Determine performance delta between branches of MR
With the ability to identify the performance of a specific branch (,, we can now build additional intelligence to help a reviewer determine the impact of a specific MR.
Currently a reviewer would have to sift through the performance results of a CI run, and then either know the current baselines or then also look up the current master. This is a lot of work, and can reduce the likelihood of this information being utilized.
GitLab has the opportunity, with the knowledge of an integrated platform, to automatically compare the two branches and surface the differences. This could be handled similarly to what we do today with Code Quality.
- Ensure the CI performance runs are stored in a common format, for each branch
- Add logic to compare the results from the source branch to the target branch
- Add a new widget on the MR page, to surface these insights
- Potentially add a new rule, that performance cannot degrade by over X% to allow merging
A simple mockup for the GUI could look something like the following: