GitLab basics overhaul: command line basics
From @rdickenson's video teardown ( of, improve the command line basics page using the following notes:
- It could be thought that this covers GitLab CLI tools.
- Leaps into working on a project, gives no context on what this topic covers. The opening paragraph doesn't really match the title of the topic.
- Might need to mention pre-requisite knowledge required to read this topic. For example, knowing what a clone is.
- Screenshots are out of date.
- Minor grammatical issues.
- Gives the reader choices (SSH vs HTTPS) without really going into the pros and cons of either.
- Not prescriptive enough for beginners.
- In the On the command line section, we discuss commands that our audience is likely already familiar with. If they aren't familiar, they perhaps would use GUIs and GitLab UI.
- We mention cloning in two separate places.
- The first section has no stated outcome. What do you get when you "Start working on your project".
- Sample Git task flow seems out of place for an "Intro to GitLab Basics" section of the docs.
- Perhaps remove the topic altogether? We might already expect our audience to know 95% of this material.
- Or, create a workflow that uses all the commands in context.
Suggestions from video:
- Replace out of date screenshots.
- Fix grammar issues.
- Ensure instructions match current state of UI.
- Given it's a "basics" topic, perhaps go into detail on the SSH one that's easier after configuration.
- Add more introductory information.
- CLI commands should be introduced in context, rather than in a list.
@rdickenson, could you do any refactoring of the bullet lists here you think are neccessary?
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CC @gl-docsteam