Go get fails with the usage of subgroups
Steps to reproduce
Go get seems not able to fetch the correct path when using subgroups:
$ go get -v xxx.local/a/b/project
Fetching https://xxx.local/a/b/project?go-get=1
Parsing meta tags from https://xxx.local/a/b/project?go-get=1 (status code 200)
get "xxx.local/a/b/project": found meta tag main.metaImport{Prefix:"xxx.local/a/b", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:"https://xxx.local/a/b.git"} at https://xxx.local/a/b/project?go-get=1
get "xxx.local/a/b/project": verifying non-authoritative meta tag
Fetching https://xxx.local/a/b?go-get=1
Parsing meta tags from https://xxx.local/a/b?go-get=1 (status code 200)
xxx.local/a/b (download)
package xxx.local/a/b/project: /home/user/go/src/xxx.local/a/b exists but /home/user/go/src/xxx.local/a/b/.git does not - stale checkout?
The issue here is that the RepoRoot
is wrong, because it points to https://xxx.local/a/b.git
instead of https://xxx.local/a/b/project.git
What works actually without any error is:
$ go get -v xxx.local/a/b/project.git
What is the current bug behavior?
The repo is not go get-able.
What is the expected correct behavior?
It should work with and without the .git
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