UX Coverage for Daniel Fosco for 2022-01-14 & 2022-01-17
This issue describes how broader group and team members are facilitating a members of the UX Department to take meaningful time away from work. The intent is that the folks aren't required to "catch-up" before and after taking a well-deserved vacation.


List the priorities that the responsible backups need to cover. Backups can be a peer, your manager, or a peer/manager in a different department (e.g. product manager).
Responsibilities include reviewing merge requests, responding to UX related questions, providing feedback related to inflight development work, or responding to Slack inquiries.
Priority | Responsibility | Link | Primary backup DRI | Secondary backup DRI |
HIGH | Reviewing Merge Requests | MRs with Daniel as reviewer | @katiemacoy | @rayana |
MEDIUM | Respond to (urgent) team requests/questions in Slack |
#ux_ci-cd or #s_release
@katiemacoy | @rayana |

Coverage Tasks

Ongoing tasks that need to be covered will be listed under workflow::design
in Release team's Plan board. Those might require responding to UX-related questions and comments.
Total MR Reviews expected during coverage period: 2
Task | Type | DRI | Notes |
Show badge indicating the latest deployment | Ongoing MR Review | @katiemacoy | Ongoing MR that needs reviewing |
Add deployment status badge | Ongoing MR Review | @katiemacoy | This is an ongoing MR that has already been reviewed by me, but might need another pass! |
Restructure Release JTBDs (gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!95913 - merged) | Ongoing MR | @katiemacoy | An ongoing MR that I'm the owner of -- shouldn't need any review or contribution from you, but adding for visibility |

Parked tasks

Larger responsibilities that aren't moving forward until I return can be found on Release's 14.7 Planning issue or plan board. They have been scheduled with this PTO in mind, and are expected to be finished within the milestone regardless.
The MRs below are parked, and won't be worked on this milestone (14.7):
Task | Type | DRI | Notes |
Draft: Add environment object page (gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com!2443 - closed) | Ongoing MR (parked) | @dfosco | Open MR not being worked on this milestone |
Draft: feat(Layout): Add Content Reflow page (gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com!2667 - closed) | Ongoing MR (parked) | @dfosco | Open MR not being worked on this milestone |


Here are some references for how I and my group generally works:
- Release Group UX
- Release Group Planning
- Release Group
- Deployment Direction
How I run UX MR Reviews for Release features

Issue Tasks

Opening Tasks

- Assign to yourself
Title the issue
UX Coverage for YOUR-NAME from XXXX-XX-XX until XXXX-XX-XX
Add an issue comment for your retrospective titled:
:recycle: Retrospective Thread
- Add any relevant references including direction pages, ux handbook pages, etc
- Fill in the Responsibilities table with broad based responsibilities
- Fill in the specific Coverage Tasks with distinct items to complete and assignees
- Assign to anyone with a specific task or responsibility assigned to them
- Share this issue in your section, stage and group Slack channels
- Ensure your PTO Ninja auto-responder points team members to this issue

Closing Tasks

- Assign back to yourself and remove others
- Review any Retrospective items with your counterparts and manager