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  • Amy Qualls's avatar
    Swap the running order of subheadings · d225f283
    Amy Qualls authored
    Move the newer "auto-merge" subheading above "merge when checks pass"
    so we can start building in place in future MRs.
    Expand the description of the checks
    Creates a paraphrased (this is important) list of checks that are
    handled by this feature. I think it important we keep something in
    both the user and API docs, but that means they shouldn't be 1:1
    cognates of each other.
    Swap the running order of subheadings
    Move the newer "auto-merge" subheading above "merge when checks pass"
    so we can start building in place in future MRs.
    Expand the description of the checks
    Creates a paraphrased (this is important) list of checks that are
    handled by this feature. I think it important we keep something in
    both the user and API docs, but that means they shouldn't be 1:1
    cognates of each other.
    rewrite page for future auto-merge state
    rename page to auto_merge
    add redirect page
    add redirect