Project 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce' was moved to 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
fix LDAP omniauth regression (Closes: #22357)
fix LDAP omniauth regression (Closes: #22357 (closed))
fix LDAP omniauth regression (Closes: #22357 (closed))
Added ~164274 label
Thanks @onlyjob!
Added ~149423 ~14979 labels
Milestone changed to %8.12
Reassigned to @rymai
Status changed to merged
Mentioned in commit bb8a41b2
Mentioned in issue #22556 (closed)
Picked into 8-12-stable
, will go into 8.12.2
Removed ~149423 label
Mentioned in commit bf33184d