Protected Branches - Automatic Pipeline on Push
Pipelines do not automatically trigger when pushing to a protected branch.
We have a few customer repositories that are mirrored from a customer controlled server to a GitLab repo. Pipelines are ran on the GitLab repo, and results are reported back to the origin repo. The repo is mirrored using a deploy key with write access.
Steps to reproduce
Example Project
Customer private project... If necessary I can reproduce on a public repo.
What is the current bug behavior?
Even though all branches are protected, the deploy key can push (which is good for us). However, no pipeline is ran. (undocumented) I also can't trigger one manually (which is documented)
What is the expected correct behavior?
If the deploy key can push, it should also trigger a build.
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Possible fixes
Sorry, no clue.