Run idea to production on Google Container Engine (GKE)
GKE is powered by Kubernetes, we want to achieve the same as we have right now for Openshift
- Run GitLab on GKE
- Run GitLab Runners on GKE
- Autoscale GitLab Runners on GKE (Improve Helm chart for GitLab with autoscaling CI)
- Be able to integrate GKE / Kubernetes with GitLab
Specific tasks
- GDK cluster setup @ayufan @stanhu
- Postgres, Redis, and GitLab are up and running in GKE (community contribution, @zj @twk3 updated to official docker images)
- Mattermost @pchojnacki @ayufan @WarheadsSE
- Container registry and SSL support @WarheadsSE @zj @ayufan
- GitLab Runner and Deployment support @twk3 @godfat @ayufan
- Kubernetes gitlab-ci.yml @ayufan
- DNS for accessing the demo @WarheadsSE @ayufan @northrup
- Let's encrypt support @WarheadsSE @ayufan
- Ingress for public ports and load balancer on static IP @ayufan @WarheadsSE
- Setup and use GitLab internal registry @ayufan
- Easy install script @ayufan
- Documentation update and demo script update @WarheadsSE @pchojnacki