Add local project uploads cleanup task
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What does this MR do?
Adds a rake task that can list, or delete move to lost-and-found, orphaned local project upload files.
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Example output:
$ sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.671559 #89817] INFO -- : Looking for orphaned project uploads to clean up. Dry run...
E, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.689869 #89817] ERROR -- : Skipping... Unable to parse project upload path: "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/test.out"
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.754259 #89817] INFO -- : Found correct path! /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/qux/foo/bar/89a0f7b0b97008a4a18cedccfdcd93fb/foo.txt
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.755624 #89817] INFO -- : Can be moved to parent: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/foo/bar/89a0f7b0b97008a4a18cedccfdcd93fb/foo.txt
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.760257 #89817] INFO -- : Can be moved to lost and found: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/foo/bar/1dd6f0f7eefd2acc4c2233f89a0f7b0b/image.png
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.764470 #89817] INFO -- : To cleanup these files run this command with DRY_RUN=false
$ sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads DRY_RUN=false
I, [2018-07-27T12:09:24.944414 #89936] INFO -- : Looking for orphaned project uploads to clean up...
E, [2018-07-27T12:09:24.962321 #89936] ERROR -- : Skipping... Unable to parse project upload path: "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/test.out"
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.754259 #89817] INFO -- : Found correct path! /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/qux/foo/bar/89a0f7b0b97008a4a18cedccfdcd93fb/foo.txt
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.755624 #89817] INFO -- : Moved to parent: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/foo/bar/89a0f7b0b97008a4a18cedccfdcd93fb/foo.txt
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.760257 #89817] INFO -- : Moved to lost and found: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/foo/bar/1dd6f0f7eefd2acc4c2233f89a0f7b0b/image.png
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Edited by Michael Kozono
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