Hard to use issues filters, loose config between pages
Recent user, so maybe I'm missing something, but I find current Gitlab (CE - 8.6.1) behavior very uncomfortable to use, in that the filters on the issue page (which I use most), do not retain their state between page loads. Assume the following scenario:
- display issues for project A
- filter by a given Milestone (Version 1.1) and label (Bug)
- click through one of the issue (, move it to another milestone or close it
Now, unless I'm mistaken, to go back to the list and process the next issue, you can only:
- hit the browser back button -> filters still have their state (Version 1.1 and Bug), but the closed or moved to another milestone issue is still there, because we are just seeing a cached version and the page has not been reloaded
- click on the "Issues" link at the top of the page, or in the left menu bar: in both case, the close or move issue has now been updated, but the filters have lost state, and we have to reselect Milestone and Label to get back to live list.
Could the filters state be preserved in the session, as is usual with CMSes? Going back to the Issues page of a project from another page should retain the filters that were last selected.
Same could apply to:
- Files: store the current folder in session, so as not to have to navigate back to a possibly many clicks away folder
- Commits: retain the selected branch
- Merge requests: retain filters
And of course, the stored state has to be per project.
Thanks for your consideration.