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Load dashboards from project's git repository

Simon Knox requested to merge 59974-multidash into master

What does this MR do?

Closes #59974 (closed)

Checks dashboard param from querystring. If it exists, pass that to the metrics_dashboard endpoint.

Example URL for custom: http://localhost:3001/root/metrics/environments/36/metrics?dashboard=.gitlab/dashboards/super.yml

Depends on .gitlab/dashboards/super.yml file existing in repo. I copied contents from spec/fixtures/lib/gitlab/metrics/dashboard/sample_dashboard.yml

Feature flags to enable:

echo 'Feature.enable(:environment_metrics_use_prometheus_endpoint)' | bundle exec rails c
echo 'Feature.enable(:environment_metrics_show_multiple_dashboards)' | bundle exec rails c



Edited by Jose Ivan Vargas

Merge request reports