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Geo: Minor improvements to Disaster Recovery and Planned Failover docs

Michael Kozono requested to merge mk/geo/improve-failover-docs into master

What does this MR do?

Minor improvements to Disaster Recovery and Planned Failover docs.

  • In the Block primary traffic step, add a step to verify the GitLab UI is blocked. E.g. Verify that you cannot visit the primary in browser
  • In the Block primary traffic step, add a step to verify pushes are blocked. E.g. Verify that pushing a commit fails over HTTP redundant
  • In the Block primary traffic step, add a step to verify pushes are blocked. E.g. Verify that pushing a commit fails over SSH if Git over SSH is enabled
  • In the Allow replication to finish as much as possible step, specify exactly which queues are of most interest This is addressed sufficiently in
  • Add "FYI remember to remove broadcast message" after failover is complete
  • Suggest lowering TTL in the DR doc after preparing for planned failover (this advice is useful for unplanned failovers as well)
  • Reassure that changing the external url won’t prevent access via the secondary url, as long as the secondary DNS records are correct.

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What are the relevant issue numbers?

Resolves #4932 (closed)

Edited by 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖

Merge request reports