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Add auto-cancel for pending pipelines on branch, if they are not HEAD
What does this MR do?
Decrease entropy in Gitlab universe
First iteration for #8998 (closed)
Adds option "Auto-cancel pending pipelines" in "CI/CD Pipelines" project settings tab: when checkbox checked, all pending non-HEAD pipelines will be canceled by system, automatizing scenario:
1. "User creates pipeline for branch" / "User pushes commit to gitlab" 2. User goes to pipelines index page and cancel unnecessary (only pending) pipelines.
target: '_blank'
to doc links in "CI/CD Pipelines" project settings tab -
, extractingexecute_service
- Pipeline list:
Tooltip on canceled status badge
- MR widget/commit widget:
Pipeline #12345678 was auto-canceled.. etc
Hovering over the words auto-canceled
will bring the same tooltips
- Pipeline page:
Tooltip on canceled status badge
- Pipeline graph job node:
has improved tooltip with auto-canceled
(not anything else)
- Mini pipeline graph stage and job status icons
has improved tooltip with auto-canceled
(not anything else)
- Job list
Tooltip on canceled status badge
- Job list in pipeline view
Tooltip on canceled status badge
- Job view
Tooltip on canceled status badge
Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
Why was this MR needed?
Many reasons are discussed here #8998 (closed)
Screenshots (if relevant)
Option in CI/CD Pipelines Project settings tab:
Pipeline list:
Pipeline page:
Job list:
Job view:
Job list in pipeline view:
Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
Changelog entry added -
Documentation created/updated -
API support added - Tests
Added for this feature/bug -
All builds are passing
Conform by the merge request performance guides -
Conform by the style guides -
Branch has no merge conflicts with master
(if it does - rebase it please) -
Squashed related commits together
What are the relevant issue numbers?
Merge request reports
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