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Stop nesting storages of Gitaly secondaries

What does this Merge Request do?

There's currently several different storage locations for Gitaly's repositories. We have /repositories for the primary Gitaly node's repositories, /repositories_gitaly-#{i} for additional storages for the primary Gitaly nodes and /repositories/praefect-internal-#{i} for Praefect secondaries' storages. Next to being quite inconsistent, the nested storages of primary node and Praefect secondaries is an unsupported configuration and causes bugs with the praefect reconcile command.

Let's improve the situation and fix the invalid configuration by using a new storage layout of /repository_storages/#{NODE}/#{STORAGE}. Like this, all repositories are nested inside of a single hierarchy, but not nested into each other. In order to keep backwards compatibility with existing setups, we keep the /repositories default for the primary Gitaly node's "default" storage as otherwise people would need to migrate their repositories directory.

The result for a gdk.yml with three storages and three Praefect nodes thus looks like following:

  ├── +gitaly
  └── @hashed
  ├── gitaly
  │   ├── gitaly-1
  │   └── gitaly-2
  ├── praefect-gitaly-1
  │   └── praefect-internal-1
  └── praefect-gitaly-2
      └── praefect-internal-2

Merge Request checklist

  • Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise Issue to follow-up.
  • This change is backward compatible. If not, please include steps to communicate to our users.
  • Documentation added/updated, if needed.
  • gdk doctor test added, if needed.
Edited by Patrick Steinhardt

Merge request reports