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Add an option to close issues when merging to non-default branches:

What does this MR do?

This merge request adds a project option to configure when to close issues when merging branches. e.g. when I merge to a feature-branch, I might want to close the issue, even if the feature branch is not the default branch.

The setting is available under Project Settings > Merge requests. Options are available for 'default branch', 'protected branches', 'all branches' and 'none'.

This is an implementation of issue gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#39454 and gitlab-org/gitlab-ee#2436, as specified in

Database checklist

  • Conforms to the database guides
    NOTE: I add a non-null column with a default. This is similar if not the same as the direct predecessor migration (20190130091630_add_local_cached_markdown_version.rb) except the table being changed, but I am not certain whether or not this is the right way. Please advise.

When adding migrations:

  • Updated db/schema.rb
  • Added a down method so the migration can be reverted (db:migrate:down worked for me as-is)
  • Added the output of the migration(s) to the MR body
  • (n/a) Added tests for the migration in spec/migrations if necessary (e.g. when migrating data)

General checklist

Closes gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#39454 gitlab-org/gitlab-ee#2436

/cc @rpaik @dplanella

migration output:

== 20190213141430 AddMergeIssueClosingPreference: migrating ===================
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- execute("SET statement_timeout TO 0")
   -> 0.0005s
-- transaction()
-- add_column(:projects, :merges_close_issues, :string, {:default=>nil})
   -> 0.0019s
-- change_column_default(:projects, :merges_close_issues, "default")
   -> 0.0055s
   -> 0.0092s
-- transaction_open?()
   -> 0.0000s
-- exec_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM \"projects\"")
   -> 0.0014s
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1")
   -> 0.0008s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 1 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0009s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 1 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 3")
   -> 0.0121s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 3 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0010s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 3 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 5")
   -> 0.0018s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 5 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0009s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 5 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 7")
   -> 0.0017s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 7 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0008s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 7 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 9")
   -> 0.0020s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 9 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0011s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 9 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 11")
   -> 0.0019s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 11 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0007s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 11 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 13")
   -> 0.0014s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 13 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0007s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 13 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 15")
   -> 0.0014s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 15 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0007s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 15 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 17")
   -> 0.0017s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 17 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0009s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 17 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 19")
   -> 0.0016s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 19 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0007s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 19 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 21")
   -> 0.0015s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 21 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0008s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 21 AND \"projects\".\"id\" < 23")
   -> 0.0015s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- exec_query("SELECT  \"projects\".\"id\" FROM \"projects\" WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 23 ORDER BY \"projects\".\"id\" ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2")
   -> 0.0007s
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
Arel performing automatic type casting is deprecated, and will be removed in Arel 8.0. If you are seeing this, it is because you are manually passing a value to an Arel predicate, and the `Arel::Table` object was constructed manually. The easiest way to remove this warning is to use an `Arel::Table` object returned from calling `arel_table` on an ActiveRecord::Base subclass.

If you're certain the value is already of the right type, change `attribute.eq(value)` to `attribute.eq(` (you will be able to remove that in Arel 8.0, it is only required to silence this deprecation warning).

You can also silence this warning globally by setting `$arel_silence_type_casting_deprecation` to `true`. (Do NOT do this if you are a library author)

If you are passing user input to a predicate, you must either give an appropriate type caster object to the `Arel::Table`, or manually cast the value before passing it to Arel.
-- execute("UPDATE \"projects\" SET \"merges_close_issues\" = 'default' WHERE \"projects\".\"id\" >= 23")
   -> 0.0014s
-- change_column_null(:projects, :merges_close_issues, false)
   -> 0.0014s
-- execute("RESET ALL")
   -> 0.0004s
== 20190213141430 AddMergeIssueClosingPreference: migrated (0.0717s) ==========
Edited by Matthias van de Meent

Merge request reports