Ensure incident response teams can track timestamps in incidents
UX Theme
Ensure incident response teams can track timestamps in incidents
- Incident response teams
Need & JTBD
- I want to review the trends of my incident resolution, so I can track how my response to incidents is evolving over time. (Originally validated job statement.)
- As an incident responder, I can easily record important events during an incident, so that the incident is the single source of truth. (Updated job statement)
- Need: Capture pertinent information in as unobtrusive/easy/accurate way as possible.
Business objective
Incident issue types are a SSOT for what happened (& when) during an incident.
Confidence | Research |
High | Monitor JTBD Validation Survey |
Feature/solution subthemes
Opportunity | Issue link | UX Weight | Workflow status |
Capture incident data | Incident tag MVC | 0 | workflowready for development |
Capture incident data | Capture additional timestamp types | 0 | workflowready for development |
Capture incident data | Clean up presentation of items in incident highlight bar and sidebar | 0 | workflowready for development |
Make incident data actionable | Enable API support for searching and filtering incidents | 0 | workflowready for development |
Make incident data actionable | Capture and display incident duration | 0 | workflowready for development |
Make incident data actionable | Allow sorting by start time on the incident list | 0 | workflowready for development |
Research subthemes
Opportunity | Issue link | Research type |
Capture incident data | Solution validation: Capture incident timestamps | UX solution validation |
Edited by Amelia Bauerly