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  • Author Developer


    Edited by Pedro Moreira da Silva
  • Contributor

    @pedroms I will change the text, A new issue was opened by is better IMO

  • Author Developer

    @zj I wrote this as if the bot was talking to the channel. For example, in $33199 the bot would post: “Here's the only issue I found for…”. Does this make sense to you?

  • Contributor

    Right, that makes sense. Although the missing reference to itself threw me off a bit and to be honest, I just assumed this was an english grammer mistake. I don't have a really strong opinion about this, though.

  • Author Developer

    Maybe “I opened a new issue on behalf of @zj in …” or “I opened a new issue on @zj's behalf in…”, or even “I opened a new issue with @zj's name in…”. I like the second and third options.

    Edited by Pedro Moreira da Silva
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