for time tracking:
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- Contributor
@JobV This is how I see we could make Time tracking fully functional in CE.
- Slash commands on issues/MR.
- Filter issues and MR by estimate
- Export time tracking data at the issue level
Only in EE:
- Reports for Issues and MR
- User timesheet
With those features, Time Tracking in CE would be functional and perfectly usable at the issue level. But advanced reporting and analysis (through the API) would be exclusive to EE Premium.
Edited by Régis Freyd (GitLab) - Mark Fletcher mentioned in issue #15648 (closed)
mentioned in issue #15648 (closed)
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) changed title from Consider: bringing part of Time Tracking to CE to Bring part of Time Tracking to CE
changed title from Consider: bringing part of Time Tracking to CE to Bring part of Time Tracking to CE
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) added ~1097770 label
added ~1097770 label
- Contributor
- Contributor
@regisF Looks like the front-end is the same. I may need to resolve some conflicts, but the front-end of this should be easy to backport.
- Contributor
@smcgivern pinging you as well.
- Contributor
@regisF sounds reasonable to me!
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) mentioned in issue #25419 (closed)
mentioned in issue #25419 (closed)
- Developer
Not sure if the API should stay EE only. The API should always give the features the web UI has. The API is used to make tools/apps around GitLab. This makes it hard since they cannot access functionality the instance provides via the web. /cc @rymai
Edited by Robert Schilling - Developer
Yeah, I think it makes more sense to move the API functionality in CE and all export functions be EE-only.
1 - Maintainer
- Contributor
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) changed milestone to %8.16
changed milestone to %8.16
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) removed assignee
removed assignee
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) added ~127616 ~480950 ~901060 labels
added ~127616 ~480950 ~901060 labels
- Contributor
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) mentioned in issue #25861 (closed)
mentioned in issue #25861 (closed)
- Bryce Johnson assigned to @brycepj
assigned to @brycepj
- Contributor
I imagine the backend side of this will be more complicated, but I opened an MR with -- what I think is -- all of the frontend code for timetracking, for us to work from.
Edited by Bryce Johnson - Bryce Johnson removed assignee
removed assignee
- Douwe Maan added ~874211 and removed ~480950 labels
added ~874211 and removed ~480950 labels
Basic time tracking not being available in CE for us now is a show stopper in moving to a Githost instance.
Will the Githost "import from" function also import the time tracking data when 8.16 is released?
- Contributor
@patricio do you know the answer to the question above? I think it will.
- Contributor
@regisF no, as far as I can see time tricking data is not exported.
Hope you guys can manage that for 8.16 , as that is our final hurdle to go to Githost :)
- Author Contributor
@regisF I think this needs an update ASAP
- Régis Freyd (GitLab) mentioned in issue gitlab-com/githost#70 (closed)
mentioned in issue gitlab-com/githost#70 (closed)
- Contributor
@rvanlaak thanks for your comment, we'll see if we can make it.
@JobV I've created an issue about it: gitlab-com/githost#70 (closed)
I'm not sure who can help me with that so I'll just ping the different team leads, on Slack as well: @DouweM @smcgivern
- Author Contributor
@regisF what about the status of this issue?
- Contributor
@JobV the MR to bring time tracking to CE is awaiting final review. It should make it.
- Author Contributor
Thanks @regisF
- Chris mentioned in issue #26750 (moved)
mentioned in issue #26750 (moved)
!8195 (merged) is not merged yet right?
- Contributor
- Bryce Johnson closed
- Contributor
- Josef Kufner mentioned in issue #27190 (closed)
mentioned in issue #27190 (closed)
- Takuya Noguchi mentioned in merge request !8647 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !8647 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsplan label
added devopsplan label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added Category:Team Planning label
added Category:Team Planning label