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    I ran the first command in the snippet, then took those migrations and for each ran:

    sudo gitlab-rake db:migrate:down VERSION=$version

    This reverted one migration that shouldn't have been there:

    This is a backport from CE to EE, but reverting the CE migration will remove the column. This should be excluded.

    Doing it this way is also very slow as it invokes gitlab-rake 197 times. It might be easier to do this from a console so we only load the app once.

    Having done that, I installed the 10.8.4-ee package. The migrations on install failed because we squashed some migrations. To fix that, I ran the second command in the snippet, and then rang this in gitlab-psql:

    INSERT INTO schema_migrations VALUES ('$version[0]'), ('$version[1]'), ...;

    The app now booted but failed due to a missing dependency. I don't know what caused this but a gitlab-ctl stop followed by gitlab-ctl start fixed it.

    From there, the app worked for very basic functionality. I didn't test anything advanced, and there were a few small display issues.

    The built-in prometheus was also down, which I didn't debug yet.

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