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Optimize slow pipelines.js response

What does this MR do?

pipelines.js is slow on, because it executes deployable_by_user? for each manual jobs, which contains build.expanded_environment_name.

build.expanded_environment_name is an expensive process. It expands all secret variables in order to get a real environment name. However, we changed lifecycle of deployments in a few months ago, and we can get an environment association through deployment today. Using this association effectively resolves this problem - we don't need to expand secret variables anymore.

There are still expanded_environment_name in somewhere, not only here. We are slowly killing expanded_environment_name in this issue. But for the quick win for, we will use this solution for pipelines.json.

You can check callstack in

How to reproduce the slow response

Reproduced on my local environment.

  1. Create a project
  2. Create 30 secret project-level variables
  3. Commit this .gilab-ci.yml, which has 10 manual jobs
  script: echo 'a'
  when: manual
    name: job_${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}_${CI_NODE_INDEX}
  parallel: 10
  allow_failure: false
  1. Create 20 pipelines
  2. Visit pipelines.json in Pipeline index page or MR page


12.41 sec to render the results

What's the outcome of this fix


12.41 sec to 1.6 sec.

What are the relevant issue numbers?


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Edited by Shinya Maeda

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