(meta) Labels
labels issues in milestones
Part of
(meta) GitLab discussion product development https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/24688
- make it easy to share labels across a group
- make it easy to standardize across the instance
- new projects should get started easily with new labels
- projects should remain individual ability to change labels - no change needed
Labels added to a project should never override existing labels. If a clash occurs, move on and leave the original labels.
- Add the ability to copy labels from another project in the group (even when you already have labels) - solves 1
- Make it possible to adopt global labels, even if you already have labels - solves 2
- When creating a label, provide the option to propagate it to the rest of the projects in the group
- (EE) Set standard labels on a group level - solves 3