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Upload versioned designs through GraphQL

What does this MR do?

This allows uploading designs through GraphQL.

The mutation requires these arguments:

  • fullPath: The path in which we can find the issue for creating designs
  • iid: The iid of the issue in which to upload designs
  • files: An array of files. We expect these to be in the format used by apollo-upload-client which uses this spec for multipart fileupload.

The middleware used for handling the multipart upload an translating the variables is apollo_upload_server

When a file is uploaded, the basename is used for creating a design, when a design for the specified issue did not exist for the filename a new one is created. Otherwise the existing one is used.

When uploading a new file, a new version is created an linked to the design being updated or created.

The files are stored in a repository that lives next to the project repository with the path @hashed/[hash]/[to]/[repo].design.git. The files are not yet stored in LFS, but they should be.

The frontend using this is in

What is not included

The raw endpoint that exposes the uploaded desings, I'll tackle that in a different MR.

What are the relevant issue numbers?

This is part of

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

Edited by Bob Van Landuyt

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