Full path disclosure when creating a new project
- Title: Full path disclosure when creating a new project
- Types: Information Disclosure
- Link: https://hackerone.com/reports/135934
- Date: 2016-05-03 06:20:55 -0400
- By: strukt
Details: Hello,
There's a full path disclosure bug when creating a new project, if the user tries to import the project from a git URL that doesn't exist, following are the steps to reproduce:
- Login to your GitLab account and go to https://gitlab.com/projects/new, fill in any name for the project.
- Enter http://strukt.tk/bla after clicking "Any repo by URL" in the "Import project from" section, and click "Create Project".
- You will be presented by an error message that says that http://strukt.tk/bla doesn't exist and that "Cloning into bare repository ..." with the full path.