Once we have successfully added headless Chrome (#30876 (closed)) to our build images, it will open up some new possibilities in our CI pipeline including tools like Google Chrome Lighthouse.
We can use rspec to generate a few static pages (like we do for our karma fixtures), and run lighthouse against them to generate frontend code performance and accessibility evaluations.
This will generate a report that looks like the following:
We'd get useful metrics like "time to first paint" and "time to interactive" based on a simulated 3G data connection on a smartphone. We can also write our own custom metrics to evaluate and write pass/fail rules around these.
Here's a talk at Google I/O from a few weeks ago discussing this topic:
@mikegreiling how much effort would it be to simply set this up for a handful of URLs, I'd nominate the same ones we currently track in our Prometheus-fed blackbox monitoring.
Hmmm... not sure this is the right tool for us. I just ran it on gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/1, and because it chooses to work with a 3G network speed, it took 17 seconds. Full report attached. It does point out that we should specify a network speed for our user-side performance testing.Lighthouse_Report.pdf
You can safely ignore most of the suggestions in the "progressive web app" section. These are targets for websites intended to run as installable apps on android devices, and it's a buzz word google has been pushing recently – twitter.com for instance is a PWA. Most of these metrics are based around assumptions about mobile-first websites with offline-modes and service workers... it doesn't pertain to us.
The "performance" section is very helpful. It displays our "time to interactive" and "first meaningful paint" metrics. As you said this is on a simulated 3G connection, but we could select a different simulated network for our purposes.
These numbers importantly allow us to quantify the improvements we make to our frontend codebase, and we could even write rules around them in our pipelines. For instance we could make a CI pipeline fail if the time to "first meaningful paint" increases past some threshold that we set for ourselves. The first meaningful paint corresponds to the time frame of section 1 and 2 of the graph in #33391 (closed) and the time to interactive is roughly the time encompassing steps 1-4. Lighthouse also allows us to write our own rules and capture our own custom metrics.
Further down in this section, it also reports some changes that can be made to the assets we serve in order to speed up page performance. For instance it cites image sizes and compression techniques here, recommendations to limit render-blocking scripts, and it notes uncompressed assets. Almost all of these suggestions are things noted in #33391 (closed) and #33501 (closed), but even after we address them it is worth having an automated tool like this check them to prevent us from unintentionally regressing in the future.
The "accessibility" section is also valuable as we target improvements to be made for accessibility in gitlab... this is pretty self-explanatory.
Lastly the "best practices" section provides some useful suggestions for security or browser compatibility. For instance I believe we have an issue open regarding the rel="noopener" suggestion.
also, although targeting performance on 3G networks or slow mobile CPUs may not be our primary use case, it is still something worth considering.
for instance #30674 (closed) is an issue opened by a community member comparing our poor mobile performance to that of github. anecdotally, I tend to use the site on mobile devices quite a bit as well
IMO, instead of continuing to build our own thing, integrating lighthouse into CI could be a much nicer solution. As I said, @brycepj had a few really good points on this...
The Chrome team is behind it and there's growing enthusiasm for tooling around it (e.g. big-rig)
Lighthouse's metrics are UX-centric metrics, whereas performance.timings represent more neutral events as they occur during page load. tldr: less work for us to get meaningful, actionable insight
Now that we can see lighthouse log warnings in development, it would be cool to have some parity between what we're monitoring and what we're seeing in the console day-to-day.
We're already going to need to use the chrome debugging protocol to gather feature-specific timings, and lighthouse is built on top of it. Seems smart to be using common APIs across aspects of our monitoring
Taking this approach turns this from something that we could work on for months and would maintain indefinitely to something that can be scheduled for a single milestone and maintains itself (yet still allows us to contribute).
Hmmm.. Doesn't CI feel like a bit of a mismatch for this?
For example, how will we determine which pages to run lighthouse on for a given revision? If we run it for a static set of pages (say, our 10 most used), that's a lot of wasted testing for changes that don't actually affect performance on those pages.
Also, I'm not sure it's a good idea to use it to actually enforce performance with CI either, since there will be pretty wide variance on timings returned in build environments. Can you imagine the transient failures?
Another significant issue is build performance: in the screenshot in this issue's description, you'll see that a couple of fields returned Audit Errors. This happened when I was scripting with Lighthouse locally too. It happens because the tool requires several seconds to collect those metrics. I had to manually tack on a 5 second timeout (in addition to a 10-15 second load time) to give those metrics time to run. Doing this on a large number of pages would be a huge drain on build performance.
In my mind, remote scraping and monitoring (with Prometheus) is still a better fit for pageload type insights that Lighthouse gives than CI. We'd regularly scrape pages we really care about performance for, and export the raw results lighthouse returns into buckets that Prometheus can monitor and alert us in when something goes wrong.
I could see CI being one way of bringing performance closer to our day-to-day work. But now that we can see Lighthouse warnings in our browser consoles, I think encouraging devs to open issues when they see significant warnings would ensure they're getting insights about code they're actually working on.
For example, last week I was working on the MR page, and noticed my log was filling up with warnings.
That's from initTimeagoTimeout being run every second. I've already been pretty skeptical of how we run that code, but now I have a visual representation of the performance impact.
I'll also have the console warnings when I start to fix it, to track whether my changes are improving the problem or not.
All in all, I'm having a hard time seeing the real, actionable value we'd get from adding this to CI that we couldn't achieve with other approaches.
In my mind, remote scraping and monitoring (with Prometheus) is still a better fit for pageload type insights that Lighthouse gives than CI. We'd regularly scrape pages we really care about performance for, and export the raw results lighthouse returns into buckets that Prometheus can monitor and alert us in when something goes wrong.
I agree, having something like Lighthouse run as an external service to ping GitLab.com for performance scores is something we should definitely do, but I don't think both approaches are mutually exclusive. If this were reliable and deterministic, and if this were able to capture useful metrics that would catch regressions in performance best practices or accessibility, I think you'd agree that doing this in CI would have some real value.
The Lighthouse devs have specifically talked about how to run it in CI so it seems that at least some people have found value in it. I think it is at least worth exploring. If the CI job takes excessive time or resources, or is so non-deterministic that it produces wildly varying performance scores that are of no value, then I agree it isn't worth pursuing but we won't know until we try.
For example, how will we determine which pages to run lighthouse on for a given revision? If we run it for a static set of pages (say, our 10 most used), that's a lot of wasted testing for changes that don't actually affect performance on those pages.
Well that's also a general problem with our pipeline config at the moment... why do we run unit tests on our ruby code or test database migrations when we've only made changes to javascript or css? I think we ought to work on something like #26619 (moved) to address that particular concern.
We could also make this a manual build step similar to how we user the "build" CI step currently. That way it would only be triggered on-demand.
Also, I'm not sure it's a good idea to use it to actually enforce performance with CI either, since there will be pretty wide variance on timings returned in build environments. Can you imagine the transient failures?
If the variance is too high to be useful, then I agree there's not any point in doing this. I think there may be ways to mitigate this though. If we can get all of our runners to have the same hardware specs and available resources, it might be fairly reliable.
Another significant issue is build performance: in the screenshot in this issue's description, you'll see that a couple of fields returned Audit Errors. This happened when I was scripting with Lighthouse locally too. It happens because the tool requires several seconds to collect those metrics. I had to manually tack on a 5 second timeout (in addition to a 10-15 second load time) to give those metrics time to run. Doing this on a large number of pages would be a huge drain on build performance.
Some of this is due to the fact that we currently score very low on their performance metrics because our JS bundles are so gigantic and it simulates a 3G data connection while performing these audits. Hopefully when we get our code in a better state this won't be so bad.
@timzallmann and I also discussed the possibility of automating this locally. We could set up a Dockerfile and some scripts similar to our GitLab QA process and allow devs to manually generate lighthouse reports on their local machines in an automated way. That would take care of some of the unpredictability of our CI machines, but still cut down on the complexity of manually running lighthouse locally.
Also we should remember that, if we had the tooling to support it, we can use lighthouse in CI where we want it to fail for some defined rules and can let it pass for anything perf related. For example, there is plenty basic web spec and accessibility enforcement.
In gitlab-com/infrastructure#2106, it is discussed that we should focus on sitespeed.io before working with Lighthouse. My assumption is that the benefits you're expecting to see from using Lighthouse in CI can be had from sitespeed.io as well... true or false?
@tauriedavis I'm not sure if this needs to be in the a11y epic. It's about making it easier to test a11y stuff automatically, but it's not itself an a11y problem.
I'll add it in order to increase visibility, thanks @wispfox! As we break out the epic into smaller epics, we may find we should have one dedicated towards testing a11y
This is a really nice feature that can be added especially because a lot of open source project's websites have terrible performance problems, poor ui etc and this can really help keep the standards up!
the basic thing about this is again generic html reports per build pipeline ... like jenkins has it since years as publisher plugin. pages is a nice step, but i would prefer to have multiple pages ...
It works, the report is saved as artefacts archive. Please, any clue how to add comments directly to pipeline job output? Coz now you have to download artefact unarchive, unzip, open in browser... it would be really nice to see the output directly on pipelines page, something like here (Github + Travis): https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/lighthousebot
Any clue how to do this? Cannot find how :( Thanx!
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