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    Files/folders in EE project which match find . -iname '*pages*' or are changed in, or changed in later pages MRs

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    Changes from pages MRs are listed in, and included above

    Edited by James Edwards-Jones
  • Author Contributor

    In order to consider moved/deleted files also, I've updated the list using git log --pretty=format: --name-only | sort -u | grep -i pages instead of find. This also means that instead of directories the list now contains the files within them. Diff:

  • Author Contributor

    To include files before they were renamed I've added git log --pretty=format: --name-status --diff-filter=R | sort -u | grep -i pages | cut -f2


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    Ignored files in app/assets/stylesheets/ci/, app/assets/stylesheets/pages/, and app/assets/stylesheets/sections/.

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    Manually removed some files. Diff:

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