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Cleanup fetch and mirror methods

Douwe Maan requested to merge dm-cleanup-fetch-and-mirror-methods-ee into master

In preparation for

CE counterpart:

Before, we had:

Major changes:

  1. Added Repository#fetch_as_mirror, does roughly what Gitlab::Git::Repository#fetch_mirror did but using Repository#fetch_remote
  2. Gitlab::Git::Repository#fetch_mirror: renamed to Gitlab::Git::Repository#fetch_as_mirror_without_shell to prevent confusion
  3. Repository#fetch_geo_mirror: removed, call site now uses Repository#fetch_as_mirror
  4. Gitlab::Git::Repository#fetch: renamed to Gitlab::Git::Repository#fetch_remote_without_shell to prevent confusion
  5. Repository#set_import_remote_as_mirror: absorbed into Repository#set_remote_as_mirror
Edited by Douwe Maan

Merge request reports