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Add local markdown version

Jan Provaznik requested to merge local-markdown-version into master

What does this MR do?

Adds local markdow version. This version is stored in DB (application settings) and it can be bumped by admins when necessary to enforce re-rendering cached texts.

To assure that markdown cache is invalidated when either of hardcoded or local markdown versions are increased, final cached version is now combined (bitshifted) from both.

cached_markdown_version column in DB has 4 bytes (integer), supposing that both hardcoded and local versions are 2 bytes, we can keep using the existing column - for this reason local_markdown_version is limited to to 0-65535.

omnibus-gitlab!3031 (merged) adds a note about this to external_url on omnibus side.

What are the relevant issue numbers?


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Edited by Jan Provaznik

Merge request reports